Paleo Plateau

Really curious on your opinion:

-I started a paleo challenge in the middle of February. It was more strict than what I see online regarding the Paleo diet: 55% fat, 35% protein, 10% carbs (leafy greans and nuts only). It was incredible! I had never felt so energized! I started seeing the fat literally melt off of me! I lost 18 inches, 7% body fat, 3 dress sizes, and 10 pounds in the process.
-Following that I added sweet potatoes here and there and berries. But mostly stayed strict, going to a 40% fat, 40% protein, 20% carb deal. I am eating anywhere from 1400-1500 cal/day depending on my appetite
-My work outs consist of:
Monday = off/ or I run/abs
Tuesday = spin class intervals AM/Body pump PM followed by Zumba which stretches me out good
Wednesday = OFF
Thursday = Spin AM/Softball games PM/abs
Friday = Arc Trainer warm up with Cross fit-ish work out for legs and back/abs
Saturday = run warm up then arms and shoulders/abs

I am plateauing like crazy now and I don't know what's up. I am 5'2'', stuck at 180 lbs! I do have hashimotos (hypothyroid from hell), and a horrible metabolism. With as healthy as I am, I get so discouraged that I don't look the part. I have never been in such good shape before too! Ugh! All comments welcome! Thanks for your help!


  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
    Bump to see the responses
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Probably need to up your cals to at least 1800 if you're not eating back your exercise calories. You're eating below your BMR for a prolonged period of time and that could be causing issues with your metabolism and loss of lean body mass. I ate low cal for a long time, lost 15 pounds, once I started doing CF and running again I was eating the same and eventually hit a plateau as well. I'm slowly upping my cals. Run your numbers:

    Not a completely precise way of doing it but it gives you a good place to start.
  • javagirl61
    Have you ever checked out Robb Wolf's website... - you might find some help here. My neighbors are certified Paleo guru's and say this is a great place to start.

    I also have Hypothyroid and Hashimoto (about 10 yrs)...feel your pain. Just starting my journey...very slow process.

    Good luck - sounds like you're on the right track.
  • AlaskaLily
    AlaskaLily Posts: 75
    Thanks ladies.