New to myfitness pal

Hello everyone! I've just joined less than 1 month ago even though I started on this weight loss journey in November(last year). So far I've lost 45 lbs, but I still have 80+ lbs left to go before I hit my "goal". I work out typically 5 days per week for 1 1/2 hours, and do cardio and weight lifting. I've also drastically changed my diet, no more candy, fast food or crazy portions of food and I keep it to about 1200 cals/day. The past month or two I hit a plateau and have been at the same weight, but I'm still majorly toning up and losing inches(since my clothes keep getting bigger and bigger). Trying to really keep a lid on my eating habits especially on the weekends since it's alot harder instead of during the week, and I've switched up my workouts so I'm really hoping that works. If I just stick with my routine, will my body eventually start dropping lbs again? I've never done this before so any tried and tested advice would be (much)appreciated. I'm excited to be a part of this online community and to learn and grow as a person, and get stronger and more fit as the months go by :)


  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    hey. Maybe with all the exercise you are doing, extra muscle you might need to up your cals a bit to compensate? I know it sounds strange but lots of people on here have lots of success with upping. You can search on the forums and find more info. Personally I eat around 1400 daily, eat back exercise calories, and have been successful.
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    Welcome to the family! Sounds like you're doing great thus far, but we're all here supporting one another. Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • sparklybutterfly763
    Thanks ladies! I'll have to try upping my cals to 1400 and see if that makes a difference, thanks for the advise I really appreciate it :happy:
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    love your name sparklybutterfly. welcome:) feel free to add me
  • sparklybutterfly763
    thanks Mileyclimb. friend request sent :)