The New Girl

Hi, everyone. My name is Jennifer, and I am 30 years old. I came to this site because I like community-style, weightloss websites with the opportunity to track my progress from a smartphone.

I am just over the line of being overweight. (5'2" and 138 lbs... yikes, that hard to read!). Three years ago, I weighed 118 lbs with the intention of leaning down further and toning up my body. I felt cute. Fast forward to 2012...

If you look at my pictures, I definitely have a stomach and no tone to my body. I want that to change. I want to be the cutie that I was.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Today is the first day that I am tracking my progress. I make a good friend and conversationalist. I can't be someone's crutch, but I can be a voice of reason. I never let anyone lie to themselves if they are open to the truth. I hope that I can find a good group of folks who can do the same for me.

I look forward to chatting with you. XOXO.


  • jenniferrebekahsands
    I'm just starting my journey myself. Feel free to friend me for support!
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    Welcome to MFP!! You will learn to love it!

    Anyone can feel free to add me!! I am always here for support....
  • Diddles898
    Just starting too and the exact same, always wanted to tone up before last year always said i would then my weight just grew from there to where im looking back now on that time when i was so "fat" saying how skinny i was, iv a housemate who will be my crutch as shes wants to get fit also but this site will be great for tracking my food :)
