My MFP Friends

I have to give a big "THANK YOU!!" to all MFP Friends. I only have 13 or 14 of them on my list but they are the most supportive people I know. All last week I was off track, going over on my calories and even gaining 10+ pounds. All I got was support from them. Not one negative comment. If all MFP friends are like the ones I have there is no reason anyone should not lose weight. If they are not losing weight then they don't really want to. Thanks Again guys!!!


  • cubba213
    cubba213 Posts: 12 Member
    Keep it up Jason, we are all in the same boat here, we just have to help each other keep the boat afloat :):):)
  • glenoakchic2006
    glenoakchic2006 Posts: 128 Member
    That's why we're here Jason. We all need encouragement cuz if we could do it on our own we wouldn't need this site. You have been an awesome encouragement to me also. Thankyou. And as for getting off track it happens to all of us. I have a vaca to Myrtle coming up and I'm nervous. But with the help of my mfp friends I know I will get through it and hopefully not blow my calories everyday.
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    that's what we're here for, and i appreciate your support too!
  • cckellympls
    cckellympls Posts: 39 Member
    We all have bad days, weeks, months. The key is to try to get back on track as soon as possible. I have a bad few years and managed to gain 80 pounds. Not healthy!!! I agree that there are many supportive people here. I think we have been blessed to find this site!!! Keep on trying and be the best that you can. Don't give up on yourself and we wont either!!!