Feeling like Im eating too much to lose weight

I have been following the calories very closely. I have only went over one day which was my cheat day and thats all.
Ive noticed that since Ive started MFP, I feel like Im eating too much actually.

I know this sounds weird, but I guess that when I started this diet, I thought I was supposed to have that "deprived" feeling. I thought that dieting meant that I was suppose to feel hungry in order to lose weight.

I always eat about 1630 calories a day and I exercise 4 times a week. I am really trying to change my life style. :)

I just hope that I am not eating too much. I still wonder am I supposed to feel "deprived" in order to know that the fat is burning off more so than when I am eating full meals.


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I've been at this a year and have hardly ever felt deprived. You'll know if you are eating too much to lose weight if you stop losing weight. This doesn't need to be a miserable experience; deprivation is not required. Some restraint and careful decision-making, however, is.
  • benzie314
    benzie314 Posts: 12
    Losing weight should not be a "diet" but a life change. Your body needs various amounts of calories. Some days I eat 1200 others I eat 1700. When you exercise your body also needs more.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    1630 calories of healthy food is a lot of food (for me). You're doing great! You don't have to feel deprived.

    If you want less food/faster loss, you can cut back a little, too. I know it sounds like I say that to everyone, I just feel like I have to balance out the (mis)info you see here about how much you have to eat.

    But 1630 is a great level, especially to build long term habits you can live with.
  • lacrimosia
    lacrimosia Posts: 39
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I haven't felt deprived in a year + . It's part of making the transition from "diet" to "new lifestyle".

    Depriving yourself is a huge reason that so many people fall off the healthy lifestyle wagon. Trust MFP and the process, and be patient (I know, easier said than done) :wink:

    Just track everything you eat stay active, you will get to your goals.
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Search the forums for the eat more to weigh less group. There is a lot of info in there that can answer the questions that you have. :)