Within the next week my 2 sisters, One of my guy friends and I are all challenging each other with a 30 day challenge.
We are going to put 5 dollars each in a jar.

We will be able to pick our own diet and workout plan, and at the end of 30 days whoever has the best results will win the $20 and the 3 losers will have to jog a mile around the local track.

We are calling this "PUDGE WARZ"

We will be required to weigh/measure in on day 1 and on day 30. Any weigh ins between are optional. Each of us will have to take a before picture and after photo. During the 30 days we will be required to post 1 update youtube video per week to share our progress and possibly a lil trash talk haha...

This is going to be fun!

I'll keep you all posted on when we are beginning.


  • fsmalley
    fsmalley Posts: 62 Member
    That sounds like total fun. You'll have to post links to the weekly YouTube video updates. Your MFP friends can help with the trash talk to support you. Good luck!
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Hahahaha Thats utterly awesome! What great motivation for you! Please keep us updated!!!
  • Its going to be fun :) We're all getting together today to do our weight and measurements and possibly an introduction video. Im excited...if everything goes as planned we will be beginning tomorrow :)