Nov.30day weight lost challenge

cc28655 Posts: 31
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Helo,anyone interested in doing a 30 day challenge.
Here is how it works, more ideals are welcomed.
We set our goals any goals, from weight lost to exercise to water, to fruits and veg's.
Post our CW,SW,GW.
Post once a wk to check in with others, to give encourgement or recieve.
Weght in is Monday's every Monday
Post your goal for the wk or day, and let us know if you have met those goals.
CW 262
Goals for the wk are exercise at least 4 days 30 min's with some weight lifting.
Log food intake every day.
drink all my water, eat my fruits and veg's 5 a day.
Make since?


  • I would love too!!!! When would we start?
  • sounds good to me. I'm new to this and could use to encouragement.

    CW 202
    GW 135
  • I would love to participate in the challenge. Just new to this site this week and have been reading and not responding to much - but this is definitely for me. Helps me with accountablility.

    CW 200
    GW 132

    like i said - just started hoping to get control over my eating habits - pretty scary once you log what you eat!:embarassed:
  • blessedtobefit
    blessedtobefit Posts: 157 Member
    Sounds great! I am all in...this challenge is just I was looking for. Thanks cc28655!! :happy:

    CW: 154
    GW: 130

    I've started walking every morning before the house wakes up in addition to my daily excerise routine. So far this week I am burning 800 calories (on average) and I am thrilled!! My goal is to keep this up and drink 100 ounces of water each day.

    Together we can do this!! :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Sounds like a great idea! I am new to this and this will be a great way to stay accountable especially with the upcoming holiday.

    SW: 145
    CW: 144
    GW: 115
  • kkat631
    kkat631 Posts: 20 Member
    I am interested as well. I've been MIA on fitnesspal and need to get back on track, especially with the holidays coming up.
    GW=188.0, but I'd be thrilled to break 200!!!!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm game.

    SW 232
    CW 226
    GW 130

    Exercise goal - 30 minutes 5 times each week
    Additional goal - log everything I eat for the whole month.
  • TY ALL for your reply and for joining me.
    Lets start tomorrow, seems like you all are already ready, your exercising already and dieting.
    Tomorrow everyone post their weight, and goals.
    See ya tomorrow
  • i'll join, i need the motivation.

    CW - 148
    GW - 130

    drink atleast 5 cups of water
    veggies with lunch n dinner
    exercise 5 days/wk for 30 min.
  • I would like to join. Is it too late? I really need the motivation.

    SW 294
    CW 258
    GW 175

    I am going to excercise 4x a week and make sure I make the best choices in food.
    I wish everyone good luck!
  • No not to late to join welcome.
    Glad to have all of you here.
    I exercise today.loged food intake.
    Ate a good breakfast.
    See you all here later I will ckeck in to see how everyone is doing.
  • Count me in too.

    SW: 178
    CW: 143.6
    GW: 135

    Log food in every day
    Exercise 5 days each week at 60 min per session
    Drink 70 ounces of water minimum
    Eat below my exercise calories

    Thank you.
  • :smile: Hi All.
    Even though I didnt met my exercising goal I did get to exercise 3 days last wk.
    I lost 2lbs:happy:
    My goals are same for this wk.
    Lets do this .
    Hope you all are doing well.
    Welcome everyone.
    Exercise at least 3 days will push for 4 days,20min's to 30min's.
    weight lifting,water 8+8oz everyday.Log food in take and exercise.
    Watch what I put in to my mouth.
    Have a good wk all.
    Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Hello everyone,

    I had some setbacks unfortunately the past couple of days. I am having some security issues in my neighborhood that has increased by stress level. But I did manage to lose about 1 1/2 pounds.

    My goals for the week are to stay focused and get back on track. Try to atleast excercise 3x a week for about 30 minutes, and log all food that is going in my mouth.
    SW 294
    CW 256.4
    GW 175

    Have a good week everyone!
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