Any moms of pre-teens?



  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Single mom of a 12 year old .. who is very good at being 12. Some days he is so sweet and "my son" and others .. he is his fathers. lol.

    Cute story .. my son is starting to get "hair" in places .. under his arms etc. He comes out to me one day and says .. uh mom, I think I have a problem .. I said whats wrong? He goes I have hair on my .. boy area .. what is wrong with me??? Desperately trying to not laugh, I explained why he has hair down there and he looks at me and exclaims .. IS THERE ANYWHERE ELSE I SHOULD EXPECT HAIR TO GROW????

    It was so funny.

    Our son has asked my hubby questions about that too. My hubby was bright-red while answering. I felt his uncomfortableness. :laugh:
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    I've got just turned 13 year-old girl, an almost 10 year-old boy and a 3 year old boy. I feel your pain!

    My daughter has had her door removed SEVERAL times for slamming, AFTER I make her open and close it quietly 100 times :laugh: The eye rolls don't happen (when I'm in the room) because she knows I'd knock them out of her face.

    The 9 year old has developed the habit of throwing the bird when he thinks I'm not looking. Still working on a good "come back" for that one. Right now he just loses everything he owns and has to earn it back. Once he gets it all back he does it again and round and round we go. :ohwell:

    The 3 year old still thinks I'm the coolest person on the planet, so he's good for now.:drinker:

    I'm also VERY uncool. When they tell me this frequently I've been known to SHOW how "uncool" I am, I have shown up at their schools in my "Mu-Mu & Curlers" outfit and called them out of class just to say hi. Tagged notes to their back pack for teachers. Shown up at lunch to bring them weird treats that they "forgot" to bring for lunch (anyone for some boiled cabbage or pickled pigs feet?! :laugh: )

    So far their good moments outweigh the bad. But if you ask them "Does Mommy love you?" they will answer without a pause, "Only when we're SLEEPING!!" :laugh: :laugh:
  • BioaerosolDoc
    BioaerosolDoc Posts: 5 Member
    I got a good laugh out of this thread.... my daughter just turned 12 on the 5th of this month, and if 12 is as bad as everybody says it is, we're gonna have some major issues. I'm a single parent, and she already tells her friends that she loves her mean mom. LOL
  • lucythinmint
    lucythinmint Posts: 239
    I have a 12 year old girl (13 in October), a 10 year old boy and an almost 9 year old boy.
    Being my child, and the fact that she is a little version of myself, I was worried. She is not that bad, most likely because I am still worse. :wink: She gets a little mouthy with Dad because she can now look him in the eye, but since I'm taller than both, it stops there.
    I insist on open communication, even when you are angry. the poster earlier who stated that one day you will be "best friends" I have not spoken to my mother in years so I work very had to ensure that they same thing does not happen with my daughter.
    Because of this, she is pretty free with her opinions:grumble: about everything.

    The boys are not bad at all, they fight with each other over "who took my toy" and compare lack of hairs on their parts. :huh: I may change my mind in 2 years but for now that's where I stand.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Single mom of a 12 year old .. who is very good at being 12. Some days he is so sweet and "my son" and others .. he is his fathers. lol.

    Cute story .. my son is starting to get "hair" in places .. under his arms etc. He comes out to me one day and says .. uh mom, I think I have a problem .. I said whats wrong? He goes I have hair on my .. boy area .. what is wrong with me??? Desperately trying to not laugh, I explained why he has hair down there and he looks at me and exclaims .. IS THERE ANYWHERE ELSE I SHOULD EXPECT HAIR TO GROW????

    It was so funny.

    Hahaha love this! My 13 yo has been sprouting hairs here and there for a while and he is so proud to tell me he has new ones. Of course then I pretend to be mortified that my baby is growing up. "Look mom look!! theres more now! hahahaha Im a man " .....In a way i am sad...My baby is now a teen.
    He is rarely moody, but everything has to be debated all the time, and of course he has to be right....this gets old fast
    My baby girl on the other boy, She's nine going on 16 fast. I think she was hormonal from the moment she turned 6 lol She is sweet as pie and all cuddles one minute, then she hates me, I'm evil bad mom and she stomps to her room and slams the door....And the two of them together, sigh....i feel like a referee some days.
    teen years should be interesting :grumble:
  • nazashi
    nazashi Posts: 93 Member
    I am mom to 2 girls (11 and 8) and one 3y.o boy.
    My eldest is the first granddaughter on both sides plus was a very precious pregnancy
    (came close to losing her many times then ).As a result she is very much loved/wee bit spoilt!
    We have been having fights since she was abt 3 and I've been dreading the teenage years for a
    long time!
    Surprisingly I feel she's a leetle bit steady and more responsible ths year!(maybe it's
    because she just wrote an essay that her role model is!)
    Anyway she's the light of our lives and may god grant me the wisdom to
    do this job right!
  • julie9200
    julie9200 Posts: 62 Member
    My boys are 16 and 13. My daughter is 11. Challenging times!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I have a 12 yr old daughter and 11 year old son...both can be little buggers esp. when they are tag teaming

    I am pretty lucky so far (mood wise) but my son is def. the moodier of the two. We just keep out of his way until he comes around (not a morning person at all) and he knows that if he gets too snarky, he'll get my boot up his *kitten*.

    All in all though, I've gotta say, they are pretty good. :)
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I've got just turned 13 year-old girl, an almost 10 year-old boy and a 3 year old boy. I feel your pain!

    My daughter has had her door removed SEVERAL times for slamming, AFTER I make her open and close it quietly 100 times :laugh: The eye rolls don't happen (when I'm in the room) because she knows I'd knock them out of her face.

    The 9 year old has developed the habit of throwing the bird when he thinks I'm not looking. Still working on a good "come back" for that one. Right now he just loses everything he owns and has to earn it back. Once he gets it all back he does it again and round and round we go. :ohwell:

    The 3 year old still thinks I'm the coolest person on the planet, so he's good for now.:drinker:

    I'm also VERY uncool. When they tell me this frequently I've been known to SHOW how "uncool" I am, I have shown up at their schools in my "Mu-Mu & Curlers" outfit and called them out of class just to say hi. Tagged notes to their back pack for teachers. Shown up at lunch to bring them weird treats that they "forgot" to bring for lunch (anyone for some boiled cabbage or pickled pigs feet?! :laugh: )

    So far their good moments outweigh the bad. But if you ask them "Does Mommy love you?" they will answer without a pause, "Only when we're SLEEPING!!" :laugh: :laugh:
    When he shoots the bird, yell I'm number ONE! When mine were little I would tell them to tell daddy that I think he's number one. They thought it was super nice and we would crack up.

    The Boy will be 10 on Sunday. He's still my sweet boy for the most part. His sister is 8 going on 25. She came out of the womb rolling her eyes at me. However, they both know that I rule the roost. Also, their friends tell me I'm the cool mom so for now I am of elevated mom status. Whenever I get an I hate you, I calmly reply that my work here is done. If their dad hears them say it to me, well, let's just say that bombs have less fallout.

    There is definitely some drama and what not starting, but I am hoping that their naturally laid back personalities will stem some of the awfulness.

    We'll see...
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    My ten year old girl has always been pretty dramatic... The only difference now is that when she declares she's not going to bed (or whatever), I can't just pick her up and carry her there, lol. In some ways she's actually become easier because her friends mean a lot more to her now, as well as getting new games or clothes or whatever. "Keep it up and you're grounded/not getting X" actually really works now! Before she was just so stubborn that she was perfectly willing to cut off her nose to spite her face.

    It's probably just the calm before the storm though.