Drinking in the pub

I only started using MFP on Tuesday and I am determined to try and stick to my levels. My mum said dad was getting fish and chips on the way home tonight, did I want any? I struggled to say no, but I did. Then dad ate them whilst we were sat watching the football. Torture! Anywho...

I will be going to the pub tomorrow night as my friend is djing. I am a big beer drinker. As I live in Spain, it's normally San Miguel I drink. I know this is full of calories and carbs. I'm not a big spirit drinker - if anything then it would be ameretto. I've just come off my medication for my back injury so I could drink alcohol if I wanted. I think I will find it hard to stick to soft drinks..

My question is, what is the best thing I could drink in the pub? Alcoholic or non-alcoholic.

And, do you adjust you meals in the day to compensate for alcohol?


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I don't eat less to fit in alcohol. Personally I think it's not the greatest thing to do but it works for some. I try to exercise more that day and the day before so I have a few extra calories to play with.

    I tend to either drink a light beer or have something like a rum and diet coke. Best thing is obviously water or some form of diet pop.

    Have a drink of what you want and than stick to diet pop or water the rest of the night.
  • SconnieGal25
    Vodka and club soda is good. Just make sure not too put more than one shot's worth of vodka in it or the calories will start going up.

    Also, I wouldn't eat less during the day to compensate for alcohol. The less you eat, the more effect the alcohol will have. The more tipsy you are, the more inclined you are to throw caution to the wind and start eating/drinking things you know are bad for you. Before you know it, you're eating pizza at 2am, and we all know that's not good. :happy:
  • sunshinebee
    I try to exercise more that day and the day before so I have a few extra calories to play with.

    I have a fractured vertebra at the moment so can't exercise, otherwise this is what I would do.

    I know if I have one pint I'll want another, and another.. Maybe I'll have one, then have a soft drink, then another.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    I like to set a limit for myself. For example, say I am not going to have more than 4 drinks. Then I can stay out as late as I like, but I have to stick to that number. I may have 1 drink, then wait an hour or so for the next.

    I also try to drink my drinks more slowly than I used to. Sips.

    I also try to build up a few calories during that day and the day before to save for alcohol calories.

    Used to drink every night now I limit myself to 1 or 2 nights a week.

    It's working well for me so far!
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    I follow every drink with a glass of water. It helps me stay hydrated, I feel better the next morning, and I tend to drink less this way.
  • couldbeme
    couldbeme Posts: 55 Member
    always have a meal b4 u go to put something stodgy really to soak it up i usually have chips and sanwhich , if u dont e enough u will get drunk very quickly as u need lining on ur tum , vodka lime and soda is a nice drink refreshing in a tall glass u should have a lower alcholic beers also less calories and drink water in between fills u up also , pint of water b4 bed also stops big hangover xx :drinker: :drinker:
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    If you do drink, maybe getting water between each beer/shot/mixed drink will help keep the number of drinks you get down. I find if I drink a lot it's usually because I just want something to do with my hands. The longer I stay, the more I drink.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Vodka and club soda is good. Just make sure not too put more than one shot's worth of vodka in it or the calories will start going up.

    Also, I wouldn't eat less during the day to compensate for alcohol. The less you eat, the more effect the alcohol will have. The more tipsy you are, the more inclined you are to throw caution to the wind and start eating/drinking things you know are bad for you. Before you know it, you're eating pizza at 2am, and we all know that's not good. :happy:

    I agree with this. If you eat very little that day, then you are likely to get drunk very fast. I think we all know that being drunk often encourages us to drink more and eat more. You're better off eating a moderate amount-especially right before- and then working on burning off the extra calories in the next day or two. I also notice that if I get drunk, then I am out of commission the next day, so I won't work out. So saving calories for drinking can backfire if it messes up your exercise routine.

    And vodka and soda (not tonic) with lime is also my favorite "lower calorie" alcoholic drink. If you want to drink beer, I think most lite beers are around 100. Amstel Lite and Sam Adams LIte are my favorite.

    Also: http://getdrunknotfat.com/