Three Kids and No Energy To Exercise :(

What do I DO? I have a 5.5 year old, a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old and I'm always too exhausted to do anything besides cleaning the house. I HAVE to get out of this rut. Anything that might help?


  • Jbbaby111
    Jbbaby111 Posts: 55 Member
    ,i have a 6 year old, 5 year old now (as of wednesday) and a 5 month old! Ive been there!! LOL i drink advocares SPARK for some extra energy =)
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Playing with the kids ball, race down the street, play airplane, swim with them, take them for a walk ( carry the baby, push the toddler, let the 5 yr old walk beside you.) It all adds up to get your body moving. Let the cleaning slip a little if you have to. There are more important things than having a spotless house. My house is clean, but not spotless. Definitely a lived in appearance. Believe me, you will all be happier for it!
  • I empathize, my 3 kids are grown now. But if you can squeeze just 12 minutes into your day to walk, you can get some energy back. Leslie Sansome has a walking DVD you can do during the kid's nap, and it's a mile in 12 minutes! Fairly speedy walking, but the older kids can do it with you while the babies are napping. It will honestly give you a major boost in energy! When I work a lot and can't walk, I feel sluggish! It's only 12 minutes to walk a brisk mile, give it a try. :D Also drink TONS of gives you energy too. Good luck! :)
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I also have 3 kids...7, 4 and 18 months. I just made the decision that my health had to come before the house looking good. I don't stress about making sure every little thing is in it's place or that everything is spotless. I usually manage to get the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned and I usually vacuum, but there are still toys that don't get picked up sometimes and the laundry doesn't always get put away immediately, but I don't stress about it.

    I usually do a little bit of housework after breakfast for an hour or so and then exercise 45-75 minutes while the kids watch cartoons or play and then will do more housework as it needs done AFTER I have gotten my exercise in. Thankfully I have a husband who supports me 100% and is willing to help out with some household stuff if needed.

    I do agree with taking the kids to do something active. My older 2 are now at the age and ability that they can swim with floaties and don't need my help so I just have my youngest to keep my hands busy. Swimming is great exercise and we can easily go for an hour or so and it's a blast.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    WEAR THEM OUT! Go to the park and chase them! =D Or drag them all out for a walk! My Mom did that.. The park is the most fun though.. I wish I had a kid I could take.. =( My Mom also used to get everyone to bed and get on the elliptical while she watched a movie =) If you need energy try having a Red Bull. I promise you'll have energy then O.O Eat a good dinner earlier on, maybe have coffee or something.. if no elliptical or anything you could try a workout dvd..
  • paperstars
    paperstars Posts: 76 Member
    If you can afford it, maybe look into a YMCA family membership or a gym with childcare? I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and as much as I love them, I really look forward to dropping them off at childwatch for half an hour 3 times a week. I noticed almost immediately that child-free exercise is a stress reliever and an energizer for me. The kids look forward to it too. We can also use the pool as a family, which is fun.

    Just being more active in general helps too. If you live in a neighborhood with a park, maybe walk there several times a week. Play with them outside. Take them to water parks or nature reserves or museums. You might feel like you don't have the energy, but when you've finished (in my experience) you actually feel like you have more energy!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    My take. Practically all gyms have daycare centers and IMO if you can't take out just an hour's time for you, the stress will get taken out on your kids subconsciously. Seen it so many times when I used to do door to door sales and did demos for housewives home alone with the kids.
    Also it can be advantageous. Getting your kids accustomed to playing with other kids and socializing will make an easier transition when they start going to school. I took my daughter to the gym at 6 months old and till this day (she's 7 now) she looks forward to it and loves to play. She also has learned that I'll always come back for her so dropping her off anywhere for anything isn't ever an issue. Watching kids at preschool crying their eyes out after being left and then watching my daughter just laugh wave goodbye and go straight to playing made it much easier for me to leave her and not feel guilty.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jandashl
    jandashl Posts: 7
    All I can say, is the energy will come eventually. The hardest part is getting started. I have 3 kids, they will be 6, 4 and 2 in the next couple of months. I agree with many others, you have to decide that your goal is more important and kind of force yourself to do it. It also helps if you have something fun or less "workout". I have a Wii and my husband got me a really cool game called EA active that has a bunch of different exercises at varying lengths and difficulties. For example, there is a 15min full circuit workout. If that is all I can get done that day, I feel good that I did something. It calculates your calories lost for you and everything. As I have used it, I have progressed to longer sessions and the energy has come. I have improved in the exercises and that feels like a victory too. Good luck!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I've actually been trying to get a stroller for the 2.5 year old. We lost ours when our car(that was broke down beyond repair) was towed because the stroller was in the car. I think if I could just get out everyday to walk, I might be fine.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    You could try a wagon too - you know they have the ones with 2 seats in them - pulling that for a walk would be a good workout! You can check around on craigslist or local facebook selling groups to try and find a good deal.

    I did not like exercising at all when I first started out. Like, I just plain didn't do it at all for the first couple of months of my weightloss. But once I made myself start moving, it felt good (well after the initial soreness LOL) and I found I had a lot more energy if I exercised at least a few times a week. If you can just find a way to squeeze it in, it will really help you feel more energetic. I have 2 kids (2 year old and 4 year old) so I know it's not always easy. Usually my strategy is to exercise either while the littlest is napping or when he's in the highchair for a snack or meal. That way he's not under my feet tripping me up. I can always entertain the older one with a game or something on the couch - sometimes he actually wants to join me too.

