
Ok, I know I said that I wouldn't stress over the number on the scale, but WTF!!!!!

I have been on this sight since August. I have been exercising. All kinds, I like to keep it fresh so my body and mind don't get bored. Jillian, and Bob workouts, pilates, running, walking, housework, yardwork, etc... I rarely sit......
This past week I decided I was weighing myself too much, it almost became a reason to cheat is I was down or up. I committed to only a weekly weigh in. I even hide my scale.
I completely cut out white bread, only whole grain or wheat for me now. I have already done this move with pasta's.
I am only down 1 pound this week, a total of 8 pounds since August.... I am never going to make my first goal by the end of November now:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :explode:

Trying to keep the faith. I know God has grand things in store for me and I need to patient for his timing, but come on:ohwell:


  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    1 lb loss in a week is GREAT!!!! quit beating yourself up!!! :flowerforyou:
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    I also feel like it's going slow (just over 7 lbs in 8 weeks), but everyone keeps reminding me that it's the healthy way to do it. I know it can be frustrating when you work so hard and want to see dramatic results, but 1 pound per week is normal, so you should feel proud of yourself for sticking to it! Remember...slow and steady wins the race.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I read your profile about your surrogacy, and I just wanted to say what a wonderful gift that was for you to give. I had never thought of it before. :flowerforyou:

    I wish I had good weight loss advice to give you, but I have none. I was on a plateau for almost a year myself. I wish you luck and hope you stick with it. No matter what, you are healthier now and teaching your kids healthier eating habits, which is worth the effort. :flowerforyou:
  • PureAndHealthy
    Weight fluctuates (as you know) so keep up your hard work and see where you are next week. You're doing the right things and WOO HOO for down another pound!!!! :drinker: Think of it that way!
  • koalasue
    koalasue Posts: 52 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Keep it up. There will be weeks that you lose 2 to 3 pounds or maybe just a half of pound but hey celebrate the success even if it is little at least you didn't gain the 8 back. The slower you lose the less likely you would be to put it back on. It is unhealthy to lose alot and one time. Sounds like you are doing well. Keep it up!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I read your profile about your surrogacy, and I just wanted to say what a wonderful gift that was for you to give. I had never thought of it before. :flowerforyou:

    It was a wonderful experience, for myself and my family. Very overwhelming to think about all the lives that have been touched by this gift. Teh parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even their spouses some day. God has many blessing for us all. Glad God used me for this blessing.
  • dc4220
    1 pound a week is awesome gf!!!!!!!

    I was doing that at the beginning (I've been here since early in the year lost a total of 15 with 5 more to go - couldn't have done it without MFP) and then realized I had plateaued over the summer. My fitness instructor suggested upping the cardio (now do hill sprints at least 4-5 times a week in the morning), cutting out the dairy as much as poss and staying away from processed foods. Pasta and even whole grains breads are really created by us with flours (ie processed in a way) and also pack a lot of cals. I have been trying this and have managed to lose a few more pounds (sweet!)....just a thought if you want to try it.

    If you do it slowly you won't even miss it....I NEVER in a millions years thought I could drink my coffee black but now I can't imagine putting that creamer in anymore LOL YUCK. I get my grains whole either snacking or on salads etc...some nuts, seeds etc to limit cals and still get the nutrition. BTW...I still eat a muffin or bagel or slice of pizza here and there :tongue: ...I never feel as if I deprive myself and just love the way I feel.

    Keep up the great work.... :flowerforyou:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Thanks everyone, I know I need to focus on the positive and let go of the negative. They are just lies I continue to tell myself....

    I must say that if I would forget about the scale, I feel GREAT!!!! Yesterday I put on a shirt I haven't been able to wear since I bought it... My jeans look good and the tire roll over the top is almost GONE. My arms and legs are tone and I am building great lifestyle energy.... ( I guess this is why I thought I would see a nice jump this week)

    Again I need to look at Psalm 139: 23-24 to remind me of what my focus is for my life and my family.

    Search me, O God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    Point out anything in me that offends you,
    and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

    Oh Lord, Please lead my life!!!!!!!

    God Bless everyone