So, I've been to the gym four times this week, with cardio exceeding 4 hours total, all those calories burned (calculated according to a HRM) and food eaten according to my goals, usually a bit under...and my scale says I've gained 3 pounds.

How is it possible that it says that in just one week? It's incredibly frustrating.

I life but never enough to build up that much muscle in just a week. I don't want to gain weight until I get to 155 lbs.

AND I look much skinnier than a month ago, even a week ago.

I don't know what I want to ask, I just know it's pissing me off.


  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    water retention? are you drinking enough? is your body storing water? did you weigh yourself the same time of day as you did last time?

    My weight fluctuates sometimes up to 8lb every day depending on salts and water I've had....

    be patient and it will happen!!! Keep at it and keep your chin up
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Take your measurements too... sometimes they will tell you more truth than the scale especially if your feeling better!
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    3500 calories x 3 pounds. u do the math. lol do u really think u overate that much? probably not, so dont trip. its most likely water. i wouldnt say muscle, as putting on 3 pounds of lean muscle mass takes quite some time.
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    when i do loads of cardio long run etc my muscles seem to hold onto fluid even measuring more " than before, Even the gym i go to measures before w/o so not to discourage us hope this helps keep going your doing good
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey there! First and foremost, it's TOTALLY ANNOYING and FRUSTRATING! I hear you! :D

    On a second note, here is a quote:

    “Instead of only looking to the scale and the mirror for feedback, focus first and foremost on how exercise makes you feel—more energetic, healthier, and less stressed. Cosmetic changes will naturally occur if you seek out and adopt a fitness plan that you enjoy and take to heart.” –Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Auburn University Montgomery and creator of the “Perfect Legs, Glutes & Abs” DVD

    In the beginning of people's training- it is common to gain some weight (anywhere up to 5 pounds) and then lose it. So don't fret. Also, scales and weight in general are NOT a good way to determine where you are at. If you are working out, which you are, and eating right, which you are (although i don't know what you are eating, just that you have restricted calories) then rest assured the weight will come... It may not be as fast as you want it to come, but it will.

    The best way to track weight loss is measure yourself. I have a few people I am working with measuring themselves once a month and only weighing in once a month. The measurements are amazing because they are a more accurate portrayal of what and how your body is shifting and changing.

    Also, back to the weight thing- our body can gain -/+7-8 pounds on any given day based off of mineral intake, water intake, salt intake, hormones, stress, bowel movements... I mean, the list goes on and on. Another reason to not worry to much!

    So most importantly, since it IS frustrating... Just try to breathe, and let it go, start some measurements, start tracking them and you will be MUCH happier with the results! I have had months where I lose only 2 pounds but lost 1 inch on both thighs, 2 inches in my bum, 2 inches in my waist and stomach and .5 inches off my arms... Way more exciting than a measly 2 pounds!

    Keep your head up! You will get there with hard work and patience! The mental part of exercising is JUST as important if not more so than the physical! :D NAMASTE
  • stinamarie17
    stinamarie17 Posts: 47 Member
    muscle tissue holds on to water in order to "heal"... when your muscles are rebuilding your body will tend to retain water
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    When i first started working out my scale went up 4 lbs! I started freaking out. But about a week after it was back to normal and im back to losing again.
  • pennyrtyler
    pennyrtyler Posts: 79 Member
    See if you can get someone to take a body fat % for you at the gym. It's the device that you squeeze in both hands and it measures the amount of fat in your body. You might have traded some fat for muscle. Muscle weighs much more than fat does.

    Here is a link to a pic that I found that illustrates the difference. If anybody can tell me how to insert a pic here, I'll do that instead.
  • ashlye08
    ashlye08 Posts: 22 Member
    They are probably right, It might be water retention. Of course if you weren't a super active person before you can build muscle really fast in your legs and core while still losing fat. If you are liking the results in the mirror don't worry about the scale. Its just a tool but the main thing you want to pay attention to is if you are liking the you in the mirror :)
  • andrew_dodson
    Thanks everyone. Yeah, I'll see where I am in a couple of weeks but I'm still keeping the faith.