Needs some sort of Insanity

Hi! I am looking for a workout video program like P90X or insanity that all you cool kids are using here on the fitness pal.

I generally just run (4-8 miles most days), do a bit of yoga and real-life chores. Maybe once a week I use weights.

I am starting to think that changing my workout would help me lose more weight.

I need something that is a faster workout because I usually have a 35 pound monkey of a son climbing on me most of the day and especially if I am in really cool new positions that might be fun to climb.

I want to continue to run as well.

SO anyone have a recommendation of a workout series that
1. is awesome for women
2. Around 30 mins long
3. Doesn't require giving up running on the same day as the workout
4. Produces lean sexy bodies


  • neti_call
    neti_call Posts: 81 Member
    Ripped in 30?
  • YogaLarva
    YogaLarva Posts: 16
    The "Look Better Naked" dvd has two workouts on it - a cardio and a strength training one. They are 30 minutes with the warm up and cool down and are both pretty effective and not sure boring to do. :-) And the dvd is only like $10 and you can find it at most Target stores I think.
  • MicheleTh
    MicheleTh Posts: 31 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred

    I lost 7 inches all over in 30 days.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    P90X is generally at least and hour long.
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    mwaha was going to say 30dshred too, my 2 yr old loves to climb and chase as well, gave her a set of 2 lbs weights (okay she stole my old set over a year ago so i 'gave' them to her officially!) i use the 3 lbs and she's started doing the workout with me, it's a riot and great motivation to watch toddler following jillian and to hear her tell me it's time to workout! (ps using it a great time to teach healthy body image, she says she's fat too, i explain why she's perfect!)
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    I'm currently doing Insanity and I love it. I run about 10 miles a week along with it. They balance each other out in my opinion since running helps clear your kind and takes some of that stress out.

    I'm on week 2 and Ive already lost inches. Most of the workout videos are between 30-40 min in the first month. I hear they increase in time in the second month. It certainly does show results.

    I got a heart rate monitor just for it. I burn about 360-400 calories a day so far. I definetly recommend you get one. It's pretty dope.

    Also, I gained 2-3 lbs at first doing it but today I finally lost that weight plus an extra lb.
  • meliad
    meliad Posts: 71
    Thank you. I kept hearing their names but didn't know which was for me.
  • ssloatma
    ssloatma Posts: 1
    Look for the Metabolic Effect workouts. They are short, intense, and have good science to support their methods.