Diet Pills? Yes or No?

alleyg4 Posts: 26
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I want to loss ten pounds or so and I'm really bad about following a strict eating plan. Should I begin taking a diet pill? If so which do you think is the best?


  • no. diet and exercise is what it takes. a diet pill may work for about 2 weeks, but then the weight packs right back on and you usually gain even more.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    This was asked just recently. The general reply was that they are not a good idea. Here's a link to the thread.

    A friend of mine took some recently to lose weight for a race. After seeing the side effects they had on him I definitely say "Bad Idea".
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    The det pills will only help if you are watching your calories and working out.

    If not, you wont see any results.

    But, i do take one, along with 6 workout sessions a week.
    If you are really interested I would strongly recommend oxy elite pro.
    Dont buy it if you arent going to eat healthy and workout though. Or it just flat out wont work. And diet pills are not cheap.
    Good luck to you!!
  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    I would say a hearty "NO". Do it naturally if you can. I know every time I took pills like that,I always gained my wt back (when I Quit) but I always gained more. Just eat the proper diet and do whats prescribed for you and I think you'll be ok. Good luck.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I say a big, giant NO! If you eat healthy foods in healthy quantities, drink plenty of water, and get your body moving, you will lose weight... the healthy way.
    I'm down over 50 pounds in a little over 4 months and I have done that by committing to making a lifestyle change.
  • alleyg4
    alleyg4 Posts: 26
    Thanks everyone! :-)
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    No -especially if you only want to loose 10 lbs-its all about good eating and excercise -u can can do it
  • Back when ephedra based pills were legal (around 2002-03), I took them. And I lost a lot of weight. Of course, those pills were ridiculously unhealthy, and I could tell that I was doing damage to myself whenever I took them. The sleeplessness, the thumping heartbeat, the lightheadedness whenever I was out in the sun, and the mood swings (my God, the mood swings!)... the list goes on and on. I probably lost about 70 pounds when I was taking those pills, and - to be honest - I looked damn good.
    As soon as those pills went off the market and were impossible to find without shelling out hundreds of dollars, I stopped taking them. A couple years later, I was back to my starting weight. And yes, I've tried other diet pills without ephedra and they come nowhere near the effectiveness of the ephedra-based pills.
    Now I'm just eating a healthier diet chocked full of plants and working out 6 or 7 days a week. Cardio every day, strength every other day. The weight certainly isn't falling off like it was with the ephedra pills, but I feel a hell of a lot better. I can actually sleep at night without being kept awake my heart thumping out of my chest, and I certainly don't snap at people for little or no reason. It's a slow process, but it's one that will hopefully get me to change my lifestyle habits rather than relying on a diet pill.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Back when ephedra based pills were legal (around 2002-03), I took them. And I lost a lot of weight. Of course, those pills were ridiculously unhealthy, and I could tell that I was doing damage to myself whenever I took them. The sleeplessness, the thumping heartbeat, the lightheadedness whenever I was out in the sun, and the mood swings (my God, the mood swings!)... the list goes on and on. I probably lost about 70 pounds when I was taking those pills, and - to be honest - I looked damn good.
    As soon as those pills went off the market and were impossible to find without shelling out hundreds of dollars, I stopped taking them. A couple years later, I was back to my starting weight. And yes, I've tried other diet pills without ephedra and they come nowhere near the effectiveness of the ephedra-based pills.
    Now I'm just eating a healthier diet chocked full of plants and working out 6 or 7 days a week. Cardio every day, strength every other day. The weight certainly isn't falling off like it was with the ephedra pills, but I feel a hell of a lot better. I can actually sleep at night without being kept awake my heart thumping out of my chest, and I certainly don't snap at people for little or no reason. It's a slow process, but it's one that will hopefully get me to change my lifestyle habits rather than relying on a diet pill.

    Ephedra was evil. Just about killed me by making my blood pressure go so high. Took years to straighten myself out from that and crash diets.
  • I want to loss ten pounds or so and I'm really bad about following a strict eating plan. Should I begin taking a diet pill? If so which do you think is the best?

    There are a lot of scams going on with diet pills. Most of them don't work. But there are prescription options such as stimulants, Contrave, Qnexa (not yet approved, but individual components are), benzodiazepines for anxiety, orlistat and others. But if you only need to lose 10 pounds, then I absolutely agree that you should just diet and exercise!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    The sleeplessness, the thumping heartbeat, the lightheadedness whenever I was out in the sun, and the mood swings (my God, the mood swings!)... the list goes on and on
    sounds a lot like the side effects my friend was having
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I tried diet pills once before... Dare To Bare they were called... they were good when taken... but as soon as you stop taking them and return to eatin normal, you pile the weight back on... Plus I heard some diet pills are really bad so best to loose weight the good old fashion way a change of diet and regular exercise...hard work but keeps you fit and healthy!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Ten pounds isn't much. Just set your goals to lose 1 pound a week and you'll be looking great in a little over two months. This isn't a strict eating plan. I eat just about anything I want to. I just have to watch the portions and be honest when I put my food into my food diary.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    in the past I did use diet pills and yes I did lose weight but then once I stopped I put everything that I lost back on. so since 2008 when I was at my heavy weight of 166 lbs I decided to dedicate my weight loss by working out 5 days per week and eating right and drinking water I dropped my weight. So I think diet pills is just fast way I think slow and steady wins the race every time!!! Good luck on your decision but I would say not to do pills and just continue on what you are doing the last 10 lbs or so is the hardest to lose!!!
  • I got 'Dare to Bare' slimming tablets from work. Taken them for a week and lost 4lbs in 1-2 weeks with good diet and exercises at the gym. I have had no side effects and even the sales man has told me they are made with 100% natural products and no side effects. We are looking to sell them in the salon too. I was with slimming world and it was good until i got to the point where i maintained for 7 weeks. no matter what i did, more exercise, even stop eating.. nothing worked. UNTIL NOW!

    They do only work and help to increase your matabolism so if your like me where it is slow and nothing else works try the trial pack. 1 tablet at 10am, 1 tablet at 3pm and its fantastic!
  • missa526
    missa526 Posts: 103 Member
    Back in my younger days I was the diet pill queen. I tried then all. And one things for sure, the do major damage to your body, maybe not right away but later on. Plus they aren't regulated by any agency so they can put in ingredients without listing them.Most on them contain natural sources of caffiene, diuretics, and laxatives. After years of taking diet pills I ended up with erosive gastritis (my stomach acid was eating away the lining of my stomach, extremely painful) and GERD (gastroesphogeal reflux disease, which is barely tolerable on the strongest of medicines. It just isn't worth it. But that's just my what happened to me. Other people take them and are fine.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    Simply taking a caffeiene pill and some green tea extract wil give you the same effectiveness as all these so-called "fat burners" at 1/10th of the price per serving.
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