As Always I start off gun hoe full blazes and then suddenly hit a brick wall.. it sucks and I am at my brick wall trying to climb over it BUT cant seem to get over it HELP i need some motivation.. :sad: :bigsmile:


  • Sammils
    Sammils Posts: 3 Member
    I have always been the same up until recently. I'd start so many times and then stop without even having a really good reason.

    I usually did well until something upset my routine. A couple of unexpected, extra long shifts at work would leave me with no time and then I would feel like I needed to rest when I got a day off.

    A few weeks or a couple of months later I'd think 'Right time to start again', and I think that's why it's different for me this time.

    I'm fed up of being at the beginning and I don't want to start again! Each time I return it's harder, I ache more and hate myself even more for stopping in the first place.

    Now, I am approaching things in a similar way to stopping smoking. As an ex-smoker I realise that if I have one cigarette then I am likely to become a full time smoker again. With the exercise I now accept that if I stop I'll have to start again. Stopping isn't an option.

    It is this thought that gets me going every time. I start with the intention of doing 25 minutes and then, like so many others on here, find that I want to keep going.

    I'm nearly always competing with my calorie burn from my previous session, or the time that I spend exercising if I have extra to spare.

    However, don't be fooled, I haven't fallen in love with exercise, yet. In fact most days I dread it and have to drag myself to do it. BUT afterwards I feel virtuous, I've done my exercise for the day - I can sit and relax if I want, I've earned it.

    I use a heart rate monitor and seeing an improvement in my heart rate is also great motivation. Four weeks ago if I jogged my heart rate would go up to 190 bpm when jogging for one minute. Today I did four minutes and the highest my heart rate went was 182.

    However the best bit is knowing that I don't have to start at the beginning again. Try keeping that thought, when fighting with the one that's making you stop. This time I feel like I'm succeeding - not failing.

    If I can do it you definitely can - good luck x
  • leighlyn
    leighlyn Posts: 60 Member
    Some of my favourite Quotes:)

    -no matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.

    -Let every bead of sweat motivate you a little more.

    -what you do today can improve your tomorrows

    -OK, so you had a bad day.
    Dont beat yourself up over it, but dont let one bad decision send you spiraling out of control Grab those running shoes and get back into it. Get back to making decisions that improve your health and your happiness.

    You Are Who You Choose To Be :)
  • Light_As_A_Feather
    Light_As_A_Feather Posts: 9 Member
    bump- to read later
  • pj12string
    pj12string Posts: 128 Member
    What is your motivation? Do you know?

    Here are some steps I recommend for identifying your motivation:
    1. Make a list of 10 painful consequences you will have if you don't make a change.
    2. Make a list of 10 pleasurable results you will experience if you do make a change.
    3. Get emotional regarding these. Really visualize your pleasurable results. Clip photos of role models who are where you want to be. Visualize living without aches and pains associated with being overweight. Visualize being the healthiest you've ever been. Conversly, really feel the pain of the consequences you or your family members will experience if you do not make the change.
    4. Take daily action towards your goals. (my goals are to do at least some type of workout every day. So when I don't have time to do my P90 X workout I'll lift some weights in the gym or pop in my 10 minute workout DVDs)
    5. Make yourself accountable by announcing to people what you are going to do.
    6. Forgive yourself if you fail to meet the mark you set. Just get back on and start again.

    I hope this helps.
    God bless you,
    P.S. I know you can achieve your goals, I've seen it done, so don't give up.
  • scsturch
    scsturch Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone so far I have managed to stay on track pretty good this week it helps that I have two different friends challenging me two different challenges.. and I am competitive..
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I hear ya! Im in the same place right now! i havent worked out in a couple of weeks and i find myself eating the stuff I really shouldnt be. I am very sluggish and tired all the time and really really want to get back on the wagon... when you figure out a way to get over your hurdle let me in on it! Maybe we can get through it together :)
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    You can be dead for 24 hours a day or workout for one. Which sound better to you? I wish I could have said that to my nephew, but he is gone. His lifestyle choices got the best of him. What’s your choice?
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I know this can be hard, but always remember: You're worth the effort!!!