Anyone into nutrition & cooking properly?

Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
I'd love to have more friends who are into their nutrition a bit. People who like to cook from scratch, with interesting healthy cooking ideas. Maybe someone who does their own juicing or bakes their own bread?

I'd love to see diaries where at the end of the day I can 'genuinely' say "well done great day", not shake my head at repeated severe undereating, or where calories mainly come from packaged foods, cake or alcohol.

I'd like friends for whom the weight loss is about attaining health and fitness, rather than just appearance.

I'd just love to have more friends whose diaries are inspiring, where I feel I can learn something. :-)


  • jodi8785
    jodi8785 Posts: 29 Member
    that is exactly what I am here for! about a year ago I discovered that I LOVED cooking, and I was good at it, so I started cooking for me and boyfriend every day. I gained 25 pounds over the past year and he has gained 60! now it's time for us to take a step back and say ok, something is not right here. now when we go shopping, we make much better decisions, eat all kinds of veggies, and I am relearning how to cook healthy. Turns out I am good at that as well :) I don't under eat. Ever. if I am 100 or 200 calories over my limit one day, that's ok because I know it's not junk. I am having fun with cooking new things like spaghetti squash and artichokes. I also like to find healthy alternatives to things I used to make, like substituting ground turkey for ground beef (just don't do it for a meatloaf, it does NOT come out well)
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I LOVE cooking! Always have done, and always will most likely!

    I study human health and nutrition psychology, but that aside I've worked in catering for a long time and my boyfriend is a chef. All makes for being a bit of a foodie really doesn't it!

    Although like a lot of people I will fall for the occasional beans on toast/super quick egg on toast-style student meal (I'm only human) - where time permits in my PhD I love cooking. Often I'll cook a heap of stuff at the weekend and freeze it for in the week. I think it's a shame a lot of the joy has been sucked out of cooking really as years have gone by. People are time-poor in their lives and whilst this isn't an excuse for not looking after your diet properly, I can see how and why it is easier for some people to adopt the quick-fix option in their day to day eating regimes.

    Hopefully one day we'll all go back to growing out own veggies and being more responsible and sustainable in the way we feed ourselves and our future generations. I read somewhere that around 70% of the worlds food supply is consumed by only 17% of the global population. No wonder we have such extremes of poverty and wealth!

    Anyway, rant aside yeah - I'm really into diet, fitness, cooking and generally looking after myself and the environment :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    There's a new group on here called "Traditional Eating" that sounds like it might be right up your alley. We're still small, but we'll see how it goes. :) But basically it's for people who are into old-fashioned cooking, including baking bread, preparing stock, etc. Link is here:

    You might also want to search out the "clean eating" resources on here. Those are people who don't do processed foods at all, with varying degrees of stringency on the meaning of "processed."
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Thank you for your posts and the groups info. :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    "Traditional eating" sounds right up my alley. Once we've moved and I have a bigger garden I'd love to grow some veg and have chickens! :happy:
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi! I've only recently got into cooking from scratch, but now I've started doing it I love it. I used to eat a lot of processed food out of pure laziness, but since I've started eating properly I can really feel the benefits and would never go back! Of course I do sometimes slip up (how could I say no to the slice of pizza my boyfriend offered me yesterday?!), but it's never in a big way. I live in the city so unfortunately some things, like veggies etc. have to come from a packet.

    I'm also training for fitness rather than weight loss, though I suppose that comes with the fitness. In the past two weeks I've started weight training with a personal trainer and I love it! I also love running and I cycle almost everywhere.

    In my opinion the healthy way is definitely the best way to do it!
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    I cook my main meal from scratch, i'd love to make my snacks from scratch too. I am on a farm. Will be getting chickens at some stage. Maybe raising own beef and/or milk.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I totally agree with your post. However having said that, don't look at my diary for this weekend because I have slipped a bit! I love cooking from scratch and am trying to ditch the sweet snacks, cakes and stuff that have made me overweight. I have sent you a friend request and hopefully we can inspire each other. I have a bread maker which I used to use but it is standing idle. I am a bit afraid if I use it I will just eat more bread, and the butter that goes on it, not good.

