
LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
I'm seriously considering moving to Atlanta. I'm looking for the pros and cons of moving there. I live in Connecticut currently.Thanks!!!


  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    Weird fact #1 Very few people actually live "in" Atlanta. Most people live in outlying towns, commute 45 minutes, and b*tch about the price of gas. They then still say they live "in Atlanta."
  • dharmabum1974
    dharmabum1974 Posts: 12 Member
    I can't seriously consider it because my girlfriend would never go, but I'm living vicariously through you! I love it there.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The traffic sucks.
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    I live in a little city that is cheek to jowl with Atlanta (literally 3 minutes down the street to the city limit.) We've lived here for two years. I am one of the lucky ones. I have a 30 minute commute to work with only moderate traffic.

    Everything you could want is here, but it's usually a 45 minute drive to get to it.

    There are some great museums (Fernbank, High Art, etc.), and attractions (Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta Zoo, Six Flags, White Water), and sports (football, baseball, basketball, etc.)

    I have enjoyed living here, but I'm also looking forward to a change next year when my husband finishes graduate school.
  • kimber_av
    kimber_av Posts: 98
    DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

    I live in Georgia. I almost moved to Atlanta until I spent a lot of time there. (tons of friends there, i live not far from it, and everyone I know that lived there moved away or is in the works of moving away). the appeal only lasts a year or 2

    Pros- Big city, lots of people, wam weather, good hair salons, fast paced, parks, measuems and such (but seriously.. meausems and aquarium stuff tahts really cool- is only cool once, it has a lot of funs tuff for visitors)

    living IN ATLNTA is almost imossible its expensive
    living outside of atlanta means you'll be in the gridlock for at least an hour one way
    ALOT of racism
    ALOT of poverty
    ****ty job market - few jobs, high unemployment, very low pay
    its trendy to get way too dressed up, way too tight, way to slutty, wear sun glasses at night and pretend to be really cool because you go to x bar and y resturant.
    there are a lot of people there that are just nasty. The southern "hospitality" is a myth. people down here are nice to your face yes, but they judge you and are nasty behind your back. and if you dont yes ma'am no ma'am and kiss *kitten* they are super rude to you.

    i'll leave it at that. because I know I will lots of nasty grams for not liking it.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone!
  • atrice08
    atrice08 Posts: 2
    I live about an hour and a half away from Atlanta. Personally, my husband and I love to go visit Atlanta (Braves Games, Museums, Aquarium, Zoo, etc.). I do not know if I would ever move there though. A lot of drug activity and gangs. School systems there aren't that amazing either. There is a ton to do there though and honestly, for what I am in college for there are tons of jobs there. I am not too sure about jobs in other fields though. It is really expensive as well. Moving to the outskirts is always a good idea, but then as others have mentioned you will have a longer commute to work. Rush hour traffic there is terrible as well. You can be at a complete stop for hours. It all depends on what you are looking for really.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Humidity for several months out of the year
    Nasty traffic
    Can't deal with any ice or snow in the winter.

    That is why my husband moved here instead of me moving there :)
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    I live an hour and a half away too. If Atlanta has lost any of it's Southern Charm it's because more and more people that live there aren't from the South. The greatest 'con' to me would be traffic. My friends that live and work up there just put up with 10+ hours a week in their car commuting as a part of life. I'd rather have those hours w/my family. But, if that's where the work was, then I'd be there too.