New on here

sarahenry Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

Found this site by luck as looking for a way of working out my calorie intake. Still not into this watching what I eat as I used to have whatever I wanted as I had time to train at the gym.

4 years on and 2 kids later I need to lose weight & watch what I eat. I'm finding it really hard as not totally into being a mum and comfort eat. Finding getting to the gym hard but we have just moved & found a good babysitter who comes once a week so hubby & me can get out to do exercise.

Still not doing well and find that the more I think about food the more hungry I get and crave for sweet stuff.

Anyway, will keep at it and try and be good!!!!



  • Hi everyone

    Found this site by luck as looking for a way of working out my calorie intake. Still not into this watching what I eat as I used to have whatever I wanted as I had time to train at the gym.

    4 years on and 2 kids later I need to lose weight & watch what I eat. I'm finding it really hard as not totally into being a mum and comfort eat. Finding getting to the gym hard but we have just moved & found a good babysitter who comes once a week so hubby & me can get out to do exercise.

    Still not doing well and find that the more I think about food the more hungry I get and crave for sweet stuff.

    Anyway, will keep at it and try and be good!!!!

  • Hello and Welcome,

    This is a great site...calorie management, exercise guide and alot of nice people to talk and compare notes with....I joined this site in January of this year and I have lost 30 pounds so far. You can get adive and guidance for all sorts of people....good luck ...see you around the site...:flowerforyou:
  • Hello again,

    Just another idea to share...on my diet system I do not get hungry...I eat 5 small meals a day...

    Breakfast....cereal and coffee
    snack ( 2 1/2 hours later ) banana, appel, quaker chewy bars, etc.
    lunch (2 1/2 hours later again)
    snack ( 2 1/2 hours later again)
    dinner (2 1/2 Hours later again )

    no eating after 7pm..and alot of water....and around 1200 calories for my height, weight I what to lose and my age. I have lost 30 pounds since January on this plan...It's similar to weight watchers without paying the monthly fee....good luck...:smile:
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    Hello and Welcome,

    This is a great site...calorie management, exercise guide and alot of nice people to talk and compare notes with....I joined this site in January of this year and I have lost 30 pounds so far. You can get adive and guidance for all sorts of people....good luck ...see you around the site...:flowerforyou:
    . . :flowerforyou: Hello and Welcome !
  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply. Have tried slimming world but didnt get on with it & didnt like the meetings!!

    We are planning to get a cross trainer for the house so that we (hubby & me) can do a little each day.

    Did well today and had loads of veg but not had water as been out, will try better tomorrow:smile:
  • I'm new with this site. I have a sit down job and have gained weight over the last 5 years and I need to lose it.
  • sarahenry
    sarahenry Posts: 4
    Hi there

    How are you finding dieting? There are so many - GI, low GI, slimming world, tons of Tescos diet site - I'm trying to work out the one best for me and my life style. What I have found that whatever one I'm on I always thing of food!!!!

    I have just started at the gym again, which makes me feel better and more aware of my body. I'm reading whats in food - never did that before as trained 4/5 times a week as was lovely and toned - its amasing that the foods that are low fat have more calories than some 'normal' foods - go figure!!!

    Better go as kids need to get dressed & house need tidying up!!!

    Have a good weekend.
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