can't get into counting calories



  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    "can't get into" my jeans
    "can't get into" a roller coaster
    "can't get into"........

    Just trying to say that even when we don't want to do it, it is so worth doing it.

    You CAN get into it!!!!!! We are all here to help.

  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    What is it about calorie counting that you don't like? If we knew that, perhaps we could help you get over it.

    One thing you can do, for now, is record what you eat. Then, at the end of the day, look and see how many calories that was. Or, as someone else suggested, try planning the next day in advance and count the calories then.

    I got tired of counting them, myself. It seemed to me that I was obsessing over it. I was afraid to eat away from home for fear of not knowing exactly how many calories I was eating - especially at someone else's house. Then, it seemed like I obsessed over it and it made me feel really hungry all the time.

    So, I went away for a few weeks and didn't think about it. I was still exercising, but not thinking about what I ate. My weight went up about 9 lbs, then came back down about 5lbs. I didn't weigh myself very often, though. Anyway, when I was ready to try again, I was about 5lbs heavier than when I'd given up in disgust. This time, I had a different plan - I was just going to give up refined sugar and not really worry about calories at all. Turned out, when I stopped eating sugar - even in "moderation" - I didn't feel as hungry and I found it all easier. And, this time, I'm not obsessing over measuring every single thing exactly. Sometimes I do, but if it's not practical to do so, I don't worry about it. If I eat meatloaf at a friend's house, I just estimate how much I ate and use whichever "meatloaf" comes up first in the search.

    I'm losing weight and I feel much better.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    It really doesnt bother me at all, ive been looking at calouries for so Ive got a good idea what is in what, but I still look them up if im unsure a few mins on the laptop and bobs your uncle lol.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i uploaded this last night to remind me of what I need to keep doing


    Love this!!!!
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    It's about learning control. Counting calories has opened my eyes to just how much that refill of coke, extra bread stick, and double fudge sundae can have on my day (and waistline). You are here because you felt, at least at some point, that you needed to become a healthier you. Part of being healthy is being in control of what you eat. If counting calories is not something you can get into, then search around for another method that works for you. However, from my experience, it has been the easiest way that I've been able to keep myself in check.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • margaretasid
    margaretasid Posts: 44 Member
    can you can't calories the night before?? in the beginning, i would pre-log all my food the night before. it requires a little discipline and forward thinking, but it worked. i would pack my breakfast, lunch, and snacks, and i'd have a general idea of what i'd do for dinner.

    I am doing the same. It keeps me in control of food not the other way around :)
  • autumnparty
    autumnparty Posts: 5 Member
    I love measuring and weighing everything that goes into my meals and tallying the calories of every morsel so I'm not sure if what I say is going to help much but...just do it. I don't like doing dishes or cleaning the kitty litter but it gets done every day because if it doesn't my house looks and smells terrible. I exercise because without it I feel sore all over and I count my calories because if I don't I will overeat and gain weight instead of lose it.

    One thing that may help though, if you eat basically the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day then you'll have a lot less tracking to do. Just measure, weigh and track once. Then each day all you have to do is measure and weigh the exact amount out and add the meal from the track day into that days plan. That's actually how most of my meals get tracked. Every day for breakfast I have an egg and egg white with an ounce of cheese, mushrooms, broccoli, and turkey. I've gotten very good at eyeballing the amounts because I've been doing it so long but I weigh just to be sure and copy the meal every day. I always eat one of two salads so I just find the salad the last time i logged it and copy the meal. I may have to later adjust one of the ingredients but it's still faster than entering everything individually.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Maybe something like weight watchers would be better for you. Personally, I am not a fan of counting calories either but I thought I would give this a try because I was concerned on weight watchers I may not have been eating enough for the amount of exercise that I do. I am giving this a shot, like it or not. It is when I am not accountable in any way that I get into trouble.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    then you've come to the wrong place!!!

    to be honest, MFP isnt for everyone.... good luck at finding what works for you!

    ^True. This is about counting calories. It works for a lot of us, because we make it work. We log on, input our numbers, and watch the weight fall off.

    But if that's not your thing, maybe you need to check out another plan.