anyone know were im going wrong?

i know i should be eating more calories but its just so damn hard! i feel like i eat so much already and im seriously struggling getting my calories up! i eat about 800 calories a day and that consists of a protein shake and a kiwi for breakfast - a bowl of brown rice with leeks and onions for lunch and a turkey salad for dinner with an orange as a snack! - to me that seems like a nice balance of vitamins and protein and im never really hungry! anyone have any ideas what i can eat to bump up the calories and is relatively natural?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Add 2tbsp of peanut butter and 1/2c of oats to your protein shake.

    Then, eat more food :)
  • leebaser
    leebaser Posts: 38
    Two eggs over easy, toast with jam, glass of milk, and a banana for breakfast.

    Grilled chicken, salad, maybe a side of pasta for lunch

    Pork chop or steak, baked or mashed potatoes, green beans or broccoli for supper

    Scoop of vanilla for desert.

    It's not hard to eat a healthy balanced diet and have far more than 800 calories. You are eating like a bird. I'm not judging I'd surely be a LOT skinnier if I could exist on 800 calories. I have to exercise daily so that I can eat more than the 1800 I'm allotted (as a fat man needing to lose 130lbs). But more healthy food, eat food with some natural fat. Eat some pasta.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    The way I see it is, if you are eating quite a low amount, you should try and push yourself a little each time to eat a bit more. Hell, even if it's 50 calories added on a week, it will slowly increase to the right amount.

    If you are already eating a highish amount, weight lifting and such, nuts are a great way to increase your calorie amount.

    Nuts are great, but you really shouldn't rely on nuts for the rest of your life or for however long, you will have to start getting your stomach used to eating a bit more.
  • mmmfryingpan
    thanks for the help im eating about 800 calories a day roughly but burning off some of that with exercise so my net is like 450 wich makes me feel pretty crappy.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Here's a smoothie idea for you that is 600 cals on its own.

    1/2 cup blueberries
    2 tbsp of honey
    200ml coconut milk
    1 banana
    1/2 mango
    and 100ml of skimmed milk and you have a very filling smoothie with loads of cals and lots of healthy ingredients. It works a charm on me can't even finish it lol. I have to save some for later in the day :)
  • woody1983uk
    Add 2tbsp of peanut butter and 1/2c of oats to your protein shake.

    Then, eat more food :)


    You can put loads into a shake if required.

    Peanut Butter
    Ice Cream
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil (over 100 calories per tablespoon and you wont taste it in your shake)

    Its easy to make up 1000 calories in a shake if you try!
  • RealHealthQuest
    RealHealthQuest Posts: 42 Member
    You can check out my food blog at I take pictures of everything I eat and post recipes so you can actually see what that amount of food looks like. Some quick and easy things to add that are more calorie dense are nut butters, added protein to lunch and snacks (eggs, yogurt). And feel free to add some cheese in there too. I am trying to up my calorie intake to make sure my net is covering my BMR. Sometimes just throwing in a glass of milk, beans, or an additional fat can go a long way.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Eat more than a salad for dinner, like grilled chicken w/rice or potatoes or vegetables, and a salad on the side. And more than just 1 snack per day. Try to have a snack between each meal.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Change up your breakfast for a whole grain cereal and a cup of skim milk. It's higher in calories, but still low in fat. Add a piece of fruit and you have a well balance breakfast. Also, be sure you are measuring and weighing your food. If you are eyeballing it, you are probably eating more than you think. Add more variety to your meals as a whole and choose foods that are still low in fat, but higher in calories than what you are currently eating.

    Oh, and don't think that the serving that is listed on the package means you can only eat that amount of the item. As long as you are logging the correct amount of calories and you don't go over, go ahead and eat 2 servings of the food. As an example, most Birds Eye Steamfresh Vegetables list the bag as two servings. Even if you eat the whole bag with your meal, most times you are still under 200 calories for that item.