Wii fit?



  • JenS_1678
    JenS_1678 Posts: 27
    Thanks for everyone's responses! I'll definitely be giving it a try. I'm glad more people have tried this out before. I know it's not a super intense workout, I'm just looking for something to do until I can work up the courage to go out running and get some more intense cardio.
  • ernestruss
    ernestruss Posts: 10 Member
    I think the will will ovr out. I to live in a apartment and can't jump aroung. So I got the ps3 work out and the ps3 bowling. It does work. I also do alot of slow walking. between 3 to 7 miles aday. Rememger it took awhile for my weight to come on and it will take longer to come off. So plesae keep trying. :love:
  • Marcel7
    Marcel7 Posts: 52 Member
    I really like the Wii Fit. My wife, AngelikaLumiere and I lost most of our weight (over 100 lbs each) over a one year span using the Wii Fit. Believe it or not, the hoola hoop is the send best calorie burning exercise on the Wii Fit, next to jogging/running. I also recommend that you do the daily body test and weigh yourself. Even though I most run outside now, I still do the daily body test to keep track of my weight and BMI. Have fun!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    It is a great exercise starting point. both for balance activities and for cardio. I kept having to make it to the next level and find all the baloons, and beat my last score on the bike riding one. Now I am doing the running. I like biking better because you can choose your route and bike all around the island, learning new short cuts.
    YUP lost my first 30 pounds that way and thought it was great fun. When I get tired of it, EA Sports is on my list.
  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    I like the Wii Fit but I don't usually use if for working out. I use it to track my weight daily and find that it is really accurate. I like seeing my little graph go down :)
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    I prefer the Wii fit Plus - because you can make up your exercise routines and keep going one after the other with muscle workouts or yoga or combine things. One at a time, it's not enough as there are too many pauses in between. It's fun tho!!!!

    I know what you mean about living in apartment tho! There are very few where you'd be jumping around tho and the downstairs ceiling would shake (like jogging) - most are great fun. My kids love it too, especially the balance games!! I have to say the yoga and the strength training really challenged me when I first started. :) Go for it, especially if your bf has it collecting dust!

    Nothing to lose but pounds and nothing to gain but tons of fun!
  • I got my Wii one year ago last Christmas. I got Wii Active and Wii Fit with it. My reasons for getting it was incase my life got to hetic to where I could not go to my Gym. Then I took and got the Biggest Loser Games. So Yes, I enjoy Wii fit.
  • I have used the Wii Fit since last summer and love it. When I first started it kicked my butt doing even the easy exercises but soon found that I had to increase to advanced or increase the minutes to get a good workout. I couldn't do the run for more than a minute when I first started and now can do the island run without stopping. Also not gasping for air like when I first started. I even had to buy the Wii step riser because just the balance board eventually wasn't high enough. I got the riser that converts from 4 inches to 6 inches and it made a big difference. I ride my bike when the Wii Fit that I didn't have any trouble at all riding when summer came and now can do over 7 miles without stopping. So...in my opinion the Wii Fit is excellent.