Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 8

Good luck at the scale team! Post your wt and exercise minutes! :flowerforyou:


  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I lost ½ lb this week (LW 174 lbs.) (CW 173.5 lbs.) I did 250 minutes of exercise this week walking.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Well Aunt Flow is still visiting, but no gain, no loss, that is not bad I do think I lost inches I will take them tonight did not have time this morning. I did 346 mins. of exercise this week :drinker: very proud of that. Hopefully I will show a loss next Friday. I did not get on the scale all week, another proud moment :laugh: :laugh: I will keep this challenge and wait until Friday.

    Have to get some work done and stay focused today. Hope everybody does well with the evil scale today. :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Oh this is my son now
  • jacque509
    Good Friday all!! Down to 247.8 so It a loss!!! well I got in 110 of exercise this week. Sef need to work on that. What our challege this week?
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :explode: I know I couldn't exercise but I DID watch my calories (other than last weekend) :explode: But I gained like 4 lbs!!! :explode: Ugh! So mad!!! I'm at 232.8 this morning. I got in a whole 5 minutes of exercise before the treadmill incident. Oh well, I will not wallow in it and let myself give in to the frustration. It will just make me more likely to eat things I shouldn't. Tomorrow I'm going to start exercising again. Other than the scrape, my knee is feeling much better. I think I'll be fine.

    We have company this weekend. My husband is already planning on making french toast and sausage tomorrow morning. :frown: I tried to steer him away from it, but he got a little defensive. French toast is his specialty. I think there are plans to go out to eat at least twice this weekend. One of the suggestions is the local pizza buffet. I have a hate/love relationship with this place, I really hate that I love them so much!! :mad: :heart: I have a really hard time not overeating there. Even if I say I'm going to only have a salad and a few slices of pizza, I know that I'll eat 6 slices at least. And one of those would be their peanut butter chocolate chip cookie pizza. :sad: Hopefully, our guests will decide against it. I can do okay eating out most other places.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    :explode: I know I couldn't exercise but I DID watch my calories (other than last weekend) :explode: But I gained like 4 lbs!!! :explode: Ugh! So mad!!! I'm at 232.8 this morning. I got in a whole 5 minutes of exercise before the treadmill incident. Oh well, I will not wallow in it and let myself give in to the frustration. It will just make me more likely to eat things I shouldn't. Tomorrow I'm going to start exercising again. Other than the scrape, my knee is feeling much better. I think I'll be fine.

    We have company this weekend. My husband is already planning on making french toast and sausage tomorrow morning. :frown: I tried to steer him away from it, but he got a little defensive. French toast is his specialty. I think there are plans to go out to eat at least twice this weekend. One of the suggestions is the local pizza buffet. I have a hate/love relationship with this place, I really hate that I love them so much!! :mad: :heart: I have a really hard time not overeating there. Even if I say I'm going to only have a salad and a few slices of pizza, I know that I'll eat 6 slices at least. And one of those would be their peanut butter chocolate chip cookie pizza. :sad: Hopefully, our guests will decide against it. I can do okay eating out most other places.

    Is your knee still swollen, (fluids will add weight), remember last week I gained 4 pounds and a couple of days later it went down to 2 pounds gained. I bet it is just water. If your knee is hurting dont over do it or you will be down longer, do your best with eating out, keep drinking lots of water before and at dinner, will help fill you up. You will do great. Look how far you have come. We are all here for you if you need to vent. :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    happy TGIF!! :flowerforyou:

    i am down .4 this week to 177.4. thought i would have a better loss, oh well. i know i am looking thinner cuz ppl are telling me so. it has to be the exercise. Denise and I will keep our stretching and toning appt's :bigsmile: my minutes were 330 and i want to improve there. i know the intensity of my workouts are better, so it is likely muscles are a building!:happy:

    more going on for MIL. they did a chest xray when she was in hospital for dx of shingles, and there is a spot on her lungs. her Dr saw and told her this yesterday, and TODAY, she is seeing a pulmonary oncologist? we are staying hopeful since her father and younger sister died of lung cancer. my MIL will be 65 in Dec.

    off to the city gang, so will check in later! wishin you all a great day. :smile: keep on keepin', you can do this, one day at a time! focus my friends! stay positive and take care of ** YOU ** :heart:
  • jacque509
    Kelly praying for MIL right now
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Kelly I am also saying a prayer for your MIL as well.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all, I know i have been MIA all week long, had alot going on and being sick didn't help that much ... but I feel better, still got the last of the sniffles and nose gunk and what not:grumble: but got my voice bad and can breath!.
    Did ok this week on exercise, not as much as i wanted though, I really wanted to step it up this week......that didn't happen got 400 mins in
    down 3 pounds to 216 this week:happy: wish that it was more..... but a loss is good asI sat there for the last 2 weeks at a stand still.
    Kelly-praying for your MIL:flowerforyou: and hope that you have fun in the city!
    Crystal- I agree that if your knee is swollen you will have increased in weight. I would not take this weeks weight in to heart:happy: ok! Just make healthy choices when you go out, you know you will :) silly:love:
    Everyone else have a wonderful weekend! will talk to you later on!:heart::bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Everyone

