Calories for pub grub...

I'm having a day off today as my parents have taken our 2 girls for the weekend and left me and the wife with just the baby to worry about. So we thought we'd stroll down the road to a nearby gastropub (The Crown, Henlow) in the next village, I'm now trying to work out what I had calories wise and having trouble working out what to put down...

I had a soft white torpedo bread roll, with approx. 1 Cajun chicken breast with lettuce, tomato & mayonnaise which came with a dressed salad garnish and we shared the hand cut chunky chips, (I think there were 8-10 each) and I had 1 pint of Old Mill bitter.

Can anyone help me work out the calories? Not important but I'm really pedantic and would like to note it down on my record...



  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    You could do a search for generic bread roll, or generic cajun chicken roll and see what comes up.
    I agree its difficult to calculate the calories accurately when eating out.
    Sounds like a nice outing I hope you enjoyed it.