seltzer water

jodi8785 Posts: 29 Member
is seltzer water just as good as flat water? I find myself having a hard time drinking a lot of water, and I don't like artificial sweeteners, like crystal lite and the like. I don't like putting that in my body anyway so I was wondering what peoples opinion was of seltzer water?


  • robinmltn
    robinmltn Posts: 11
    I don't think there is anything wrong with seltzer water...I like to get the 1L bottles and try to drink it before it starts to get flat, which helps me to definitely drink more of it. However, I'm not sure it should replace flat water as your main source of hydration. Sometimes it can make me feel bloated and gassy, but it's definitely a great alternative if you need something flavored or are craving soda.
  • jodi8785
    jodi8785 Posts: 29 Member
  • ShortyBaja
    I don't know about Seltzer water but I like to fill a water bottle with ice, water, a lemon wedge and an orange wedge. It gives it just enough flavor without being too anything. I'm with you on the Crystal Light. Yuck!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Love seltzer and drink it quite often. I actually would consider it an adequate replacement for regular water if you don't like plain water. But, I'm no nutritionist.
  • jodi8785
    jodi8785 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know about Seltzer water but I like to fill a water bottle with ice, water, a lemon wedge and an orange wedge. It gives it just enough flavor without being too anything. I'm with you on the Crystal Light. Yuck!

    that sounds good! I'll try that :) thanks!
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    Seltzer water is how I gave up drinking sugared soda. I drink it every day. If you decide you really like it, and you have room, consider getting a home seltzer maker. I've had mine for years and I still use it every day.