What is wrong with me!?!

I was super determined for about 5 months. Its the longest i had ever dieted. Lost almost 50 lbs and now im falling off the wagon! We moved and my husband now works 4-2am so after hes at work and the kids are asleep I get bored I guess and have NO will power. I do fine the rest of the day but go crazy at night. Anybody been there? Any words of wisdom?


  • Hello. First off, I believe we all go through this from time to time. You just have to think how far you came. Think, the more days I put this off, the longer it's going to take to get the weight off. Focus on what motivates you such as your children. Find something that works in your schedule. Maybe you need to switch things up. Maybe you're getting bored of your routine? Maybe try a new workout or meal plan.
    I am a coach and would love to help you. You can choose to do a free membership. With this free membership you can go onto discussion boards and a chat room and get my support 100 %. It's something to think about :)

    I wish you luck either way. Just remember we all go through this. Nobody is perfect. You can do this though :)
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    Any chance you can stretch your calories out and save some for later? Is there any time during the day that you and just because you know you should? Maybe you could save some of those calories. If you like strawberries, I eat strawberries with light whipped cream. You would be amazed at how much whipped cream you can eat for few calories.
  • also anything peppermint helps curb your appetite. Try that and lots of water :)
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Tons of ideas =). Do you know how to knit or crochet? That will keep those hands busy. Ever wanted to read a book? Do you know how to sew? How about making some stuff for some underprivileged kids. Anything you make will be appreciated. Do you have a local Habitat for Humanity. I do tons of brochures and flyers and things like that for them. Do you like to paint? Do you want to learn? This is a great time.

    Keeping my hands busy keeps me away from the pantry.

    Take care!!

  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I recommend working out at night after the kids are in bed....that will curb the munchies! Way to go on losing 50lbs! You can do this!!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I recommend working out at night after the kids are in bed....that will curb the munchies! Way to go on losing 50lbs! You can do this!!

    This is a great idea. Or put the earbuds in and twist the night away. :wink:
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a psychotherapist who works with really tough cases of violence and abuse. Evenings are the hardest for me because I'm often weary emotionally and worn out. My hubby is not one of those supportive, available sort of guys and I used to eat alot at night as a way to soothe my emotional needs. Now I'm very consciously not doing that.

    Now I eat as soon as I get home and I always leave enough calories throughout the day to get a full feeling in my tummy. I drink ice water or flavored water, I take a walk, I write out my feelings in my journal or call a friend or my sister, I play with my kitties, I hang out with my kid when she tolerates me (she's 14), I read a good book...mostly, when the cravings hit, I ask myself if I can go just a little longer without giving in. I generally (95% of the time) can get through the evening without over-eating. But the key, for me, is making sure I start the evening with a full tummy.

    Please don't see this as a failure on your part. Life has dealt you a new circumstance and you just need to adjust without feeling like you're a loser. Clearly, you can keep up the good work--sometimes it just takes reducing your focus from forever to just today or just this evening.
  • solson61
    solson61 Posts: 6 Member
    Eat a bowl of cereal it helps make you really full and low in fat and calories (as long as its a healthy one)
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    ...Its the longest i had ever dieted. Lost almost 50 lbs and now im falling off the wagon! ...

    That is why you failed. You need to believe in and commit to a lifestyle change, not a "diet". Diet's fail. Not only do you need to eat healthy and exercise, but it needs to be something you want to do for yourself.

    If you are restricting yourself or eating things you hate or are always hungry, you will binge and fail.

    If you are committed even during times of boredom or missing workouts, your healthy choices will maintain your weight and health until you find the motivation to pick your workouts back up...
  • Try some kind of warm herbal tea (if it's not too hot that day!). Things that help me feel full when I shouldn't eat more, but don't have or need sweetener: star anise, ginger, peppermint, nettle, raspberry leaf, camomile, licorice root, fennel seeds - try different combinations, too. It's really warm and comforting, so it's a treat, and can help calm my nerves if I'm feeling really antsy or floaty. You can also have a green or black tea if it won't keep you up too late!
  • AEL79
    AEL79 Posts: 10
    Thank you for sharing that :) I'm gonna try it :D
  • I was super determined for about 5 months. Its the longest i had ever dieted. Lost almost 50 lbs and now im falling off the wagon! We moved and my husband now works 4-2am so after hes at work and the kids are asleep I get bored I guess and have NO will power. I do fine the rest of the day but go crazy at night. Anybody been there? Any words of wisdom?

    Getting into a routine is hard enough, and when that routine gets up-ended, it's even harder to establish a new one. The same thing happened to me about 5 years ago - I was down to 198, best shape of my life; and then I changed jobs. Everything went to hell, and I'm only now on the road to recovery. Also, when you have a really great improvement like you did, it's not uncommon for the brain to say, "hey, I've worked hard, I've done really well, and I deserve a break." As is often the case, the main battle is usually a mental one.

    Step one, don't beat yourself about it. Just sit down and try to figure out a new routine. Recommit yourself to your goals, and get back into it, even if it's slowly. Tell yourself how much it worse it will be to restart in 6 months or a year.

    Even if getting into your new routine takes a little while, don't sweat it. Maybe start slowly, just a little something every day while you ramp back up. Just keep moving yourself in the right direction.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Couple of things: 1- Moving and having your husband not home in the evening, is so very hard! So don't beat yourself up! 2-You, at least, noticed and asked for help! That you means you are aware of it and can grab a hold of the rope and climb back up!!! 3-The only way to stop the eating in the evening is to stop the eating in the evening. After dinner, I know I will have a glass of wine. My snack will be popcorn. If I eat more than that for snack, I won't lose weight!

    My last point: Because you are in a new situation, new schedule with your husband and kind of alone, THIS is the time you need your health-mental and physical. You aren't on a diet, you just want to be healthy so when aging comes, you are "feelin' it"! Try to think of needing to watch what you put in your body in order to have the mental energy to get through the tough times!

    good luck
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Working out at night works for some, but not for me.

    I think the idea of saving up cals so that you have extra at night could be a fun game.

    think about why you want to eat, though. When the attack hits, analyze it. Think about it. Are you really hungry? Or are you looking for something else?

    One thing that works for me, is rather than eat, I'll prepare food for the next day. I'll just start cooking. i might make pasta, or some chicken or both, for my lunch the next day, and maybe also for dinner. It gets me doing something, and then I forget about eating. This might not work for everyone, but it works for me. i think it's not hunger but boredom.

    Lastly, preparing your meals ahead of time has a great psychological effect. I just reach in the fridge and grab what I'm gonna eat, and tell myself, that's it for the night. I also plan a dessert. I have to mentally have something sweet. Sometimes, it's a glass or two of wine, sometimes, it's a couple of cookies. Whatever. The idea is that it's planned. You could even put the things you are going to eat into separate baggies, so one baggie is a serving for you, and thats it.
  • Working out at night works for some, but not for me.


    Me neither - I can only work out in the morning. Sometimes some yoga at night, or if there's something truly wacky going on with my schedule, I'll get in an evening workout. But to sustain over time, has to be morning's - 5:30am or thereabouts.