Low-Calorie Diet?

Hey guys!

For the past couple weeks I have been "dieting" (although I don't like that word) by eating food portions and healthy food (like meats, eggs, vegetables and fruit).

I was averaging about 900 calories last week. Today, I'm expecting to eat about 350. I realize this is really bad for me...

I am having a problem.

I should say I am a 20 year old female, I am 4'11", and I currently weight about 160 pounds. I want to lose 40 pounds.

Ideally, this would happen in 2 months.

I understand the starvation fear... But I just can't shake the feeling that I have spent the past probably 8 years trying to get to a healthy weight (I hit puberty when I was 8 years old). I hate myself beyond recognition and my weight is a big factor.

I am currently overcoming a really bad salt addiction (of nearly 23g a day) and that's been tough. I have over 50% of all of my daily required nutrients.

I am also exercising. 30 minutes on a stair treadmill or 30 minutes of strength training (alternates) as well as 60 minutes of moderate swimming.

I want so desperately to lose this weight I almost feel like my happiness depends on it. My boyfriend tells me I should be happy with who I am but I can't be. I don't like who I am. I don't want to like who I am.

I have read the inspiration stories... But they haven't inspired me.

I dont know what to do.


  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I don't understand how you will feel better about yourself if you treat yourself so poorly. Would you starve a child or a pet to the degree that you're planning to starve yourself?
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I would suggest you go to speak with a Doctor. Eating that low (900 as you mentioned and than bringing it down to 350??) is not healthy at all and unfortunately is a bit of a sign of an eating disorder. Eating that little will lead to muscle loss.

    Unfortunately you can't take off 40lbs in a healthy way in two months.

    Do it the healthy way... you will thank yourself later. Eat more, continue with your exercise and you will get there in a healthy manner.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I wish the thread didn't get deleted but there was a pro-ana girl who was gaining weight on 600 calories at my height and size. I was eating at least 3 times what she was eating daily and she was gaining weight and I was losing. I think the best solution to your problem is knowledge. Realize that 600 calories as surprising as it seems isn't going to get you there quicker. Most LCD just get rid of glycogen, and I'm pretty sure most people want to lose weight because they want to get rid of fat, not energy.

  • lookitsandrea
    I've eaten some applesauce, peanuts and pretzel m n ms and was able to increase my calories to 900 (also by adding homemade garlic bread to my dinner).

    But in this case, I might end up swimming for an extra 40 minutes, taking an hour walk, and then doing some archery for 30 minutes to keep the same weight loss speed.

    I suppose that's probably also a problem...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I wish the thread didn't get deleted but there was a pro-ana girl who was gaining weight on 600 calories at my height and size. I was eating at least 3 times what she was eating daily and she was gaining weight and I was losing. I think the best solution to your problem is knowledge. Realize that 600 calories as surprising as it seems isn't going to get you there quicker. Most LCD just get rid of glycogen, and I'm pretty sure most people want to lose weight because they want to get rid of fat, not energy.


    you dont gain weight eating 600 calories a day unless you start out weighing 20 pounds

    get real
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    If you eat under 1000 calories you are going to mess up your metabolism. It will slow down and then you'll gain by eating just a little- bad idea.
    Your diary is closed. Are you getting around 100 grams of protein and staying under 100 carbs a day? That's all you have to do. Look at my diary and compare it to yours- are you eating "clean foods"? Stay away from fast food and boxed prepackaged foods.
    Google mark's daily apple/ the primal blueprint for food ideas, it changed my eating patterns and I can eat so much more and i'm wearing a size 0/2 and I'm 5ft2.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    See a doctor, maybe you might listen to them.
    No comment beyond that really. It is your body, your choice if you wish to mess it up, which you will, guaranteed, as it is obvious that no-one can live longterm on 600 calories a day, or even 900, without ending up in a hospital being tube fed, which really isn't very pleasant, I assure you.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I thought I was low but you got it beat...not sure that's good. You should at least go back up the 900 calories and make them count with protien and veggies and such. Don't feed into the starvation mode crap, but don't be hungry all the time either. You'll just binge eat and that's not good either. I have between 600 and 800 a day and lose around 15 lbs a month. I have more than 40 lbs to lose so I need to keep up this pace for the time being, I think you need to take it a bit slower. I started out eating 1000 and still lost 10 to 15 a month but stalled out so I decreased it to what I'm doing now. And in no way (for me anyways) is eating this low the beginning of an ED, some people just like to scare you with scare tatics. You should really move those calories back up.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I wish the thread didn't get deleted but there was a pro-ana girl who was gaining weight on 600 calories at my height and size. I was eating at least 3 times what she was eating daily and she was gaining weight and I was losing. I think the best solution to your problem is knowledge. Realize that 600 calories as surprising as it seems isn't going to get you there quicker. Most LCD just get rid of glycogen, and I'm pretty sure most people want to lose weight because they want to get rid of fat, not energy.


    you dont gain weight eating 600 calories a day unless you start out weighing 20 pounds

    get real
    Get real lol. Get manners.

    Besides most people should know better. I've woken up heavier the next day after eating very little. Besides, she's the one who stated it, not me. And since I know someone with an ED that was gaining weight on very little, I'm not going to say it's untrue. Defense mechanism maybe? I'm not saying it would have kept going and they would have turned into a giant. I'm not saying the weight she put on was fat or muscle. VLCD can cause glycogen depletion so it may have been as simple as that and the body clinging to food. And I was living proof that you could eat more and be the same weight.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    Dear Posters,

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that our users follow the calorie guidelines automatically assigned by our site, unless they are under the direct supervision of a doctor.

    Please be aware of the following guideline

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.

    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote or glamorize dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.

    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.

    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that anyone suffering from the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, or Compulsive eating make use of the resources offered by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. You may reach the ANAD hotline by phone in the US: 847-831-3438 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, Central Time) or on the web at http://www.anad.org/site/anadweb/

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    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator

  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    It's IMPOSSIBLE to lose that much weight specially you are under 5 ft.
    If you eat too low cal, 2 things will happen
    1) The craving will be so high that you will binge.
    2) You will lose muscle mass and remember organs including the heart are also part of muscle mass.
    Also once you get off the diet, you can't eat much any more since your metabolism is too low from losing muscle mass.