    LW 196 CW 194 loss 2 pounds...... I am still sick so no workouts for me .... so 45 minutes last sunday was the only thing i got in this week ....I am going back to my couch i am freezing ........have a good weekend everyone
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I only gained .2 lbs since I checked in a month ago. I'm happy with that. I am at 167.8.

    Kelly - sending good wishes for your MIL.

    Please also record 122 min of exercise this week.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • artichoke
    Happy Friday! I got in 305 minutes of exercise this past week, and am down 1lb to 146.5!! HOORAY!

    Yesterday I worked out with a trainer at the gym and now feel as if my body was dipped in concrete! It actually feels good and makes me want to keep it up.

    I've decided to set a mini-goal for myself to be down at my half way weight by Thanksgiving. 4lbs to go!!

    Have a great weekend Gals!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    crystal - what is a peanut butter chocolate chip pizza, what a minute, no I really don't want to know... Yes, I do... what I'll wait until work sends me out your way.... hubby has a trip next year, right now I don't tell him either... so I guess the peanut butter chocolate chip pizza is safe from me,,,

    Kelly - keeping your family in prayer.

    This morning's weight was 166.6 So that's down from last week.

    Maybe I'm beginning to shed the pounds I put on when my stress level was up.... daughter doing better - more normal, well as normal as a young teenager violence no angry outbursts so that's a HUGE step.

    Exercise wise, I did 310 minutes.

    Sally I wanted to tell you our local Walmart began to display Christmas items before Halloween.

    Maggie - home improvements will never be'll always find something else to upgrade, improve, paint, wallpaper, etc etc. Are you doing better?

    Have a good weekend everyone...
  • angiemcnett
    Good evening SHGP! I gained 1.6 puonds weight this week. I am at 207.4 pounds and would love to blame it on the baby but I would be lying. I only had 320 minutes of exercise this week and didn't do a good job with eating. My way of controlling my weight gain is by exercise and this week was not a good week. I had slept wrong on Saturday night and had a sore shoulder/neck for 4 days. On Tuesday, I added squats and lunges to my strength training after not doing them for 4 months and as a result I had sore legs until today. What a week. Hopefully this week will go better. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    evenin team! i am soooo tired right now, but finishing up some laundry:yawn: :yawn:

    thanks to you all for keepin my MIL in your thoughts and prayers...she has to have a pet scan Monday, then we will know more. i guess it is about 1 inch in size and the a lymph node near her breastbone is swollen. Dr told her she is very lucky they found it, b/c normally they don't, and really not sure why they did a chest xray but am thinking cuz she had nausea and pain, heart attack symptoms. anyway, will be spending the weekend there b/c we are wrapping beef. i hope to trim as much fat as i can from all our cuts and burger.

    jacque ~ no mention of a challenge yet, but i was thinking maybe a food one, like NO chips or NO hard candy? been thinkin bout you and the Fort Hood issue. so very sad....

    crytstal ~ just do the best you can eatin out and drink lots and lots of water. take it easy gettin back to activity. have a good weekend w/company! i love it when my dh cooks, but it is usually not healthy! :frown:

    Erica ~ love the ticker pic!! :smooched: so special girl! :heart: glad you are feeling better so you can get out there and derby it!:wink:

    ittybitty ~ get lots of rest and fluids.....take care!

    Barb ~ yup, stress is harmful. i have been lacking on my nite's sleep, for a good week now and it is stressin me out. :grumble: lookin forward to a day when i can sleep in a little...and i need to really try and get to bed earlier! :ohwell:

    ammcnett ~ be careful with all your exercising....gotta take care of the lil pepper growin inside....look at your baby ticker! how eciting!! happy for ya! :flowerforyou:

    will post the charts later tomorrow afternoon/evening.

    have a great weekend peppers! treat each day just like a weekday! make it count! :bigsmile:
  • artichoke
    Hey all!! I'm got in a nice hike yesterday and even missed the rain....barely! The weather has been very stormy here, so I was prepared to get soaked, but was glad to not feel a drop.

    I'm headed out of town tomorrow until the end of the week, so I probably won't get to post until Friday. I'm going to see my that means dealing with my mother's neurotic eating habits (namely, that she only eats once a day and thinks that soymilk is a "meal"). I have long since given up on ever believing that she'll take the time to learn about proper nutrition, and now just do my own shopping while I'm there. Deep breaths...

