I am a mom to 3 (15, 13, 9) Need some support :) NEW to MFP

Hi I am a mom to three and would really like some support....I feel like the more support you get the better you will do. :wink:
I really don't want to mess up or give up.


  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    im here to support and i also need the support, i aaalllways have given up and messed up :( and i really dont want to, so i know the feeling, im a mum of 2 :)
  • MrsValentine
    MrsValentine Posts: 85 Member
    You can add me..I'm also a mom of 3..
  • Mbeaza
    Mbeaza Posts: 5
    Thanks guys. I really don't want to give up either.
  • jayrdubya
    jayrdubya Posts: 12
    I'm also a mother of 3. My kids are 8, 11 and 13. We can do this. One day at a time!
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a mum of two cats that's about it ha ha.

    Feel free if u want to add me as a friend for support :)
  • girltrvlr
    girltrvlr Posts: 12
    Hi there, I am fairly new on here. I am a mom to 4 and trying to lose the extra baby weight from our last addition who came last Dec.
  • phatmama
    phatmama Posts: 3
    hi! mom of 3 ....8,2,1 all boys...been off and on this site for years...ive lost a total of 52 pounds since my last child. I am getting down to my last 20 pounds or so and it has been VERY difficult...bottom line is to work out as much as possible and count every calorie...lick bite and taste. I notice everytime i give a cracker to the kids i take one for myself...a bite of mac n cheese...a nugget...you must count everything especially when you get down to your last 10 or 20

    good luck!