I don't know what to do anymore.

I need a serious change in my diet and support. My eating habits are completely out of whack. When I'm alone it seems I barely eat, but whenever my boyfriend is around I tend to make rich foods and bake a lot to do something special. Plus lately we have been having a lot of problems with his mother, and I've turned into a baking machine since I'm under so much stress.

Any suggestions on how to change?


  • You've got to first make a decision to change!!! Decide and commit to change. Don't let yourself down. I love to motivate and support!!! I'll add you as a friend as well. Choose to eat healthy frequently when your alone, drink tons of water, start looking for healthier tasty goodies to bake or prepare! Or have it in moderation.
  • Hockeyma65
    Hockeyma65 Posts: 2 Member
    What I do to keep motivated is I have a picture of myself before I started to lose weight and itmake me release I don't want to go back their. We all fall once in awhile we just have to make sure we get back up and keep trying
  • reneeeeeh
    reneeeeeh Posts: 54
    what she said above ^^

    took me months before I finally had enough with my eating habits and made a change for the better, but you have to want it bad enough.

    make sure you log your food when you're alone. that way you know how many calories you need to consume so hopefully that will motivate you to eat.

    as for the baking.. dont buy the baking ingredients if its that big of a problem or try to find other things to do while your boyfriend is around. go out etc

    good luck!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    You're turning to food for comfort. I'm sure most all of us can relate.

    Flip the script. Feeling stressed? Run. Hit the gym hard. Release some endorphins. Now instead of doing harm to yourself you're helping yourself reach your goals.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    You're turning to food for comfort. I'm sure most all of us can relate.

    Flip the script. Feeling stressed? Run. Hit the gym hard. Release some endorphins. Now instead of doing harm to yourself you're helping yourself reach your goals.

    Best of luck to you.

    Great advice!!!!!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    substatute things in recipy you can look up what works for what on line:drinker:
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I need a serious change in my diet and support. My eating habits are completely out of whack. When I'm alone it seems I barely eat, but whenever my boyfriend is around I tend to make rich foods and bake a lot to do something special. Plus lately we have been having a lot of problems with his mother, and I've turned into a baking machine since I'm under so much stress.

    Any suggestions on how to change?

    I wish I had some magic answer, but the truth is you just have to want it badly enough. You should get into the habit of eating around the same times every day so that you don't eat too little some days or too much on others. When your bf is over, cook healthy, light foods. I've wanted to lose weight for years, but I had to want it badly enough to make some major changes before I could.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Rather than bake for a stress relief, try doing a workout instead. As for not eating enough when alone, try finding healthy quick snacks you can eat throughout the day and I also find that setting a routine for eating helps too. Your stomach will remind you to eat once it gets used to a certain routine.
  • juliekat1955
    juliekat1955 Posts: 67 Member
    Maybe you could try going for nice long walks to help with the stress. I know that when I walk I can get rid of alot of stress. If you can't exercise what about trying a puzzle, like a jigsaw...that always gets my mind thinking in a new direction instead of troubles.

  • Jesiena
    Jesiena Posts: 48 Member
    This is all really great advice. Thanks!

    I use to be such a health freak, but lately I've been lacking the right motivation.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You're turning to food for comfort. I'm sure most all of us can relate.

    Flip the script. Feeling stressed? Run. Hit the gym hard. Release some endorphins. Now instead of doing harm to yourself you're helping yourself reach your goals.

    Best of luck to you.

    This is the right answer. It isn't the motivation.

    We don't ever need motivation to do what we want to do. I suspect you do want to lose weight, but in the short term, you want comfort more. If you associate the endorphine rush of a run or a kick *kitten* lifting session (whichever DOES float your boat, not what "should" float your boat) with the comfort you need, you'll do it easy as falling off a log.

    So find what you like: zumba, running, biking, Jillian, whatever in the cardio world, or lifting heavy or crossfit or martial arts in the strenght and/or hybrid world. Whatever it is that you do for a couple weeks and then when you have a busy week and can't do it you're sad. I know what that is for me, and now I won't give up the time I need to do it at least twice a week, but you figure out what it is for you.
  • lose4good1
    lose4good1 Posts: 222 Member
    Good advice