Diet, fitness, weight, body fat...

Okay so I'd been using the MyFitnessPal app to lose a little more than 10 pounds- I'm not sure- my scale is in kilograms lol
Anyway- I recently joined LA Fitness and they gave me a complimentary personal trainer session.
First they took my body fat %- I have a 34% of body fat- and then she went on to ask me how much body fat I wanted to lose- I told her that I wanted to get down to 20%. What she then told me is that I would need to put on about 20 pounds of muscle. The only way I could do this was to increase my meals. She said that after every time that I work out I need to eat a post work out snack in order to replenish my muscles and help build new muscle. I went to see the personal trainer- and eating 1600 calories I had been able to lose steadily- but when I told the personal trainer, she told me I needed to eat at least as much of my body weight times ten- at the time it was 187 X 10- 1870 + another hundred calories or so for exercise. So she taught me a really good workout- and now whenever I go to the gym I do a variation of that workout- and even though I'm only really doing weight and self body exercises, I'm like-super disgustingly sweaty- lol
Anyway- the point is- in 4 days I went from 83.4 kg to 84.6 kg. I've upped my caloric intake from 1590 to 1880.... I know I've always heard muscle weighs more than fat- but 1lb of muscle and one pound of fat- are the same- a pound- it's just that muscle is more dense. Could I have really gained over two pounds of fat over these four days- (having increased my intake it would be around 3700 calories over two days)- or could I have gained muscle? I started measuring myself on Wednesday- but I don't know if I should measure myself again before next week Wednesday??
I'm sorry I'm just really confused, and I would really appreciate it if someone could let me know what's going on.

Thanks in Advance :D


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    You are letting yourself get nervous over a four day time span of working out. Its not necessary..... so dont become part of the problem....

    If you work out, you will always appear to have gained because of the swelling associated with applying exercise to muscles...
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    Also, your body retains water after an intense strength workout. I tend to gain a lb or so after I weight train.
  • BrokenButterfly
    It takes about 2 weeks + of working out for the exercise gains to go away. It is frustrating but stop obsessing over the numbers. Working out is always good.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    You are going to have some water weight going up and down. You may not always see the scale moving, but you'll notice in your waistline and how sleek and lean your arms are starting to look. I mean I always do strength 2x a week and have a snack after but I don't consume that many calories... Honestly everyone is going to say something different. Just make sure your drinking a lot of water!
  • sailorsiren13
    I only measure once a month so that i'm not disappointed. If after a couple of weeks you still aren't seeing any scale or Nsv's you can always change your diet back! :smile:
  • johncole90
    johncole90 Posts: 23
    Could be since you are eating more its just the extra food weight in your body and will even out in a while.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    You are letting yourself get nervous over a four day time span of working out. Its not necessary..... so dont become part of the problem....

    If you work out, you will always appear to have gained because of the swelling associated with applying exercise to muscles...

    plus just sodium, muscle repair and the associated water retention can account for a kilo or more in a person your weight.
    To me, from reading your story, it is more important that you decide that is what you want to do and make the commitment.
    Putting on muscle and taking off weight at the same time is virtually impossible. That being said, if you are new to strength training, you can make major advances in definition and inches and lose weight at the same time. As they say however, 80% of it is in the kitchen, and that is a general truth. Training for life...... kind of keeps things in perspective for me.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    you didn't gain muscle or gained water weight, which is your muscles' way of protecting/repairing themselves. once you're accustomed to the exercises, it will go away. don't focus on the scale (or even GET on it) when you're changing your routine, as this will always happen. take measurements every week or two. you WILL see a difference. measurements and body fat are what really count. i would rather be 140 and fit/toned than 120 and flabby any day :wink:
  • JPM001
    JPM001 Posts: 3
    Wow- I didn't expect this many responses- or any even- lol

    Thanks so much everybody! You guys are all aweome! ^^

    I'm gonna keep training hard- and I'm gonna keep eating well and making all my meals- I'm also gonna try not to worry so much about it- ><

    Thanks again so much! :D:D:D:D