Hey Everyone-Im New :)

I am almost 24 years old now and I am finally starting to have weight issues....not huge ones, but I can tell that my pants are definately tighter than they used to be. I am by no means overweight or even close to it, I just want to get back in shape and do some toning. I would like to get back down to my size 2, just so I don't have to go clothes shopping. I need advice to get fit and tone up! Right now I am 115 lbs and I am 5'4", my waist is 28 inches and hips are 32", I know to some of you that may seem small, but I am not in this to lose weight, I just want to gain muscle and fit into my pants again! and keep that way...help?


  • NanaPami
    NanaPami Posts: 17 Member
    You are so smart to start now, before it gets out of control. You should be able to tone up with exercise. If your pants are getting tight, you probably are putting on a little bit of weight, so start walking and doing some strength training. There are tons of videos available for doing exercise at home. Or if you prefer, you can join a gym.

    Good luck!:wink:
  • lyssa_1985
    I have been trying to walk on my treadmill for 30 minutes everyday, along with pushups and crunches everyother day. I always fall off the loop though...and it just seems like it's getting worse! I was up to 117. My weight when I graduated high school was 102...so the 0's definately aren't fitting, the 2's are too tight, so now I've been borrowing clothes from my sister to fit into the size 5 pants...so frustrating!! I do have asthma so it restricts me from a lot of activities. I can't do any activities outside because my allergies trigger my asthma...pretty much sucks!!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I highly suggest taking a pilates class or checking out some dvds at the library. Mostly core strength stuff so you don't have to worry about your asthma, but they can really change your body shape in that middle region--your clothes will definitely fit differently!
  • lyssa_1985
    Thanks for the tips guys!! I can't wait to get my old body back :)
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    Everyone should do a little cardio for their cardiac health but at your weight you really don't need to be running any marathons. I'd stick with 20-30 minutes walking 3-4 days weekly. You should really look into strength training with your body type - it'll tone everything right up and you'll start noticing a nice different in about 4 weeks :)

    Pre-pregnancy when I was 125 lbs - I was a size 2, and my abs were killer :) Most people always guess my weight to be a good 10-15 lbs less than what I was because of it. Muscle does wonders for your figure.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229

    Pre-pregnancy when I was 125 lbs - I was a size 2, and my abs were killer :) Most people always guess my weight to be a good 10-15 lbs less than what I was because of it. Muscle does wonders for your figure.

    I have been finding that muscle does do WONDERS for your figure... I have been really toning and doing strenght training. The weight loss is slow to say the least, but my body is looking GREAT!!!