labberto Posts: 18 Member
hI, new to this whole healthy eating thing, but a little about me, i want to lose around 30lbs before i start IVF, now im planning to approximately start this in september and realitically wont lose the whole 30lb but i would be happy with 20lb. now im 5.3 and currently 158lb i'd like to get to roughly 138-135lb before my treatment, anyone i could buddy up with?? i really want to do this and has started this morning with a run/walk of 2 miles (tiny steps) lol x


  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    Tiny steps are better than no steps at all!! Feel free to add me, I have been on this site for a little just watching but only really started this week. I have 50-60lbs to loose. I am very lucky and have my two children I cant even begin to imagine how frightening IVF would be, best of luck to you, I am here if you need a buddy, my name is Gemma and I live in Sussex UK :smile:
  • labberto
    labberto Posts: 18 Member
    not scared at the moment, i just know i will think my weight will affect my sucess rate, i also live in the UK, in yorkshire, lovely to meet you :) good luck with your weight loss! :):smile: