Lose inches, not weight?

I've been working really hard for almost a month and have only lost one pound. People say it looks like I'm losing inches, but weighed myself this morning (first time and a week and 1/2) and nothing :(
How does this happen? And what can I do to boost the weight loss? ( I have been recording everything I eat on here and doing good!)


  • Andre_dre
    Andre_dre Posts: 13
    Have you Tried taking Supplements??
  • It is possible to lose inches and not weight. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. I record all of them - waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, arms (upper and lower) and neck - I even started watching my wrist measurements, because I was losing inches everywhere, but not the pounds. I am happy with inches lost though - means I get to wear smaller clothes sooner!!
  • It is possible to lose inches and not weight. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. I record all of them - waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, arms (upper and lower) and neck - I even started watching my wrist measurements, because I was losing inches everywhere, but not the pounds. I am happy with inches lost though - means I get to wear smaller clothes sooner!!

    I will start. Good idea!! Do you know how that works? I was always told losing lbs is more important... Why doesn't it go down?
  • Have you Tried taking Supplements??

    I really haven't. Any suggestions?
  • darcie81
    darcie81 Posts: 69 Member
    I've been told the scale is an evil thing, to measure and put away the scale but i can't do that!! but maybe you are gaining muscle so it appears that you aren't losing weight! I agree with littlewitch19, you should measure so you can see whats dropping and that should boost you up and make you proud!! Keep up the great work!! ;0)
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    You definitely need to take measurements!! I've been doing 30DS for almost 25 days & I've only lost 3-4 pounds, but 8.5 inches. I'm a numbers person so I would rather see the weight come off, but I do see more definition in my stomach & thighs...I just really wish I would've taken before pics - I would recommend doing that right now!!
  • RenVan
    RenVan Posts: 121 Member
    Because muscle weighs more than fat. You've probably lost inches but because of the muscle gain, it's not reflected on the scale. Take your measurements and be aware of how your clothes fit. You'll be pleasantly surprised!

    It is possible to lose inches and not weight. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. I record all of them - waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, arms (upper and lower) and neck - I even started watching my wrist measurements, because I was losing inches everywhere, but not the pounds. I am happy with inches lost though - means I get to wear smaller clothes sooner!!

    I will start. Good idea!! Do you know how that works? I was always told losing lbs is more important... Why doesn't it go down?
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    patience. Losing inches is great. You are tightening up.. You will soon lose lbs, you just have to be patient. Keep doing what you are doing because you are seeing results even if they aren't the scale results you wanted.
  • Andre_dre
    Andre_dre Posts: 13
    Yes, I am using Oxyelite Pro and L-Carnitine.

    Oxyelite Pro is a thermogenic. It speeds up your metabolism and it will make you sweat a lot when working because it's a thermogenic

    L-Carnitine use the your bodyfat for energy causing you to burn more fat.

    I use both together and I am getting good results
  • sdow
    sdow Posts: 71
    Another good measure is how your clothes fit.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    You could have lost inches and gained muscles. It's not the number on the scale that counts if you want to lose weight, it's the inches.
  • Jbbaby111
    Jbbaby111 Posts: 55 Member
    Ive lost inches first...and ALOT of them! I like it better Buti do enjo watching the scale go down! So i invested in the advocare 24 day challenge and now my weights finally going down!!! Its all natural vitamins and minerals and stuff!!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    It is possible to lose inches and not weight. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. I record all of them - waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, arms (upper and lower) and neck - I even started watching my wrist measurements, because I was losing inches everywhere, but not the pounds. I am happy with inches lost though - means I get to wear smaller clothes sooner!!

    I will start. Good idea!! Do you know how that works? I was always told losing lbs is more important... Why doesn't it go down?

    Healthy muscles and bones are stronger and heavier than unhealthy ones. If you take body fat out of the equation, then heavier is healthier. It's only body fat that messes things up because too much body fat is unhealthy, and of course the more of that you have the more you're going to weigh. Also your body stores glycogen in the muscles and the liver, this is stored with water and this increases the weight of your muscles and liver. Your bones get stronger and denser when you exercise and eat calcium, this helps protect you against osteoporosis, and your bones get heavier too.

    The best advice I've heard with regards to this is to try to be as heavy as you can at a goal dress size.

