New to the site!

Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
Hi guys and girls, hope your all well!

Im Scott, 25, from Sheffield. Im trying to lose weight, and have been for a few years now, but have lacked the motivation and drive until now.
Where do we start......I basically got bullied at school for being a little chubby, nothing too big, but with the bullying i began to comfort eat! I got bullied from being around 12-15 and ten years later i still live with the effects today. Im still self conscious to an extent, and i have trouble accepting compliments!
I have learnt from this though as i set up an anti bullying campaign to help children who have been bullied, and have a website for this. Its the most rewarding and amazing feeling in the world, knowing ive hlped others avoid the crap i went through. I lost a fair bit of weight from 17-20, but it slowly crept back on as i went to uni and suffered a few injuries (hernia, torn ankle ligaments) from playing ice hockey.
I've got to the point now where im working with people in the nutrition/fitness industry, but i want to look good and feel better and happier in myself.

Anyways ive ranted enough now! haha i hope everyone is well. Good luck to you all with your fitness journeys.


  • laneydawn
    laneydawn Posts: 64
    Welcome to MFP, Scott! Youve certainly come to the right place for meeting some awesome folks who share the same goal as you. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • Welcome Scott! MFP is a great place to be! There's a wonderful support system here for you and I do think you will find success here! Feel free to add me if you like for motivation and good luck to you! :)
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You're in the right place
  • Lozle
    Lozle Posts: 1
    I was bullied too - but not because of weight, just becuase I was too nice back then... Probably still am. I love that you started a campaign! A lot of people don't take bullying seriosuly and don't see the serious effects it has on the individual and what people have to go through. I was bullied for about 2-3years.

    I went to uni too :) I went to Hull and studied Psychology. What did you study?

  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    Well Scott I think you look amazing and I'm sure you did all those years ago as well. Sorry knew you don't like compliments but its true, kids can be mean though. I got bullied a hella lot for my height (now 5'11 but was always tall) and then end of high school for my weight. You can add me as a friend if you want (as well as anyone else who wants to add another friend feel free:happy: )
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome to MFP - this place is an amazing support system for people, and it has become a massive part of this whole weight loss/ lifestyle change journey - sending you a request :) good luck!
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Hi everyone, thankyou for your kind welcomes i appreciate it.

    Hi Lauren, thanks for the kind words. shame to hear you got bullied too, but i believe what goes around comes around. And people mainly bully because they see something in you that they havent got, with me i was good at drama and acting at school and i was fairly popular aswell, and some so called 'friends' took exception to it and didnt like that i found new friends who werent 'chavs' and they decided to bully me.
    Aww cool thats good. I miss uni, i studied Nutrition, health and lifestyles at Sheffield Hallam.

    Thanks Caligirl, its not rhat i dont like them, i just have trouble believing them. I appreciate your kind words :-)
  • carpediem4263
    carpediem4263 Posts: 167 Member

    As someone who was also bullied about weight growing up, I love that you have started an anti-bullying thing.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Feel Free to add me more Support the matter what Size you are.:smile: