
dhales76 Posts: 1 Member
Hi there...looking for some support buddies. Anyone else out there have a Lapband? i just got one in April. Thanks!


  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 105 Member
    I have a Lapband. I'm currently in the process of trying to "startover" it is sooo hard, because I feel so unmotivated, but I know that I must.I'm going to make plans here real so to get a fill so that I can start over again. This tool here that I am using online has been so benefical, it is opeing up my eyes to me and my eating habits. I hope a month from now, I am doing better.

    Best Wishes to you and the new tool that you have in better than me...keep up with yourself and your'll do much better!
  • joypaslov
    joypaslov Posts: 4
    Hi, I just got my lap band on May 8. Starting to eat real food. Restaurants are exciting and nerve wracking. I am excited to find someone else on this journey. I was 260 and 5 ft 8 in. and I have lost 20 lb. The doctor upped my caloric intake to 1000/day and I am losing nothing for over one week even though I am within the calorie restrictions. I like to bicycle, but traveling this week has not been good for that.
  • Tarrybme
    Tarrybme Posts: 4 Member
    Hello...I have just started my 3 month medical supervised diet. I am hoping to get approved for the lapband around August/September. I am excited and nervous at the same time.
  • monicacallahan2011
    monicacallahan2011 Posts: 8 Member
    Not exactly what you were looking for, but I had the Gastric Sleeve surgery in April as well! How are things going for you?
  • Same here. I'm trying to kickstart things two years after getting a lapband. I've fallen into the trap of eating slider foods. I'm hoping this app will help.
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
  • jeanbec29
    jeanbec29 Posts: 1 Member
    I had lapband surgery Jan 2010 and only down 60+ lbs. It has been a slow journey for me, but i like that it is going down as opposed to up or even worse....yoyo! I love this app for my phone and the website.
  • Lillymc2
    Lillymc2 Posts: 1
    Hi I'm looking to meet some new friends that have had the lapband. I recently just had my lap band surgery May 23rd so it's still pretty new, right now I'm on Phase 1 the Pureed Diet yuck!! I'm looking for any tips and suggestions on anyone's story anyone who is willing to help me out and keep me motivated.

  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 105 Member
    I totally understand where most of everyone is! I really do! If any of you want to be support bud's just send a request my way! Thats what we are here for!!
  • Ailly28
    Ailly28 Posts: 3

    My GI has been talking to me about considering lapband surgery or gastric bypass... but I'm scared and trying to avoid it. Does it make a big difference? Is it hard?
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I've had my lap band since December, and have lost 37 pounds with it so far (lost 45 pounds before surgery). The only advice I really have is to take it slow, don't worry too much if things stall, just keep going and REALLY change your thinking and use the tool as just that...a TOOL, not a solution! <3
    LAVONNE88 Posts: 1
    I have had my Band for 3 years next month. I lost 84 lbs but I am up 8 lbs right now. Been eating many slider foods with my grandchildren. Started today trying to get on track again. I love my Band best thing I ever did for myself.

  • srosado58
    srosado58 Posts: 1
    I got my band April 15th and I have lost 35 pounds so far. This is such a personal decision and I decided to this since nothing else worked for me. The band isn't the cure it is a tool. You can be very successful or very unsuccessful with all depends on how committed you are to changing your relationship with food.
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 105 Member

    My GI has been talking to me about considering lapband surgery or gastric bypass... but I'm scared and trying to avoid it. Does it make a big difference? Is it hard?

    Do your research....but remember once you sign up for is life changing...but I didn't want gastic bypass...way to dangerous! Lots of complications! But, with any surgery there are complications! So, honey do your reseach and make the best decison for yourself!
    Good Luck!
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 105 Member
    I got my band April 15th and I have lost 35 pounds so far. This is such a personal decision and I decided to this since nothing else worked for me. The band isn't the cure it is a tool. You can be very successful or very unsuccessful with all depends on how committed you are to changing your relationship with food.

  • babymamma4
    babymamma4 Posts: 7 Member
    I wan banded in April...Before and after I have lost 70 lbs.
  • babymamma4
    babymamma4 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey girl, I was banded in April too...LOVE it!
  • annebubbles
    annebubbles Posts: 83 Member
    About 6 years ago I had a friend who was considering a gastric by-pass & asked me to give her a ride to the clinic. I got curious & went to one of the open meetings for information. then I got scared. SO....I joined a weight loss clinic & payed about $1000 dollars to be "medically supervised" while losing weight. I did lose about 45 lbs. I then continued my "low carb-low fat-high protein" diet on my own. durring this time I walked aprox. one hour/ 5 times a week. I lost a total of 65 pounds! I was down to 189 pounds at that point & felt so good about myself that I felt "NORMAL" & i looked "normal". SO.....I stopped my diet & walking after a while. I don't know. I was working & just bought a house & was feeling great about everything. SO....I started eating & not walking.
    In 2011 I went to my doctor for a pain medication (I have chronic degenerative disk disease in my neck & arthritis in my upper back), durring my visit my doctor asks me about my high blood pressure. I said, "I only have high blood pressure because I am fat. I don't have it when I weigh less." She then asked me if I had ever thought of a LAP-BAND. THAT was a great turning point in my life...
    My medical dr. referred me to a dietitian & then to a gastric surgeon. I started using My Fitness Pal right around the same time. I found MFP while looking for a game ap on my moble device. (THANK GOD) I was told by the surgeon I would have to lose 10% of my body weight PRIOR to my surgery. I have lost 35 pounds now!
    I am scheduled to have my LAP-BAND in about one month (nine days before my 52nd birthday). this is going to be my gift to myself; "the diet I won't quit". I am nervous & started seeing a therapist last month. I went initially because the Ins. Co. makes you get a psychological evaluation before they install a lap-band, but I want to continue seeing her because I am sure I will have some days that will be really hard to live with in my future & I have other issues I want to improve other than my food issues.
    I have MFPs that are family, strangers & other lap-banders. This is my life & I want to make the most of it.
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    Hello Everyone

    I just celebrated my one year surgery anniversary last week. I log everything and would be happy to have more friends who are lapbanders! Add me if you like
  • hhamilton1203
    hhamilton1203 Posts: 43 Member
    I had my lap band surgery 8 months ago and am almost to goal.. let me know if you have any questions or need to talk. feel free to add me..