Baby Belly STILL There. :(

Okay, so I've been trying damn hard for months now to actually try and reduce my belly size since having a baby. I've tried so many different exercises, and nothing seems to be getting rid of the baby belly. I'm so frustrated that I don't know what else to try. I can feel my abs starting to tone up now which is good, but I can't get rid of this pouch of fat at the bottom of my belly.

Other than saving up and paying a ridiculous amount for a tummy tuck, I can't think of anything else to try.

I'm eating sensibly and I exercise regularly. The weight is coming off, but the belly hasn't reduced in size at all.

It's getting to the point now where I really HATE the way I look, and I don't like my partner looking at me. It's seriously got to stop. I need to get my confidence back. :(


  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Reducing overall body fat will eventually reduce the belly. If you have excess skin and separation of the abdominal muscles, the only thing that can fix it is surgery, unfortunately.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    My belly is still poochy too, I truly think that is the first to come and the last to go. Are you measuring? Do your pants fit different at all? You are looking at it everyday, so you may not notice the small differences that might be occurring. I can tell you that I can feel the muscles now when I poke my belly, but they are still covered up with the fat, so they aren't really visible yet. I hazard to guess the changes are happening in there, you just aren't seeing them yet. Hang in there, you can do this!!!
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Mine's still there too hun, although it is smaller than it was three months ago.
    The thing is, until your body fat percentage has gone way down, it's still going to be there.
    Once you're at a 'normal' or healthy weight, it seems to be easier to target certain areas...arms, legs, abs etc to work on.
    But the whole time you still have weight to lose, that excess fat is just going to sit there. Bummer eh?
    All I can say is keep going, your measurements are going down. The smaller you get, the smaller your belly will get.
  • workoutgirl23
    It can take time for your belly to fully go back to normal after having babies. i know after i had my kids, my belly didn't go back to normal for months and months. it still looked like i was like 4 months pregnant, lol. sorry. not funny. any way. it will go down. just keep dieting, and exercising, and it will go down. my stomach has finally went down, except i still have some extra skin that refuses to go away. but that's cuz i stretched very big when i was pregnant. my doctor says i'll probably have to get a tummy tuck some day to get rid of the extra skin. but otherwise, my stomach went down now. keep working at it. it takes a little time and patience, but it will go down.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i have been doing this since nov and mine has gotten smaller but it's still there... i am fine with weight i am now and everything thing else but this pooch. i never had one prior to having my son and i know that i still need to loose more fat to loose it but then i will be skinnier then i want... so i have no idea what to do... i know so many said strength training but i want to loose the fat 1st then tone... i was doing 30ds and rin30 and i know my muscles are tighter but you can't see it with the fat over top...