from under the sheets........



  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    7:00- "grumble grumble". Run downstairs, put the coffee machine on (pre-measured the night before), take oatmeal out, put it in the microwave (pre-measured the night before).
    Go to the bathroom to brush teeth/wash face/etc.
    7:10- put clothes on (laid out the night before), eat breakfast, drink coffee
    7:20- do hair, make-up, kiss husband
    7:30- out the door; my work is a 5 minute walk from my door, so I try to be there by 7:35

    I only work 2-4 days a week- when I'm not working, it's snooze snooze snooze till husband comes up to kiss me goodbye, then I usually get up, put laundry on, eat breakfast, and go on MFP.

    You're an inspiration, I should be more active in the morning, but my husband is a night-owl, so we haven't figured out a schedule that works for both of us yet!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    5:00am: Alarm.


    Debate going back to sleep for 15 minutes.

    Talk myself out of it. Get up.

    Go to bathroom.

    Look in mirror.

    Be terrified by what I see.

    Brush horrible bed-hair.

    Walk back into bedroom.

    Get dressed.

    Make Phonecall.

    Eat breakfast.

    Watch TV while eating breakfast. (Superhero Cartoons, House MD, Naruto Shippuden, etc)

    Take Multivitamin after meal.

    Log Breakfast on MFP.


    Log Exercise on MFP.


    Work. (by now it's usually 8am)
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    alarm goes off at 5 am.. i plan to get up and do things early..
    i hit snooze.. again, again, again, again.
    now it is 530am. take a shower
    wake up kids and feed them and the dogs
    make three lunches and make sure kids are moving.
    get dressed.. drag on kid to the charter school
    drag the twins to the car and take them to school
    this morning.. heading to the gym
  • Raquel1275
    Raquel1275 Posts: 53
    Well, it all days I get up at 5:30 am so that I can actually drink my coffee while its still hot. Watch the news so that I can stay in touch with the outside world. 6:30 am I try to wake 2 out of the 3 kids. 7am I start my mean mommy voice in order for them to actually get up. I then make breakfast and lay out their clothes. 7:15 I wake the 3rd monster. 7:30 I hound them to hurry up , the bus doesnt work on their schedule! LOL! Remind them at least 3 times to go wash up and brush their teeth. 7:45 put the 3 year old on the bus for preschool. 8 am i send the other 2 out the door. Take a deep breath and have a second cup of luke warm coffee. Then I start all the other fun things like laundry and cleaning.

    If this isnt birth control for some, then i dont know what is!! LOL!
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    usually sneak out of someone elses room :P jk
  • lynnetted43
    lynnetted43 Posts: 252
    4 am alarm goes off. 4:10 doing cardio in the living room!! no excuses!! JUST GET UP AND DO IT !!:wink:
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    4 am alarm goes off. 4:10 doing cardio in the living room!! no excuses!! JUST GET UP AND DO IT !!:wink:

    Haha, absolutely.....just get up and do it. I am working on that myself. I have cut my snooze hits down to once before I get up now
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    usually sneak out of someone elses room :P jk

    hahaha, 2 thumbs up on that one! lol
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Since it's summer break, I sleep til I have to get up and use the bathroom, :yawn: put hair up in ponytail, :yawn: take dogs out, :yawn: brush teeth, :yawn: check MFP and then figure out what to eat for breakfast:bigsmile: ....after that it's all a blur..:ohwell:

    Def NOT a morning workout person!!:grumble:
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*
    Hit *snooze*

    I just don't do mornings... :bigsmile:

    I always seem to be confused about the fact that time doesn't *actually* pause when I hit snooze. Every morning.

    Haha, once or twice I have been confused on the day. Got up quickly cuz I thought I slept in and was gonna be late for work, only to realize it was sunday
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    7:00- "grumble grumble". Run downstairs, put the coffee machine on (pre-measured the night before), take oatmeal out, put it in the microwave (pre-measured the night before).
    Go to the bathroom to brush teeth/wash face/etc.
    7:10- put clothes on (laid out the night before), eat breakfast, drink coffee
    7:20- do hair, make-up, kiss husband
    7:30- out the door; my work is a 5 minute walk from my door, so I try to be there by 7:35

    I only work 2-4 days a week- when I'm not working, it's snooze snooze snooze till husband comes up to kiss me goodbye, then I usually get up, put laundry on, eat breakfast, and go on MFP.

    You're an inspiration, I should be more active in the morning, but my husband is a night-owl, so we haven't figured out a schedule that works for both of us yet!

    well thank you, I just started trying this "get up a bit early and get a bit active right away" thing not too long ago. Seems to be working out alright so far
  • snix1024
    snix1024 Posts: 81
    Around 5-5:30 am, I am proud to say that I walk 5,000 steps every morning since the middle of April. Then I try to end the night with another 5,000. My goal would be to start jogging in the morning. I just need to get over the fear of people laughing at me. :)
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    for me it depends on the day and who wakes up first, my wife or my kids. If i can i hit snooze until i have no choice but to get up or be beaten by my wife because she hates my alarm. On day work it's a different story. I get up around 6am, pack my back pack, hop on my bike and ride the 3 miles up hill to my work.
  • sawebber
    sawebber Posts: 15
    Spend an hour kicking my husband and trying to wake him up to no avail. Then a shake or some fruit accompanied by cereal.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My morning ritual is a nutritious breakfast. I tend to hate life in general if I can't get a good breakfast in before starting the day. It is just as important to me as taking a shower or brushing my teeth. I'd rather show up to work dirty than hungry.

    Usually it's oatmeal with fruit, nuts and a dollop of vanilla greek yogurt on top. Sometimes though, I'll switch it up and have eggs instead, but usually the oatmeal wins. It is easy to digest. I also try to find some sort of caffeine, and then jump in the shower, get dressed and put some makeup on.

    I used to workout before work, but now I am working an earlier shift, so I just try to schedule a few workouts with friends in the evenings.
  • issyme
    issyme Posts: 40 Member
    Hit snooze about 5 times, then wake in a dead panic because the last time I thought I had hit snooze, I actually had completely turned off my alarm. Then proceed to run around like a madwoman trying to get ready for work!
  • MsDivineM
    MsDivineM Posts: 48
    Wake up at 5:30 to Alarm set on my tablet cuz i broke the alarm clock throwing it, need the table so no throwing!
    Crawl out of bed, try not to step on my 3 yr old that comes in my room in the middle of the night and has her sleeping bad right where I step out of bed.
    Grab phone.
    Stumble to the bathroom.
    Brush teeth, put hair in a bun.
    Put on work out clothes laid out night before.
    Out the door for walk / run by 6 am.
    Home by 7:30 so hubby can go to work and i get the kids for the day!
    Anything goes after that! Lol