60 plus to lose:(



  • blazingmissp
    blazingmissp Posts: 63 Member
    I have about 50 more pounds to get off. I have lost 60 so far, so I am working hard to get the rest off. With my schooling, two kids in school, and still having to take care of the household things can get busy but I am trying to find new ways to manage everything and still get fit and fabulous.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    hello! My goal is 130 pounds too. We can do this!
  • jennifer072107
    jennifer072107 Posts: 7 Member
    hey! ive got 80 lbs to lose. I LOVE 30 day shred! although I need to do it more often! Feel free to add me. I have been adding my calories on here everyday. Hope your journey goes well!
  • 68sylvia
    68sylvia Posts: 25 Member
    hi i have to lose about 50lbs. im trying really hard. but i know it can be done i will support you with your weight journey i know you can do it
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i still have 50 pounds to lose :explode:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I've been horribly discouraged recently, I feel your pain. I have almost 50 to lose with 2 kids at home - feel free to add me :)
  • Hi and welcome! I am starting Jillian's 30 Day Shred today too! :) I've got about 130 pounds I need to lose. Can't wait to see both of us reach our goals!
  • sweetreeser
    sweetreeser Posts: 2 Member
    I recently had a child and am quite aware of c-sections ladies.....and the flabby stomach. I currently weight about 192...I reached 226 pounds during pregnancy....it was scary. I usually had stood at about 160 on average with fluctuation. I personally would love to reach the 130 mark. I feel as if its nearly impossible but I too need some people and motivation to get to that goal....so lets get 60 pounds together!? Add me if you can.

  • Hi! I have lost 29lbs so far and would like to lose a total of 73. 44 to go? Really bad at math. I am a mom of three and 39. Feel free to add me as a friend! The more the merrier! : )
  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    I'm going to tell you ladies when i gave birth to my second child through c-section i weigh a whooping 310. But in a few years I did get done to 160. It is do-able ladies. I stomach wasn't a 6 pack but it wasnt to flabby either. good luck
  • I just started today as well. I have 86 pounds to lose. I also have 3 kids, and am 33! Good luck! I need motivation as well. My hardest part will be finding the time to work out.
  • jdlewer
    jdlewer Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this website/ap. I've lost 31 pounds since Noveber 2011 and have 39 more to go. I prefer not to think of the huge goal. I focus on one pound at a time. Set smaller goals with simple rewards to help feel like you're achieving something. I did the couch to 5K program. I struggled at times and it took me longer than the 9 weeks but I did it. I ran in my first 2 mile race on June first and signed up for my first 5K next month. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, I'm 180lbs and want to get to 119lbs so I have similar goals. Add me if you like. Do give it a month as you'll see progress in that time and that'll spur you on. In my first month I've lost 12lbs so it's really encouraging to know what can be done in 30 days. Hope it goes well! I've heard great things about 30DS though I'm trying to 'learn' how to run on the treadmill, walk a minute, run a minute etc.
  • Hey there!! I'm 29 and looking to get to 130 myself. I have been discouraged multiple times as well. I know it's hard and even harder with kids, feel free to friend me and we can work on it together :)
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I need to lose 60+. If you would like to add me you can. I like friends that like to motivate me and i'll motive you as well. So add me if you like :).
  • ashleygx26
    ashleygx26 Posts: 140
    Hi everyone my name is Ashley and I am 22 years old. I started my journey back in January, when I set a goal of 80 pounds for myself. I started out at 210 pounds and I am happy to say I am down 60 pounds. Now that I am down to 150, I have upped my goal to 90 pounds total and would like to end up at 130. Please feel free to add me!! I am always looking for friends that have goals around mine. Good luck with all of your journeys!!