So here I am... starting strong

Hi all
Well I'm Kat and please feel free to add me, cause I'm up for getting to know and chat to anyone who's big and wants to be small. I have 32kg (64lb) to lose and I started being serious about it all yesterday, after some weeks of research.

So far I've done well, was under my goal yesterday and tracking well to blitz it again today. Tomorrow is my 'naughty' day (one per week) and then back to being good on Monday.

For me this is part of a "GRAND PLAN" where I stopped smoking (did that, and have continued for 6 months so far), lost weight (hence being here) and learned to love myself a bit better (which I reckon is going to be inevitable after the big achievements I'm insisting upon). Failure is not an option so I'm up for as many ideas as possible. No excuses. My motto with quitting smoking was 'not one puff ever' which I hijacked from a great website I found. No motto with this yet, haven't found it, but I guess I just want to live my life, rather than sit around and wonder where it went.

Anywho, thanks for reading and please, share stories and tips and whatnot and I'll do my best to read and reply where I can.


  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member

    And congrats on quitting smoking-- that's a great accomplishment. You're already well-endowed with the will power you'll need to succeed at making your weight loss goal.

    My advice? Take every meal at a time. Splurge on one meal? That's life, try to do better on the next one. Exercise (whether it's walking, a dvd, etc.) is your best friend. It's good for your mood, it enhances your weight loss and it make you feel good.

    Best wishes to you!
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    Hey thanks for that! I'm certainly starting to get to know this new acquaintance - exercise for its own sake. Before, I've played some soccer and whatnot, just for fun, but never been very good at exercising for calorie burn rather than for *fun*. But I know that you're right, I got up early today and went to the gym and it put me in a great mood for the rest of the day, and because of my mood, I spent ages cooking a healthy and yummy dinner, went on a wander around my area and then took myself fishing. I haven't been that good to myself in.... well... ever!!!!!!:happy:

    You seem (looking at your ticker) to be doing really well. What kind of exercise do you use?
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    A question for everyone, does anyone else here have a 'naughty day' once per week?
  • carbak33
    carbak33 Posts: 7
    Had mine today for lunch. I had a 4-pc chicken nuggets happy meal from McDonald's. It took the edge off while not killing my caloric count.
  • Brandy108
    Brandy108 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't have cheat days but I'll have an occasional cheat meal if I have something specifically planned (birthday, event, etc.). I find that you crave what you eat so if I don't eat it, I don't crave it. Kind of like your idea of "not one puff ever" mentality, just give it up and after a while, you won't really miss it anymore :)
  • atinch1
    atinch1 Posts: 7
    Welcome! Im new here too! Im getting better day by day. I am hosestly scared to have a cheat day. I dont trust myself. LOL
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Off to a great start. Add me if ya like.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    No I don't....If I have junk I want more. Also you can eat alot of calories in a day....and I have a hard time losing. I really want to get the weight...and fat off. I don't want it to take forever.
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    My sister is on a different diet plan that gives her a cheat day once a week. She likes it because it means that when the crowd go to a dessert restaurant for a birthday or something equally calorific, she can relax and know that she isn't breaking her promises to herself. I thought I might give that a go, because then a pressure relief is built in. Especially good for Mum's Sunday Roast and Dessert night, where (when possible) the whole family get together for dinner back at Mum's house.

    I think I'll give it a try and see how I go. Being Sunday (cheat day), I have had a big breakfast, and am still wanting to make good choices, even though I can eat 'whatever'. Still choosing the diet cordial over the sugary stuff, and not touching the chips and whatnot that my teenage brother relies upon to survive.

    Thanks for all the responses folks, it's lovely to feel part of a community!