Boredom eating?

How do you all stop yourself eating when your bored? Its night time and little one is in bed. Hubby is on xbox and im left to my own devices. Food is screaming at me! xx


  • joymechelle99
    joymechelle99 Posts: 16 Member
    I fight it everyday and every minute of every day. I wanna eat when im bored happy stressed and sad basically all the time. sometimes i win the fight sometimes i dont, but i do try to burn as many calories as possible to make up for my bad days.
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    I recognize that I have the munchies out of boredom or habit and I drink some water. As much water as I can. If that doesn't work, I make a good choice. I always have some baby carrots or celery cut up and ready. Yes, it's not a cookie or chips or that open pint of Chunky Monkey (my wife is an enabler) that you REALLY want but it seems to do the trick.

    Also, if it's late, just go to bed already. You can get up earlier and exericse.

    Good Luck,

  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    First of all, try to keep yourself out of the kitchen, then find something to keep your hands busy. Do you have any workout equipment you could use at home that wouldn't wake up your little one? You could do a bit of exercise if you can.

    Reading is a good option too, especially if it's a book you can really get lost in - time flies by when I get lost in a book:smile:
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Don't keep snacky food in the house? Probably hard with a little one, but I've noticed the less I have in my house, the less I eat out of boredom and I'm pretty sure that' s how I got fat! Bored and stressed, never good for the intake!

    Maybe go for a walk instead? Challenge yourself with pushups or situps or planks or something?
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    I battle with this a lot, Ive found low sodium sun flower seeds help keep my mouth busy :)
  • Canuckjen
    Canuckjen Posts: 7
    For those nights I HAVE to have a snack, I always have frozen grapes handy. My sound weird, but my mom used to have them for me when I was a kid (I think it was a weight-loss tip she read in a magazine back in the 80's!). You either love 'em or you hate 'em, but it's a healthy snack so worth a try :)
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    This is my downfall for many years. I am also an emotional eater. I try my hardest to exercise as much as I can. Usually that will curb some of my appetite, but if I eat something that I should I will have exercised it off. Just remember it will take time losing weight and you will have good and bad days. I usually go for a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. Frozen fruits are good too. Try and stay as close to your calorie goal for the day or stay under it. It you eat a little over it then do not beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow is another day. Sometimes if I eat over my calories yesterday I will exercise more today to make up some of the distance. If al else fails get your hubby off of the xbox and do some belly dancing with him :) You burn some calories and the bordem goes away...
  • leanneb205
    leanneb205 Posts: 76
    This is my downfall for many years. I am also an emotional eater. I try my hardest to exercise as much as I can. Usually that will curb some of my appetite, but if I eat something that I should I will have exercised it off. Just remember it will take time losing weight and you will have good and bad days. I usually go for a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. Frozen fruits are good too. Try and stay as close to your calorie goal for the day or stay under it. It you eat a little over it then do not beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow is another day. Sometimes if I eat over my calories yesterday I will exercise more today to make up some of the distance. If al else fails get your hubby off of the xbox and do some belly dancing with him :) You burn some calories and the bordem goes away...

    Haha ohhh i'd love to see hubby belly dance!
  • NelehY
    NelehY Posts: 52 Member
    Number 1. Have a nice big drink of water.

    Number 2. Have you considered taking up a hobby?
    e.g. Knitting, drawing, embroidery etc
    or read more (maybe books on nutrition?)

    It would help occupy your mind
    - thus you would not be bored AND you would be distracted from thinking about food.
  • groovyfirechick
    I stay out of the kitchen and drink a bottle of water. that will usually kill the craving for me!
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Oooo I so did this and at times still do !!
    I try and drink tea when I get the feeling or else do some sort of exercise even just for a min or two then get a big drink of water.
    Im worse when im in work, I take little trips outside just for a look and that helps takes my mind of it.
    Those seem to work best for me :)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I have trouble with that at night, always between like 7pm and midnight, I crave candy bars/chocolate, lol. Sometimes I let myself have one, but I never go and get them if they're not in the house already, which isn't often. That helps me limit it in it's own way.

    I've been keeping a snack salad around the past few days, when I feel munchy I crack it open and nom on mushrooms and cucumbers while watching tv or reading.

    Water, veggie/fruit for snacks instead of 'junk' options, and something to occupy yourself are probably your best bets.
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    glass of water or a green tea :)..........................oooorrrrr an oreo :D
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Celery helps me a lot. I read somewhere that it burns more calories to digest than it contains (I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I know it's so low in calories that it might as well be calorie-free) and it gets the urge to chew out of my system.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I chew sugarless gum because it gives me something to do with my mouth AND who wants to eat with that minty flavor in their mouths (of course, I do like chocolate and mint! lol).
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Water, veggie/fruit for snacks instead of 'junk' options, and something to occupy yourself are probably your best bets.

    This would be my answer as well.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Night time when I am relaxed on the sofa watching tv is usually when I want to eat or think about snacking.

    I try no keep myself busy either by reading a book or magazine or a movie or even exercise if i have the energy.

    Or alternatively if i have some calories left for the day i try to make the most out of them by using them on healthy snacks such as strawberries, satsumas or things like cucumber and cherry tomatoes :)
  • thirtytwopostcards
    I keep a big bottle of water with me and drink from that to keep me full. If I have to eat something I try to go for fruit. Brushing your teeth helps too, who wants to eat when you have a minty mouth?
  • SanniHope
    SanniHope Posts: 23
    I keep a big bottle of water with me and drink from that to keep me full. If I have to eat something I try to go for fruit. Brushing your teeth helps too, who wants to eat when you have a minty mouth?

    Completely agree :)

    I would also suggest not to keep junk or sweets in the house, this in prevention of a boredom eating rush ;)