Newbie- Tired of saying I'm going to do it - and NOT!

Hi, I have about 30lbs I want to lose. I'm tire of the way my clothes look and feel on me. The problem is I love to eat what I want!! I am tired of starting, doing good during the week, and blow it all on the weekend...
I am hoping tracking my food/exercise/weight on here and meeting people trying to do the same will help.

I make a lot of excuses ...have 4 kids and work all day, takes more time to eat better/exercise, etc, etc. I just want to be motivated enough and do it!!!!!!!!!!


  • lforner46
    lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
    Its about mind control. I have slowly pulled the 1-2 lbs a year trick, putting on 20 lbs in the last 15 years. I always diet really good, get about 10 lbs off, then gain it back at the HOlidays. I decided this year was going to be different I have found you have to watch what you eat 80% of the time with one or two meals that are "free to eat what I want" but then get right back at it the next day. Also - if you are over 35 or 40 you HAVE TO EXERCISE. No choice. Either get up early or workout after work. No choice there.
  • cairoqueen27
    cairoqueen27 Posts: 26 Member
    Ooh you sound like I was for the last 10 years! Full of reasons not to be healthy. When you realise you are keeping yourself fat through excuses, then your new regime can start. Eat less, choose wisely and be more active on regular basis. Log in daily and write EVERYTHING on here and you will soon see what foods you can swop without feeling like you are missing out. Finally - Good Luck
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I eat pretty much what I want, I'm just more aware of serving sizes. If you want, feel free to add me!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I am 57, 4'11" and it is REALLY hard for me to lose....I joined MFP and started logging and exercising last year when i reached 164 pounds. I had been at a wedding and was disgusted at the pictures of myself. This site is great and friends are very supportive. If you make the effort to make some changes, you can and will be successful!! I wish you the best on your journey.....feel free to add me if you would like to. :drinker:
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    It's a complete lifestyle change. I'm sure you've heard this before. You should work hard throughout the week then reward yourself with something small at the end. TStart with small goals that are attainable and builld up from there. Each week raise the stakes slightly and stick to it. When you feel like you might be heading back to the old you remind yourself of your goals and that you are going to waste all of the work you have put in so far.

    As far as motivation, you have to dig deep for that and only you can find that.
  • brianblinn
    brianblinn Posts: 70 Member
    I know you've probably heard this before but everything in moderation. That's what worked for me. :smile: When I started noticing that a candy bar was like 240 calories which was 1/6 of my DAILY calories. I srated realizing I didn't want to waste (or waist for that matter) those calories. I like a nice steak so no candy bar equaled a bigger cut of steak. :) Balance worked for me. I've never meet a brownie I didn't like... mmm.... brownies... what! What was I saying? :blushing: Oh yes, enjoy your favorite food but just keep in mind how much they cost... i.e. calories/fat/carbs. Exercise is key too. You have to move it to lose it. LOL! You'll do great & feel great. This is just my opinion but I've been using MFP for 350 days now & I reached my goal. I now use MFP as maintaining. Feel free to friend me if you want/need encouragement. Stay strong!
  • For me it was about priorities; I started making excuses for the other things so I can exercise/eat healthy. I still slip up and have challenging days. The biggest thing I have learned is don't let a rough patch derail your goal. Get back on it the next day and do it!

    We have all the capability, its in us. We just need to pull it out. :wink:
  • agerena007
    agerena007 Posts: 51
    Hey, I am t the healthy person u may need or the most motivated person. But I am somewhat like u, I have four kids and work nights and during the day I have my four year old and errands to run and a house to maintain. We have a lot on our plates, but we tend to forget about ourselves because we are busy focusing on everyone else. We should focus on our family but without us there would b no family. So put it this way, take care of yourswelf first so you can be around to keep taking care of the family. Since I have started my eating healthier and exercising daily my eldest son whom is overweight started following my footsteps without me telling him to. That makes me very proud and more motivated to keep on doing good. I get discouraged like any one else does, but thanks to mfp friends they stay on top of me, they really do. I am thankful for such great motivators. You can do it, stop finding reasons why u cant and just start, one foot at a time, go slow and u will c how u can motivate yourself. Best of luck, feel free to add me.
  • tpeppers
    tpeppers Posts: 6
    Thanks so much for post and encouragement!!!!!!!
  • tpeppers
    tpeppers Posts: 6
    Thank you! I will def add you :) It's so nice to see how many people on here are going through the same thing!
  • cheryladamseve
    cheryladamseve Posts: 17 Member
    To me the best thing about this site is the information you get on how to live a better life.With this site you can do it I have been at this for 3 months and am loosing before I would make it 2 weeks and give up.I do eat some of the things I love but I count it all and yes when you see a candy bar is over 300 cal. you tend to give it up for something that is going to last you alot longer. I love cupcakes and when I started I said I would just eat it at breakfast it will give me all day to help burn it off well I found out that in about 2 hours I was really hungry and that oatmeal last much longer.You just learn how to trade the bad for the good.Good luck you got this.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I make a lot of excuses

    It's soooo refreshing to hear someone actually admit this. And the fact that you acknowledge it puts you that much closer to success. Good luck!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The biggest thing I have learned is don't let a rough patch derail your goal

    Great advice. No one is going to hit all their goals every days. Take it day by day, but if you have a bad day/weekend/week, don't lose sight of the bigger picture, which is consistent effort and long term progress.

    For all the talk about cals, macros, exercise, etc... patience and commitment are just as important, if not more so, to long term success.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi, I have about 30lbs I want to lose. I'm tire of the way my clothes look and feel on me. The problem is I love to eat what I want!! I am tired of starting, doing good during the week, and blow it all on the weekend...
    I am hoping tracking my food/exercise/weight on here and meeting people trying to do the same will help.

    thats totally me!!! i love food.. and until eat what i really want to i dont feel satisfied.. i need to shed the weight .. and slow and steady is slowing down abit too much for me :(
  • bear73000
    bear73000 Posts: 52 Member
    you can me if you like. I log everything I eat and all my exercise on MFP. It works great for me and keeps me in check. Weekends suck for me too!!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hi, I have about 30lbs I want to lose. I'm tire of the way my clothes look and feel on me. The problem is I love to eat what I want!! I am tired of starting, doing good during the week, and blow it all on the weekend...
    I am hoping tracking my food/exercise/weight on here and meeting people trying to do the same will help.
    thats totally me!!! i love food.. and until eat what i really want to i dont feel satisfied.. i need to shed the weight .. and slow and steady is slowing down abit too much for me :(

    A lot of that is largely psychological. Stick with it and the cravings/lack of satisfaction will improve. There is a lot of anecdotal/experiential evidence suggesting the elimination of processed/refined carbs can reduce cravings.. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't, but a lot of people (including myself) have seen a correlation between these carbs and cravings.
  • bachoat
    bachoat Posts: 24
    I am tired of saying I am going to do it and don't. I am trying to do better. I hope MFP will help
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I am tired of saying I am going to do it and don't. I am trying to do better. I hope MFP will help

    Then stop saying it and start doing it.

    Not trying to be an *kitten*, but motivation has to come from within. You can get encouragement from MFP, but if you're not doing it for you, you're not going to have long term success.