    I do love to cook and have many healthy recipes and am trying to incorporate many more vegetables and include a bit more protein and complex carbohydrates in my diet. Couscous with roasted veg is a favourite at the moment, and stir frys. I have had a trip to the Chinese grocers to stock up!
  • Cant0na
    Cant0na Posts: 34
    This is the way I feel too.
    Though I don't fill out my diary, I use the counter to calculate the calories of everything I make.
    I have stopped buying any processed foods apart from tinned pulses in brine.
    I am eating plenty just like before but much smarter.
    My biggest weakness was bread, milk and cheese.
    At this stage I am not excercising but hope to when I recover from the sciatica pain I currently have.
    I am still managing 2 lbs a week weight loss on about 1400 - 1500 calories a day.

    I don' t have any interest in the perfect body, at 50 I think I have earned my cuddly bits! Being fit and healthy is more important to me.
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    I agree, it scary seeing the amount of people that don't cook. i'm not perfect and enjoy eating out and ready meals too, but nothing beats a home cooked meal. friends request sent.
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Hi Kara, feel free to ad me. No surprises in my diary apart from the fact that after losing almost 90lbs over the last year and a bit, I'm now embarking on a bodybuilding phase which is seeing me eat a surplus on my training days. Its a very strange thing after being in deficit for so long.

    One of the things that I've learnt over the last year is that food needn't be complicated. I do cook alot of my foods nowadays from scratch but using very simple ingredients.
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    I try to cook from scratch most of the time for meals, though my snacks are processed, but that is something I am looking to change. Got a week off work next week, and I'm planning on trying out some new healthy snack recipes.

    I only have a small garden, but have a row of pots and grow bags around 2 sides of my house, which is my veg plot. Currently got lettuce, mint, and radishes ready to eat, and blackcurrants starting to turn, and strawberries starting to develop. Rest of the stuff is for later harvesting, though my tomatoes and squash are not looking too good.

    I like making my own bread, but don't often due to time, and then eating it with butter and stuff. I make my own chutneys and jams too. Also got myself a food dehydrator last year which I love. I do air dried tomatoes, which taste like the jarred sun dried tomatoes you can buy, but without the oil. Also love dried apple rings. Do have to be careful with calories in dried fruit, but at least it is all wholesome food, without chemicals and unnatural ingrediants
  • freeli
    freeli Posts: 43
    Nice topic! I usually cook from scratch, bake my own bread, finally have a wee garden and start growing my own veg.

    Feel free to add me :)

    the group mentioned sounds interesting too. There is a book, Nourishing Traditions (Sarah Fallon), i recommend that.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Hi, I cook almost everything from scratch, grow a lot of my own veg, keep chickens etc, I'm a really keen cook and hope to turn it into a career in the future.That being said, i'm no angel and enjoy a glass of wine or 2 some nights, feel free to add me if you can put up with that.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Not perfect but I try- I do most of the cooking mostly from scratch and try to use fresh ingredients avoiding most frozen boxed or canned things. We also grow our own herbs, peppers and tomatoes. Have not baked bread in a while though- I usually just buy that from the bakery since there are only so many hours in the day.

    Thanks for the link to the group-
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    oooh how lovely all those posts!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    yes I am by no means an angel either as my diary will reflect, but I am trying my best to reduce reliance on processed foods, to take the time to shop differently to include farmers markets rather than making tesco richer etc.

    and it's nice to have friends who are also really trying their best. :flowerforyou:
  • Flafster
    Flafster Posts: 106 Member
    Sadly cooking from scratch is what got me into this position in the first place. Home baked cake & flapjacks, yum!

    Like a lot of people, I think portion control is my downfall. I worked out that the size of a slice of cake I'd have passing through the kitchen had a meal's worth of calories. By god it was good though.

    We're lucky in that we live in a strong Asian community with a lot of excellent Indian veg shops, so I go and pick up loads of cheap fresh herbs to make the more spartan food less of a penance.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'd like friends for whom the weight loss is about attaining health and fitness, rather than just appearance.
    You're a rare, yet welcome, type around here.

    I grow my own veggies, make my own juices, make my own pretty much everything.