NROLFW Stage 1

So I'm probably 2/3 of the way through stage 1 of NROLFW and I have to say I love it.

I'm quite flaky when it comes to going to the gym, so on average i probably go 2-3 times a week. I'm trying to get in the habit of going 3 times a week but sometimes life doesnt work that way.

My only real problem is it is SO repetetive, not very varied, and my workouts do NOT last long enough.

I like variety. Doing the same things over and over is not my style, and i think that has something to do with my going to the gym/not going to the gym.

I'm happy with how I am progressing with weight increases so far, hoping to be lifting heavier before i get to stage 2.

The one thing I'm not sticking to 100% is the nutrition plan. My only reasoning is that actually a lot of the foods in there I do not eat. I tried to sit down a bunch of evenings and plan out meals etc that would add up to my macros - but I actually can't eat as much food as it was telling me without bankrupting myself!

Me and the boy have resorted to buying whole cooked chickens and stripping them to make lunches for work, as this is much cheaper than buying uncooked meats. But it's still expensive.

What i'm trying to get at is that NROLFW is great. I haven't seen any differences in weight, in fact i've gone up which i have to say, upsets me (lol!) but i can see positive changes in my body. My thighs are tighter and my butt is firmer thanks to all the goddamn squats!

I would recommend this to anyone wanting to lift heavier. I'm very happy with how i'm progressing :)

That is all!


  • lisaiadams
    I am really liking it too. I do find it repetitive, but because it switches every other time it's not so bad. The diet plan is really tough for me to follow but I try to stick to at least a 15/30/55 ratio (the MFP default) and aim for a much high protein number- but I don't beat myself up if I can't reach it.

    I like being the only girl in the strength section at the gym - I find the guys really helpful :), but I feel stupid doing squats with just the bar. I guess two weeks ago I wasn't using any weights, but damn I'm hoping to move add more weight soon!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    I am really liking it too. I do find it repetitive, but because it switches every other time it's not so bad. The diet plan is really tough for me to follow but I try to stick to at least a 15/30/55 ratio (the MFP default) and aim for a much high protein number- but I don't beat myself up if I can't reach it.

    I like being the only girl in the strength section at the gym - I find the guys really helpful :), but I feel stupid doing squats with just the bar. I guess two weeks ago I wasn't using any weights, but damn I'm hoping to move add more weight soon!

    you've done really well :) i used to be one that shied away from the weights arena, but realise i was a bit stupid! Was even over there the other day on the free bar doing chest press (I looked mean and tough :P)

    I've been trying (being the operative word...) to stick to 20/40/40. I didn't like to the look of the eating plan at all, but i took loads of recipes for the shakes as they sound amazing! I really hate powder shakes and protein bars, and i love to cook, so will be making my own.

    I used to squat with just 15 for 20 reps, slowly (and i mean very slowly) went up to 20kg and stayed there for ages. I'm on workout A session 5 and i'm at 30kg now, so i've not done too badly i don't think. Hoping to get to 40-45 by the end of stage 1.