Running Advice Needed


I currently workout about 4 times a week but never run....Ive never been good at running. Its not because i get out of breath or anything like that, its because my legs feel like they are going to buckle. I have no idea why this is as i can use a cross trainer for 60minutes or more before feeling as though my legs are going to give up. I currently weigh 151llbs (my goal weight is 126llbs) and i am 5ft5. I can run for around 5 minutes before my legs feel like they are going to collapse (i know this is pathetic). I really want to build it up, so next time do 7.5 minutes then 10 minutes then 12.5 etc etc... until hopefully i can say 'I can run!!' haha. Also i dont know if this has any effect but my knees point slightly inwards (apparently its quite common) so when i do run my bottom half of my legs kind of go out a bit.....dont know if this makes any difference but thought i should mention it.

Does anyone have any advice on running? Or if anyone has been in the same position as me and is not a great runner could you please share with me how youve achieved it?

Thank you


  • vxxtoria
    vxxtoria Posts: 50 Member
    One thing I can add which was handed down to me by my personal trainer (she has been in the business for 27 years, is in her mid 40's, and looks GREAT).. is to never ever run on sidewalks and any type of cement. You'll be doing much more damage in the long run, especially to your knees due to the shock with every step. Run in the park, on the grass, etc. :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Look into the couch to 5k program. It is a program geared to start you running slowly and build you up until you are running 20 to 30 minutes at a time.
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member
    I would start with the couch to 5k... it helps you build up to a solid run. Though you are running now.. it isn't consistent. That will help you build up.. and allow you to focus on other things than just your legs (breathing, mental state, etc)

    Also, i agree with running on softer grounds is better for your body BUT you also risk tripping, slipping or hurting yourself by stepping on branches and/or holes. If you choose to do that.. make sure you know where you are running and the type of surface. I've always ran on sidewalks (safer) and my knees may hurt but I associate that more with the distance than the ground.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I used the app "get running" it is like couch to 5k. Now I am doing the 10k app. I never thought I could run either but now I am a runner and I love it!!! You can do it. Start at the level you are on, don't be embarrassed just do what you do and keep it up!! You are in great shape already you just need to train your running side~!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Yes, try couch to 5k!

    I just graduated the program this month and can't say enough about it. I have weaker knees too but to me it feels like they're feeling stronger than they have in a long time.
  • girlplantsgarden
    girlplantsgarden Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing the couch to 5k program. The intervals make it easier for your body to become adjusted to running. My advice would be to make sure to stretch well before beginning to run to wake up your muscles. I also read that if your limbs are becoming tired, rubbery and giving out that means they're not getting enough oxygen, so make sure you're breathing right.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi, the knees going inwards in one of the signs of over-pronation, which many runners have. You need to get yourself some running shoes properly fitted at a specialist shop and they'll make a world of difference to how your legs and feet feel.

    It's also a symptom of weak bottom muscles (sorry!) so get squatting, lunging, stepping-up and do the "oyster" where you lie on your side with your knees bent and rotate your upper leg outwards, keeping your feet together.

    Here are by beginner's running tips, some of these might help:
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on running? Or if anyone has been in the same position as me and is not a great runner could you please share with me how youve achieved it?

    Get fitted with running shoes conducive to your running form.
    Start a good program such as Couch to 5k.
    Steady increase of time, speed will come.
    Have fun!
    Good luck!
  • hannahchiarella
    hannahchiarella Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you so much
    vxxtoria-That must be why i can always run even less on pavements! That makes sense.

    Just checked out that couch to 5k website and it looks great! Im going to do the schedule mapped out and hopefully i'll be able to come on here and say i did it!
  • Chunter80
    Chunter80 Posts: 2
    I was the same way with running. I use to say "I only run if something is chasing me" now I can run for 20-25 mins at a time and that is huge for me when 2-3 mins use to kill my legs. I found multiple programs online that build up your running endurance. Google "running for beginners" or "training for a 5K" I found 1 program that helped you build up your minutes like you are doing but more gradual than you are doing and it really worked for me. I then moved to a program that is running for 2 miles one day, day off, 1.5 miles, day off 2 miles day off then it continues until you are at 3 miles. Both programs are working for me because it is building me endurance in my legs. Again, I was not a runner. Oh and I was told really really good running shoes helped. I was not a believer until I spent 100.00 on a pair of good shoes and boy did it help. My legs use to really hurt then I got some really good shoes that were fit just right for my feet and that made a huge differences.

    Good luck.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Couch to 5k, for sure!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Yes, I second the thought to get properly fitted for shoes. A running specialty store will not charge you for the fitting, and it is worth every penny to buy the right shoes for you. I have always had knee issues, I started with the C25K program, got frustrated because I was in pain all the time, and got fitted for shoes. It made all the difference. I just completed my first half marathon in April and am contemplating a full marathon next spring. Also, do try to avoid the sidewalks when you can. If you are running in a neighborhood with little traffic you can run in the street, the asphalt is easier on your knees. I do most of my running on sidewalks and paved roads, with a little bit on gravel roads. I sometimes have achy knees, but ice and advil afterwards helps. Good luck!
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    One thing I can add which was handed down to me by my personal trainer (she has been in the business for 27 years, is in her mid 40's, and looks GREAT).. is to never ever run on sidewalks and any type of cement. You'll be doing much more damage in the long run, especially to your knees due to the shock with every step. Run in the park, on the grass, etc. :)

    Sorry to say but it doesn't matter where you run, but how you are running and if you have the proper shoes to run in. I have bad knees and I do road running all the time, but my shoes are made for my running style and provide great comfort which does not bother my knees
  • fittorow
    fittorow Posts: 28
    It might also be because you aren't getting enough iron. An iron deficiency can make your legs feel really heavy, and if that's the case, then you should get more of that.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    As already mentioned C25K its a fantastic programme and there's free pod casts out there to with timings and music
    (google nhs c25k)

    When i started i could not even run, suffered with shin splints pain, raised my fitness on a cross trainer then got fitted for running shoes, completed C25K and this Sunday will run my first 10K race ( I wont win, that's a certainty) i run really slow which is a tip i come across often, slow your pace slightly and do the C25K you wont regret it :bigsmile:

    And Happy running
  • hannahchiarella
    hannahchiarella Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, the knees going inwards in one of the signs of over-pronation, which many runners have. You need to get yourself some running shoes properly fitted at a specialist shop and they'll make a world of difference to how your legs and feet feel.

    It's also a symptom of weak bottom muscles (sorry!) so get squatting, lunging, stepping-up and do the "oyster" where you lie on your side with your knees bent and rotate your upper leg outwards, keeping your feet together.

    Here are by beginner's running tips, some of these might help:

    Thank you so much! I never knew there was a reason for my pointy inward knees and its great to know that this shouldnt actually stop me from running well! Im going to get fitted with some good supportive running shoes.
  • hannahchiarella
    hannahchiarella Posts: 28 Member
    One thing I can add which was handed down to me by my personal trainer (she has been in the business for 27 years, is in her mid 40's, and looks GREAT).. is to never ever run on sidewalks and any type of cement. You'll be doing much more damage in the long run, especially to your knees due to the shock with every step. Run in the park, on the grass, etc. :)

    Sorry to say but it doesn't matter where you run, but how you are running and if you have the proper shoes to run in. I have bad knees and I do road running all the time, but my shoes are made for my running style and provide great comfort which does not bother my knees

    How did you make sure you got the correct shoes for your running style? If i go into any good running store and explain my knees etc will they be able to instantly know which shoes i should get?
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    They put me on a treadmill and videoed the run then gave me different shoes to try which were also videoed and analysed to find the correct type