P90X..... tell me your story!

So, After losing about 13 lbs doing only diet and some exercise... I decided to do P90X.... I would love to hear your stories about it. I know I am going to have very hard workouts but I think it is well worth it in the run! If you would like add me as a friend and lets continue the P90X journey!!

waiting on those stories :)


  • Lizlicious2187
    Lizlicious2187 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't have a success story yet from p90x but I actually just started it again yesterday! I did it about a year and a half ago and saw some decent results in the first month (i think I dropped about 4 or 5 lbs) but stopped when life got in the way :( I'm down about 30 lbs since January so I decided it would be a good time to do it now so I can start toning up more. I will say that the first week you will be veeerry sore but you can always modify moves and do as much as you can! I'm looking forward to completing it this time!

  • nikky110
    nikky110 Posts: 16 Member
    hey Liz,

    I have done the same before and as you said life got in the way and I stopped it all together! but this year is my year . I have to lose the fat and get back to my athletic body!
    Im going for the doubles workouts... I really want that muscle definition. the only thing left, is my HRM!

  • ArmyVet92
    ArmyVet92 Posts: 35 Member
    My husband and I are on Day 68 of our first round of P90X and we LOVE it!!

    We both saw great results in Phase 1 and 2.. more inches lost then pounds, but major changes in strength and endurance. Now that that we are in Phase 3 (wrapping up Week 10) I've seen two weeks of good weight loss, so that is exciting.

    Since both of us are very overweight we had to modify a lot during the first Phase, but now are are starting doing most of it without modification, but still have a long way to go. It is a great program! In fact we will be going straight into another round after we finish.

    If you need a P90X buddy, feel free to send me a friend request. =)
  • sassy0477
    sassy0477 Posts: 7 Member
    I have done a few rounds of P90X and one of P90X2. You get stronger, you get fitter, and you get leaner! I did the classic phase because I love the strength training. I am going to start another round on July 2nd;
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    Hi!! I am on my 3rd week of my second round of p90x... I started it in Feb 2012 finished my first 90days last month and since i had seen such great results i decided to do a second round right after the first... The first time around i did the p90x lean because i was sooo chicken... I had never really worked out before in my life so i was scared of how intense it looked. Now that i am toned and fit i wanted to add more muscle so i decided to do p90x classic this time. I love the workouts, i have had great results, i didn't have much weight to lose so i have just been maintaining and building muscle.

    Its defiantly something you have to give your all in, in your don't try 110% then you wont get the results!
  • nikky110
    nikky110 Posts: 16 Member
    Thx ladies for replying ..... i am actually thinking about classic and the doubles workouts.... Im not too crazy about the Lean one. Only becoz I want to give it all at once. In the past I have lost 14 lbs with proper eating and working out (Not P90X) and I had very nice fit body. Going into p90x is definitly something Im looking forward to. Im only waiting on my HRM, then I am hitting those workouts.
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I ordered it today! I have heard only good things and am looking forward to it.
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    Thx ladies for replying ..... i am actually thinking about classic and the doubles workouts.... Im not too crazy about the Lean one. Only becoz I want to give it all at once. In the past I have lost 14 lbs with proper eating and working out (Not P90X) and I had very nice fit body. Going into p90x is definitly something Im looking forward to. Im only waiting on my HRM, then I am hitting those workouts.

    great idea about doing the classic first... i started lean and because I'm OCD about things once i started it i had to finish it just the way it was... so i finished lean and now i am on week 4 of classic and i love the classic :)
  • genuinelyfrans
    I recently completed P90X (Classic) last week. Here is a link showing my results: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/627859-p90x-day-90-pictures. Best of luck to you and it really is a great program :)