Do you eat your exercise calories?

Just wondering? I've done 750 cals today in exercise and am really reluctant to eat them!!!


  • kirstineu
    kirstineu Posts: 51 Member
    I think it all depends if you are trying to lose or maintain your weight. For me I had been eating most of my calories back but there was no loss. I now rarely eat more than 1600 and the weight is moving, slowly but surely.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    If I do, I gain weight. But my lifting/athletic performance is much better.

    Give it a try and see.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I don't consider it that way. I eat enough to fuel my body. Some days I work out. Some days I don't. I eat the same calories (give or take) regardless.
  • blazingmissp
    blazingmissp Posts: 63 Member
    I don't. I want to lose weight so I eat less than my bmr by about 500-700 cals/day, but if you want to maintain your weight then you should eat those back.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Nope...if I do that, I kind of feel like I've cancelled out my exercise. I just started this a couple weeks ago, but the first couple days, I ate more, and noticed the scale didn't move as much the next morning as it did the morning after a really good day of exercise and NOT eating my earned calories!!
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    Okay, my BMR is 1730 (according to various websites) and MFP gives me 1200 per day so I am already 500 odd less per day.

    So are you guys saying that for you, if you eat your exercise cals you don't lose anything even though your cals have already been adjusted by mfp to allow weightloss?

    Kinda new and a bit confused lol

    Cheers x
  • SeminoleFan0514
    SeminoleFan0514 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't, I asked my doctor for a plan for me and she told me not to eat the exercise calories, so I go by what she says for me to do!
  • JenniLisette
    JenniLisette Posts: 132
    i exercies at night, and the most i allow myself to burn is 600 cals, and i eat fruit of an egg to recover at least half of my calories burned, however i wont eat my cals back if i burn less thatn 200 cals
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Yup. I eat every last one of them, usually... sometimes more.
  • GingerRunner
    Okay, my BMR is 1730 (according to various websites) and MFP gives me 1200 per day so I am already 500 odd less per day.

    So are you guys saying that for you, if you eat your exercise cals you don't lose anything even though your cals have already been adjusted by mfp to allow weightloss?

    Kinda new and a bit confused lol

    Cheers x

    There are so many opinions about eating your calories back. I have always been of the midset that the whole POINT of workouts during weight loss was to increase the burn OFF of calories. It seemed logical to me--calories in/ calories out. Increase the "out" and weight comes off. However, more and more studies (including many articles on here) are showing that the LONG term affect on dipping too low is a "starvation mode" on your body and that the short term weight loss will be offset (eventually) by a sluggish metabolism and difficulties later in true and long term weight loss. I'm in the over 40 group and I once lived in MICROSCOPIC calories and NOW I am noticing that I can't budge the weight. .... Not sure, as I'm no scientist, but the idea of a sufficient amount of calories to sustain basic metabolic functions no matter of weight goals seems very reasonable. I'm eating mine back. :)
  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    i found that unless i eat around 1400 cals per day regardless of my exercise i don't loose. most of the time i try to net 1350-1400 including exercise. if i don't eat back some of my calories after only a few weeks i burn out and want to give up as i've no energy and so it doesn't seem like its worth feeling so low. so i'd say you should try to eat your exercise calories, or at least some of them. MFP does account for exercise in your weightloss plan.
  • swhite1209
    swhite1209 Posts: 26 Member
    They are saying.... If MFP says ur daily calories should be 1200 that u should eat the 1200 but if u do exercise that allows you extra 200 then they dont eat their extra 200 because they dont lose as much. It is up to you whether to eat those extras. Ur daily allowance is 1200. I dont eat my extra calories. It says I can eat a lot more because of exercise but I rarely eat above my 1200. If I do its under 1300. But i rarely do that.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I appreciate this question! I'm noticing that myfitnesspal usually OVERESTIMATES what calories you have actually burned- sometimes by a lot. When I run I use a GPS and heart monitor it knows my weight and measures calories burned by my heart rate throughout the run vs speed and distance. In other words, it has more variables to go on. So on a 2 mile run, for example MFP may say I burned 318 calories but my Garmin says I burned 278. Over time that can really add up.

    Also I'm thinking that instead of ignoring all calories burned by cardio exercise I should eat halfway through them. This should keep my energy levels up and help prevent burnout, etc. That's what I'm going to try anyhow.

    Edit; I'm a bit jealous of those folks who have enough willpower to totally ignore their exercise calories burned and stick to their original calorie goal! Part of this is about listening to your body though. Sometimes you need more fuel :bigsmile:
  • sdc225
    sdc225 Posts: 32 Member
    No, I never eat them.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    I have tried it both ways and I find that eating some of them when Im hungry works for me. When I wasnt I didnt lose that fast and when I ate them all I didnt gain but didnt lose so now I eat some when Im hungry or I save them for the weekend and drink them :) lol

    You just have to see what works for you, its all trial and error because its different for eveyone. GL
  • jsfoley1
    jsfoley1 Posts: 4
    I try not to eat my exercise calories, but sometimes I just need them. I have not been losing for a long time. I may stop eating my excersise calories all together and see what happens. I had lost 35 calories since last April, and now I stay the same when I check in with my nutritionist. Very discouraging.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I try to. Somedays it happens and some that don't. You are supposed to eat them because if you are at 1200 you are approx 500 less to lose weight. If you burn 700 cals, you are now at a 1300 deficite for the day....thats' why you are supposed to eat them back.

    Now me, I know I can't always eat that much, especially now as my stomach has shrunk. I try to keep my exercises at 200-300 calories, then I am usually able to eat most of them back. Eating back my workout calories has not affected my progress at all.

    Now, my husband refuses to eat his exercise calories and he's still loses.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Okay, my BMR is 1730 (according to various websites) and MFP gives me 1200 per day so I am already 500 odd less per day.

    So are you guys saying that for you, if you eat your exercise cals you don't lose anything even though your cals have already been adjusted by mfp to allow weightloss?

    Kinda new and a bit confused lol

    Cheers x

    I eat mine and lose... I'm about 155 ish, I'm on 1470 calories a day (I set the # myself), and I eat back exercise calories. I am slowly but surely losing... but slow and steady WINS.

    mfp sets you up at a loss, so even eating your exercise calories, you maintain that deficit of calories needed to lose. If you don't eat them back, you may set yourself up for an unhealthy loss of muscle instead of fat. Or stalled weightloss because your body holds on to what you give it.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    I think what I am confused about is people saying that they don't lose weight if they eat them back?? If they did then that would just mean that they are back at whatever calorie deficit MFP set for them in order to lose they should still lose?

    I am not going to eat mine back but I am still really confused by the above...

    EDIT: HAHA and in the time it took to get my head around what I was trying to type loads more people have replied clearing up the confusion :)
  • spinedocmfp
    spinedocmfp Posts: 109 Member
    The site is designed to eat back your calories. You should follow the advice of the site and monitor your progress over a few weeks (not days). If you are losing, then keep it up. If you are not you could consider eating back 1/2 the calories or so. Keep in mind that the calorie burn calculation of the machines is probably 30 to 50% greater than actual. So if the treadmill says 150, it is likely closer to 100. Your 750 may be 500.