Want to be friends?

Hi, my name is Anna. I'm 20, and I need to lose about 100 lbs. I'm hoping to find some friends on this site to help me stay on track. Feel free to add me.


  • Hi Anna. I'm Keisha. I'm 31 y/o. In 2009, a doctor told me if I kept gaining weigh at the rate that I was, I wasn't going to c my 11 y/o graduate high school. I said, at 350 lbs. and very depressed, that I couldn't and wouldn't lose weight. I SLOWLY changed some of my eating habits and saw a LITTLE weight come off. later in 2009, i was finally dx with bipolar and put on the correct meds. these meds made me less depressed in turn stayed in bed less. i became more active and more weight come off. In 2011, I got really serious. i completely changed!!! I started exercising, eating better, and being more involved in my families lives. i realize u may not have ur own family yet. but i'm sure u have parents,grandparents, uncles, cousins, sisters, r even friends u consider family. anyway i have already lost 130 + lbs, so it is possible. (i have not taken any pills, starved myself, induced vomiting, r taken un-needed laxatives) i didn't gain 200 lbs over nite and i'm not gonna lose them over nite. b patient. i will ttyl (with so tips i've learned). P.S. i still have 50 lbs left to lose so i'm still here wit ya.
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    Hey I'm Laura and I'm 23. I'm hoping to lose 75 lbs. I know the feeling of everyone our age looking great. Been going for a few days now. We sound like perfect motivation buddies :)