    Even if all you can do is get out in the yard and run around with the kids, that helps too! Anything that gets you moving more than normal is going to be beneficial and might help you get your energy level up to try other things as well. If you have stairs in your house, you can go up and down them more than you normally have to. You can even just stand in your living room and do squats, lunges, jog in place, get into a squat and punch, stuff like that. There are great workout dvds that can give you some direction if you feel like you don't know what to do. I had to do the dvds so I'd know what to do and have some variety.

    And yes if you have the money to join a gym with childcare, that would be GREAT! Imagine being able to drop the kids off in childwatch and have some time where you can just focus on YOU. I'm still doing all my workouts at home right now and sometimes they get interrupted b/c of the kids - I can't wait to join a gym and be able to just drop them with childwatch and do my thing without worrying about anything but me! But even if you can't join a gym, you CAN do it at home. It might take a little strategizing and a bit of patience, but you can totally do it. :-)

    Also, I just checked your profile and I started out at 165 and now I'm at 121 - you can friend me if you want since we have some stuff in common. :-)
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    You could try a wagon too - you know they have the ones with 2 seats in them - pulling that for a walk would be a good workout! You can check around on craigslist or local facebook selling groups to try and find a good deal.

    I did not like exercising at all when I first started out. Like, I just plain didn't do it at all for the first couple of months of my weightloss. But once I made myself start moving, it felt good (well after the initial soreness LOL) and I found I had a lot more energy if I exercised at least a few times a week. If you can just find a way to squeeze it in, it will really help you feel more energetic. I have 2 kids (2 year old and 4 year old) so I know it's not always easy. Usually my strategy is to exercise either while the littlest is napping or when he's in the highchair for a snack or meal. That way he's not under my feet tripping me up. I can always entertain the older one with a game or something on the couch - sometimes he actually wants to join me too.

    Even if all you can do is get out in the yard and run around with the kids, that helps too! Anything that gets you moving more than normal is going to be beneficial and might help you get your energy level up to try other things as well. If you have stairs in your house, you can go up and down them more than you normally have to. You can even just stand in your living room and do squats, lunges, jog in place, get into a squat and punch, stuff like that. There are great workout dvds that can give you some direction if you feel like you don't know what to do. I had to do the dvds so I'd know what to do and have some variety.

    And yes if you have the money to join a gym with childcare, that would be GREAT! Imagine being able to drop the kids off in childwatch and have some time where you can just focus on YOU. I'm still doing all my workouts at home right now and sometimes they get interrupted b/c of the kids - I can't wait to join a gym and be able to just drop them with childwatch and do my thing without worrying about anything but me! But even if you can't join a gym, you CAN do it at home. It might take a little strategizing and a bit of patience, but you can totally do it. :-)

    Also, I just checked your profile and I started out at 165 and now I'm at 121 - you can friend me if you want since we have some stuff in common. :-)

    You are so smart! I never thought of a wagon!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I posted on Craigslist and Freecycle for a wagon or stroller. Hope I can get one.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    walks with the kids is great! get an ergo baby carrier and wear your youngest on your back.
    lift weights at home
    do things like push ups
    forgo some of the day to day stuff to take 30 min to pop in an exercise DVD.

    i have 5 kids 3-10 and i'm a single mom. i often don't have the energy, but i make a point of working out. it HAS to be done!!!! it's more important than laundry, dishes, mopping the floor..........
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    dancing with the kids. they love it. turn on some fun music and dance and sing. also, the park. swing, going up and down. just doing everything with the kids.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I agree with dancing with the kids. I have a nearly 4 year old and a 2 year old, and they love to race - so I'll run with them. Granted it's not fast because if I won every time I'd be a crummy mom, but it's still fun, and it's something!

    swimming lessons?

    Biking with a kid or two in a trailer?


    Jillian's 30 Day Shred is only about 25 minutes total. That's a good way to burn a couple hundred calories quick. :-)

    Good luck!
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    I too have 3 little ones (5, 3, 1) I find that getting my workout in as soon as I can in the morning works best. That way they haven't made as big a mess as if I'd try to do it in the evening when I would have to clean the entire living room before I could get to my workout. And like others have said chasing them around outside is a workout in itself.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,352 Member
    My daughter runs in place at home since she can't get out of the house on a regular basis. She also does some push ups & sit ups, etc. Just a few minutes a day, and she says she has lots more energy, and she has lost 18 lbs with the exercise and healthy eating.

    Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Start small. Remember that any movement is good movement. Stand more. Don't use the remote for the tv. Get a kids' exercise video for play time and do it with them. Get a little kids music cd and do silly dances with them. I found that as I started losing weight, I had more energy and motivation to move.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    walks with the kids is great! get an ergo baby carrier and wear your youngest on your back.
    lift weights at home
    do things like push ups
    forgo some of the day to day stuff to take 30 min to pop in an exercise DVD.

    i have 5 kids 3-10 and i'm a single mom. i often don't have the energy, but i make a point of working out. it HAS to be done!!!! it's more important than laundry, dishes, mopping the floor..........

    I have carriers, I just need something for my 2.5 year old. She slows down my walks considerably and I burn less calories.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I agree with dancing with the kids. I have a nearly 4 year old and a 2 year old, and they love to race - so I'll run with them. Granted it's not fast because if I won every time I'd be a crummy mom, but it's still fun, and it's something!

    swimming lessons?

    Biking with a kid or two in a trailer?


    Jillian's 30 Day Shred is only about 25 minutes total. That's a good way to burn a couple hundred calories quick. :-)

    Good luck!

    I actually injured my knee with the 30 Day Shred this past february. It put me out of commission for a whole month, then after that, I was too tired to do anything.