I left w/ no doughtnut

:drinker: Went in to the Bakery down the street from my office, I was out of diet coke... & I actually left w/ just the diet coke! I fell off the wagon for a couple months, but, I think I'm really going to do it this time!


  • patrice27
    way to go!!!
  • missymoo2
    :smile: I know that feeling. I work in an office, and I swear everytime I walk in the kitchen, it is donuts, or bagels, or cookies. Usually, I just run out the side door of the kitchen and go walk the stairs to keep from eating everything in sight. I so do not have self control. Good luck with resisting the temptations!
  • lkharris
    There's a piece of pumpkin cheesecake in there now calling my name.... I will resist and chew gum!
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    I'm trying to avoid the huge bowl of Halloween candy that my little ones brought home the other night!!
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
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  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    GREAT JOB!!! I was just talking to my friend about how hard it is to say "no" when presented with temptations like that! We just have to take it one small step at a time.....
  • Makai
    Makai Posts: 43
    It's funny how people bring in all that junk food for the office. The office I used to work for brought in yogurt and fruit along with all those other goodies like bagels and cream cheese, cinnamon rolls, pies, cookies, ect. Co-workers would bring in fruit and vegetables from their gardens too which was a nice reminder that not all office food should be full of refined sugar and bad carbs.
  • jenners22
    That's great! I have had a donut addiction in the past and I am a firm believe that if you have foods in your "can eat" list or bucket or whatever, that is the food you are going to crave like crazy! So I let myself have a donut once a month. It may be wrong, but it keeps me from binging and eating all the donuts I can in one sitting.

    Congrats on the restraint, though! :drinker:
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Congrats! These moments only make us realise that WE CAN DO IT. I am so proud of you for turning away from temptation. :drinker:
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    There's a piece of pumpkin cheesecake in there now calling my name.... I will resist and chew gum!

    I craving a pumpkin bar with cream cheese frosting so badly! Unfortunately, if I make them, I'm the only one that will eat any so I have to put off makign them until I have a reason (which might be thanksgiving!)
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    Woo! Congrats!!! :D
    That's a pretty big accomplishment :D

    Everyone's talking about office sabotage here...
    I recent took a new job (okay- 6mo ago) and I'm the one in charge of keeping stuff stocked in the kitchen (company cc- lol). I'm surrounded by complete sugarholics and have to buy M&Ms (peanut & plain), starbursts, gummy starbursts, sourpatch kids & a neverending supply of sodas out the yin-yang.

    I've gotten to where I allow myself ONE serving o' candy, once a week. And it's tough.
    (Yet I STILL don't know how you passed up the dounut!)
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    That's pretty amazing!
    Good for you.
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    Congrats! It gets so much easier to avoid temptation as you go on. :-) And then it's even greater when you get to the point where you can have a little treat like that and not feel like you suddenly have to eat a bunch more.
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