Not successful with Weight Watcher anyone?

Points plus was too slow and lost minimal. Anyone more successful with this method. I only need to drop 10 pounds but just wont budge. I work out 3-4 times week with strength training and some cardio. Thought I would give this a try.


  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    And it's cheaper but yeah I tried it - and Also Jenny Craig - opinion I like using MFP because it's more positive and you can talk to people
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    When I was on points plus I was losing between .2-1 lbs per week. Not good for someone of my size. When i switched to mfp, I averaged 2 lbs per week. Now I am not only doing mfp but also low carb and I am averaging 2.2 lbs per week.

  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I was too hungry on WW. So now I just follow a calorie limit (which is essentially what WW is)... I increased my limit to what I am comfortable with. I choose to eat clean rather than processed crap, no matter how low the calories are.
  • melinda2308
    melinda2308 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I lost lost and gained the same few pounds. They kept telling me it was slower the closer you get to goal but it was frustrating to only lose .4 every other week. I think I do better with less starchy carbs. I like this forum thus far.
  • MustangSally74
    MustangSally74 Posts: 59 Member
    I tried WW a couple of years ago and think their point ranges are a little off, don't think its good for everyone. I wasn't successful. Calorie counting would be your best bet, imo. Eating more natural foods and less processed foods is always good. Your body can recongnize and process it better. Good luck
  • melinda2308
    melinda2308 Posts: 16 Member
    I am eating 1200 calories. I weigh 154 and want to get to 145. I am 5'6 . I think menopause totally wrecks your body. Men are sooo lucky they dont have to deal with that. I did burn 878 calories at the gym Sat and didnt eat them so I hope I will see some results next saturday when I weigh in for the first time since seriously tracking. We shall see. :)
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I followed WW for almost 2 years and lost 81lbs with it but these last 30-35lbs are not coming off as easy!! I am going to use MFP and track my calories mainly because it is free and I need a switch up! I love Ww but after awhile doing the same thing over and over gets old!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • LoFoSho100
    LoFoSho100 Posts: 66 Member
    I also did Weight Watchers for about a year. I lost weight... but it did seem to be slower than I thought was appropriate. And I was paying $40 a month for membership for mediocre results... MFP is freeeee! When I saw my doctor at the end of 2011 and we talked about Weight Watchers, she said that she wasn't a huge fan because they encourage you to use all your extra points instead of just using them when you "need" them. And also, with the new system, most fruits and vegetables are 0 points... Even though they are good choices, they still have calories! I totally agree with that. If you added 6 servings of fruits/vegetables to your food journal and tracked 0 calories, you could easily have 500 calories unaccounted for... ANYWAY, I liked the support of the meetings, but it was hard for me to motivate myself to go on Saturday mornings (which was the only meeting I could make in the area due to work and other commitments). I am finding that this site is just as supportive as the group meetings at WW were... and again, FREE! :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I tried WW and was starving to death. I couldn't understand how a tuna sandwich could use up nearly all my points for the day. Calorie counting simply works better for me. I also learned that 1200 calories does NOT work for me at all. I know that I need MORE calories in order for me to lose weight (I NEED around 2100-2200 NET calories a day to lose) and I've learned that I can easily maintain around 2300-2500 NET calories.
  • melinda2308
    melinda2308 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on your stats. How long did it take you?
  • theanom
    theanom Posts: 1 excited about MFP after read your posts. Thanks. WW too was slow for me.
  • more cardio will help you.. I have lost a total of 22lbs by weaght watchers but it is slow... or you can go on line and get the 3 day cardiac diet... It says you can lose up to 10 lbs in 3 days
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I am eating 1200 calories. I weigh 154 and want to get to 145. I am 5'6 . I think menopause totally wrecks your body. Men are sooo lucky they dont have to deal with that. I did burn 878 calories at the gym Sat and didnt eat them so I hope I will see some results next saturday when I weigh in for the first time since seriously tracking. We shall see. :)

    A lot of people may disagree with me, but eating 1200 calories and burning almost 900 at the gym is creating way too large of a deficit for you - especially since you are only about 10lbs away from your goal weight. Heavier people (usually ones with 100+ pounds to lose can handle a larger deficit better than people close to their goal weight). I understand you are in menopause, but I really truly believe you aren't seeing results is due to not eating enough. There's a group on this site called "Eat more to lose". It is full of people who will tell you that eating more results in better and more sustainable weight loss.

    I started at 203lbs and am down to 145-150lbs while eating an average of 2500 NET calories a day. You are working very hard at the gym and not giving your body much food to live on. It thinks it is starving - hence the lack of weight loss.
  • melinda2308
    melinda2308 Posts: 16 Member
    I dont usually have that high of a calorie burn. I upped my weights to 10pd. I did 30 min of elliptical and 2o minutes of weights. I wear a watch that monitors heart rate and calories. The increase in the weights really made me work harder. Trust me...i only get in 3 -4 days a week and my usual workout calorie burn is between 400-500 especially if I take a class. I usually eat more on those days but for some reason at really ate clean yesterday. Lots of salad and fruit and just wasnt as hungry. I tend to overeat on more days than sticking with my 1200 plan
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    I went to ww for years and always managed to lose weight using the old points system...When they changed systems on me...I just really could never get the hang of points (plus)...Although to be honest...lots of people were getting excellent results...but not me...So I got frustrated and quit going to ww altogether. Sometimes it really is hard...In my case... (damn near impossible)... to teach an ole cat new tricks!