    Okay everyone! Have a great weekend!!
  • jacque509
    Well hi all,
    Its been a weekend. We have friends and love ones that are really having a hard time in Fort Hood. My childhood friend works at the VA up there and was put in locked down. They had 7 soliders there helping them who were told not to returned to base so thanks to a special lady she took them all home with her, and not able to get her daughter because she was in locked down at the school.A mother worst nightmare. My daughter class mate who she spent spring break with up by Fort hood, Dad was there but not injured, but none the less it was a hard day for the kids, until we got the call he was all right. I cant express enough how much we need to pray for our soldiers at home and a far. These are some trying times. We had a prayer and honor service at church for Veteran Day, and we prayed for all our young people. So remember everyone hug a Veteran and tell them thanks. If not for them America would not be the Country everyone wants to be in. I know we have some Miltary here in our group, I want to thank everyone of you who has made the choice to protect our country. Thank you and God Bless you!!!!
  • jacque509
    Good Monday All!!!
    Well I am so happy! regardless of them passing the healtcare bill (AGH!!) I made it to the gym this morning and did a 33 min work out before going to work. this is a major plus for me, my dd went with me and we actually had a good time together, maybe we will get to a peaceful time with exercising together ( i really hope so)
    Well I hope everyone has a good week ahead of them.
    Well a food challege for me would be good, How about no fried food for this week, along with our excersinig, water, me time, and fruit hahahaha.
    Maybe no fried food and exercising?
    I am open to anything, Let us know
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Monday Mornin' SHGP's! :bigsmile:

    Busy weekend here...5 men cuttin beef and I was the only one wrapping, Sat, 7:30 > 6:30. We got it all done in one day! So, we have 1/3 beef in our freezer. Whenever I could, I would pull chunks of meat out of the "trimmed" bucket and re-trim. My fil eats fat like it is food. He grew up on lard sandwhiches :sick: blech! MIL doing a little better, but weak. She should have stayed out of our meat shop area.....she started picking some trash up to burn, threw some important things away and burned in their burn barrel, and then the smoke came into where we were working ( windows open due to nice weather ), then she started the leaf blower and we couldn't hear one another talk, then she fell down some deck steps....OMG, go back to your corner! :bigsmile: it was kinda funny, fil was gettin so mad at her.

    anyway, we had such a beautiful weekend here, unbeliveable! it was near 70* and i wore shorts yesterday! hope you's all had a nice one too! :smile:

    Sunday, I worked on beading jewelry. Have 5 necklaces and plan is to do more this week before the craft show.

    Eating was NOT good, all weekend. Not sure I will have a loss this Fri, but am back on plan today and will work hard on the exercise and water and keep it clean!

    artichoke ~ have a good time with your folks....sounds like you're prepared for the week! way to go!

    Jacque ~ it is just still so sad bout Ft Hood. I am thinkin of all the folks who are affected by this tragedy. May God give strength to everyone.....:heart: ditto on thoughts for our military! i am so proud of our veterans and all who are and will serve this great nation!

    Ok Team, so from now thru Thursday, NO FRIED FOOD! keep up with the previous challenges and just stick to the healthy lifestyle!

    Each and every day ~~~
    * drink 64 oz water, or more :tongue:
    * 2-3 serving of fruit
    * 3-4 serving of veggies
    * 30 minutes of exercise, include some resistance, wts, stretching, etc
    * y-o-u * time :heart:

    don't forget we are working towards 400 hours of Exercise up to Thanksgiving. we have 2 full weeks and 2 days to get there! C'mon Green Pepper's push yourself, get out of that routine, comfort zone and go above and beyond! Nothin' is holdin' you back! Let's rock the chart! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day ladies, make it count! :flowerforyou:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :drinker: Morning all!
    Jacque~ The fort hood happening was such a hard thing to hear. MY thoughts and prayers have been for everyone involved. But somehow i never thought about the kids.How bad it must have been for them.......
    As a military wife I NEVER watch the news it is just something that i don't do, but with checking my email and what not I do hear of aweful things that are going on.
    Im with you on thanking a veteran!
    As for my weekend, it was a weekend...nothing much going on, all of yesterday i didn't leave my pj's and I cleaned every room, all the bathrooms, dusted, and did all the laundry. So i did feel accomplished!:happy:
    Woke up and got dressed this morning looking in the mirror and thought to myself "I look skinny today" Ok now that thought never hapend so I do feel good today! lets hope taht I can make skinny choice as well! LOL :laugh: :laugh: as the way the food in the house looks (Down to nothing) It won't be hard! :laugh:
    Hope taht everyone has a great monday!