    Body composition is more important than how much you weigh, i.e. how much body fat you have and how much lean body mass you have. More lean body mass = healthier, less body fat = healthier (up to a point of course there is such a thing as too little body fat). When people have a lot of fat to lose, the scale will go downwards as they lose fat, but the less fat you have to lose the more likely it is that the scale will stay the same while you lose inches. Even if you don't have that much fat to lose what sometimes happens is that your weight is stable while you lose fat (loss of inches = loss of body fat) because you have lean body mass gains going on at the same time, but then after a while the lean body mass gains stop but you carry on losing fat so the weight does go down.
  • bkarels76
    bkarels76 Posts: 4 Member
    I have found that when I begin a workout routine, the 1st month I see absolutely no change in my weight what-so-ever but my clothes fit differently... then after the 2nd month or so i see the weight melt off... i think its to muscle toning... the major problem i find with that is that after a month of working towards my goal as hard as i can, i dont see the results on the scale and i lose interest because i dont believe im getting anywhere... i like the "its not the number on the scale that counts if you want to lose weight, it's the inches" because basically i just want to fit back into my clothes comfortably
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm the same. I haven't lost any weight (even out on a pound) but have lost 2.5 inches of my waist and 1.5 inches off my waist in the last 3 months. I say definitely measure yourself, because i understand how disheartening it is to work so hard and those scales dont budge, but the measuring tape probably has. Good luck x
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I have lost two inches in a bit over a month and only a pound. If I had to choose, I would choose inches over pounds any day. (I measure every day)
  • christinegarza
    christinegarza Posts: 4 Member
    Don't lose faith! I am almost finished with my first month of Insanity and have seen very (VERY) little difference on the scale. But just yesterday, I was able to button a pair of work slacks that didn't even come close to buttoning when I purchased them six months ago! The physical change is visible! So don't focus on the scale - that will happen for you (and me!) eventually. Stick with it! The only thing that keeps me going is the reminder that I didn't gain 25 pounds in a month, so I won't lose it in a month. It takes work and commitment. Also, ask yourself how your body feels - energized, healthy, strong? If it does, then you are getting results! :-)
  • msue482
    msue482 Posts: 55
    Taking pictures and measuring is key. I have been on this site since February and I kid you not I have lost only between 2-4 lbs BUT I can see a big difference in my body. Good luck!
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    It is possible to lose inches and not weight. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. I record all of them - waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, arms (upper and lower) and neck - I even started watching my wrist measurements, because I was losing inches everywhere, but not the pounds. I am happy with inches lost though - means I get to wear smaller clothes sooner!!

    I will start. Good idea!! Do you know how that works? I was always told losing lbs is more important... Why doesn't it go down?

    Healthy muscles and bones are stronger and heavier than unhealthy ones. If you take body fat out of the equation, then heavier is healthier. It's only body fat that messes things up because too much body fat is unhealthy, and of course the more of that you have the more you're going to weigh. Also your body stores glycogen in the muscles and the liver, this is stored with water and this increases the weight of your muscles and liver. Your bones get stronger and denser when you exercise and eat calcium, this helps protect you against osteoporosis, and your bones get heavier too.

    The best advice I've heard with regards to this is to try to be as heavy as you can at a goal dress size.

    Body composition is more important than how much you weigh, i.e. how much body fat you have and how much lean body mass you have. More lean body mass = healthier, less body fat = healthier (up to a point of course there is such a thing as too little body fat). When people have a lot of fat to lose, the scale will go downwards as they lose fat, but the less fat you have to lose the more likely it is that the scale will stay the same while you lose inches. Even if you don't have that much fat to lose what sometimes happens is that your weight is stable while you lose fat (loss of inches = loss of body fat) because you have lean body mass gains going on at the same time, but then after a while the lean body mass gains stop but you carry on losing fat so the weight does go down.

    I LOVE your thinking. OP, please follow this.

    The scale does NOT tell the complete truth. PLEASE take your measurements , track your body fat % AND take photos. Take a look at my blog - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/DyanCB. I had the same frustrations as you. I have lost few pounds but my body composition has improved significantly. I have vowed not to get on the scale until July and, instead, focus on measurements and how my clothes fit.

    I am one who wishes MFP would give us body fat % tickers in addition to weight tracking tickers. The focus is fitness, not just weight.

    Keep going
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220 Member
    I've actualy gained a few pounds the last month and yet I now fit into jeans 2 sizes smaller. Scale isnt everything. I'm guessing in a couple weeks I'll see a big scale drop over a 2 week period.