Short term Goal

Hello all! I am a mom on maternity leave from work right now. I have 5 pounds to go before I am back to my pre-preggo weight (I will add that I have about 25 pounds to go after that). I go back to work in two weeks, June 25th. I would love to go back to work saying that I have lost ALL of my baby weight! So, I am imposing a short term goal of losing 5 lbs in the next two weeks. Anyone want to work with me and try to lose five pounds too? Add me as a friend and lets motivate each other to see what we can do!!


  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    5 lbs of fat means being at a 17,500 calorie deficit... IN TWO WEEKS?? That means not only will you NOT be eating, you'd also have to be exercising/expending 1250 calories a day.

    Not sure how you intend on doing that. Water weight is one thing, but if that's all fat, then I doubt that's possible.
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    On top of eating better and exercising, I am also excusively breast feeding wich burns and average of 500 calories. And, it's just something to work toward. I'm not killing myself with exercise or starving just trying to motivate myself.