Losing Motivation Help



  • nordina
    nordina Posts: 6 Member
    I've been at this a while before joining up with myfitnesspal, almost 2 years! I've lost a total of 85 pounds, lost the motivation and put on 10 now I'm really having to work hard to get off that 10 i put on. I agree with most of what's been said, lay out your exercise clothes the night before, as soon as your feet hit the floor get them on. I started with the wii for my exercise and bought the game wii active. It was a great motivator for me cause i was 256 pounds and didn't have the confidence to join a group or exercise in public. Once I had my first 25 pounds off I then joined a running group to learn to run a 5k. I now am happy to say I am healthy and happy! Keep moving forward and never look back, remember YOU are the only thing that can make this happen! Good luck and keep us all posted!!
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Losing motivation can be tough, especially when life gets in the way but I think the most important thing is to not be too hard on yourself. You've already come a long way and I'm sure you're seeing/feeling the benefits of it!

    Sometimes I like to think about just how much I've actually lost so far by looking up what that weight is equivalent to and it motivates me by giving me a big sense of accomplishment! For example, at 36 lbs lighter I have lost one Russian pood (a measure of weight), the average weight of a 4 year old child, or the average weight of a dalmatian dog. To really put it into perspective I'll sometimes load up my weight vest (it goes up to 25 lbs) and walk around for a little while just to remind myself that as hard as that feels I was carrying that PLUS 11 lbs every minute of every day just 7 months ago.

    I say focus on celebrating your accomplishments to date (just try to stay away from binging in celebration) and at least maintain until your motivation comes back!
  • bkm070
    bkm070 Posts: 6 Member
    I am currently there myself and June is birthday month for my friends and family, so far I have celebrated 6 birthdays and there are 3 more to go!
    So far I have tried to fix new healthy meals. Avoid the scale. Just try to maintain the weight I am at by maintaining a healthy lifestyle without thinking/working on losing pounds.
  • bkm070
    bkm070 Posts: 6 Member
    @janarn329 - Stick with it... dealing with the stress of personal and family upheaval is not easy. Unfortunately, I stress eat, the more stress I am under (mostly, 99.9% family related) the more the cravings hit. Hope you have a good weekend.
  • hello! feel free to add me, i definitely feel like the support and motivation from everyone on this site helps :) updating my status when im feeling like i dont want to workout or like im going to binge.. and everyone on here gives me the help i need!! of course you need a little bit of your own motivation too, i like to look at people who inspire me.. whether it be friends or celebrities lol. looking at my bikini helps too :)
  • realtallgrl65
    realtallgrl65 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank y'all soo much! I appreciate every bit of motivational energy put into your posts, that really helped me get through this week! Just looked at my scale and saw 239.8! I haven't seen that scale hit the 230s in 2years now!! I'm super excited and over joyed! Couldn't have done it without y'all!!! Danke Schoen!!!!! :-D