Does anyone else think Insanity is way too hard?

I'm 155 pounds and even just the first two days kill me. I have to keep taking breaks to catch my breath and the muscles in my legs just can't take it totally, so even if I'm not out of breath at certain points, my legs just want to give out. I also used to smoke for many years, and quit just about 3 years ago, so I know my lungs aren't in the best shape...

It just seems so hard, it's discouraging. Makes me not wanna keep going. Ugh... :sad:


  • Did Fitness test today and yes it's hard if it was easy everyone would do it! add me if you need someone to keep you motivated! :happy:
  • It's just that if it's so hard, I can't even get through one dvd, how can I keep going? Shouldn't I keep doing that one dvd till I can get through it like I'm supposed to? Don't they just get harder and harder?
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I though it was okay until I got to the Max DVDs. Those are insane. They piss me off.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    No keep going!! The point is to build your stamina! I finished month 1 and was like you at the start! As a matter of fact today during my 3 fit test my legs gave out and I crumpled :noway: - then I got my *kitten* up and did 2 more suicides!! :grumble:

    I promise yoy will get better just focus on form- take it slow and take as many breaks as you need! If it was easy there would be no results :tongue: You will see results and you will get through it!

    For what it's worth- boy push ups kill me- I tend to do girl ones! I have done 30DS Ripped in 30 and half way through Insanity!
  • Is it really helping to shred the fat? I need to know all this torture will be worth it. :blushing:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Quit thinking of it as torture or you will never enjoy it. Attitude is everything. Celebrate your advances, one less break, one more rep, do your best - rest as needed and know that you ARE making advances. By dreading it, hating it, and whining about it doesn't ever make you want to do it. It's supposed to be hard - hence the shirt - I earned it! It's not a program for everyone, it's a program that you really have to really want to make incredible advances in 60 days - then the next round you do for the next 60 days are even more incredible - take each day at a time. Keep pushing play. Did you buy the program through a Beach Body Coach? I would suggest seeing if that coach or someone else has a support group or challenge group you can join. If not, look on the BeachBody message boards, jump on a thread where people in the same stage of insanity are with you, it' really helped me get through their programs.
  • Ok thanks a lot. I've got to change my attitude about it. It's just so hard it makes me feel so bad about myself. Haha!! :laugh:

    I got it on Amazon, by the way. But I'll look into the message boards on the beach body website as well. :drinker:
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Done it 2.5 times now. It was hard at first, but now I find any other exercise far too easy.
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    If I don't feel like Im going to die, Im not working hard enough.
    The warm up is harder than some workouts.
    Love it!!!
  • gabinator926
    gabinator926 Posts: 2 Member
    So true. The warm up alone is a killer. I did Insanity for 3 weeks and then fell off the wagon. Time to press play again. I did lose about 5 lbs during those 3 weeks, so I know it works.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yes, because it IS too hard. And it's supposed to be. It's marketed to people that get excited about taking on an extreme challenge. And unlike most other workouts, it's best if a person is in decent shape to start.

    I loved it but I'm the type that likes the extreme nature of it. When I did it the first time I was clocking in at 260+ pounds and it was hard. Damn hard. But if it's not your thing, there's no shame in switching to a workout you enjoy more.

    That said, it's a bit early for you to give up. Starting out is the worst part. It's gets better. And it's not a big deal if you can't finish. Just do the best you can. I had to tap out at the end of the 2 group of exercises for the first week or so.

    The first week is hell, from the fit test to just the warmups. By the start of week 3 I was all in. Of course, right as I could finish everything at full speed it was time to start Month 2.....
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Most people I know who have done Insanity, have said that they recommend doing P90X first... almost like a warm up to Insanity.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's hard. Asylum is harder. Enjoy Insanity. Focus on form. And yes, it only gets harder.
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    Thinking of adding Insanity to mix it up . . . Looking forward to more responses!
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
  • bsharrah
    bsharrah Posts: 129 Member
    Don't be afraid to slow your pace. As he states in the videos, do what YOU can do, not what they do. Don't try to go at their pace, at least not at first. Many can't get through it the first time without breaks. If they could, it would not be the challenge many need it to be.
  • jezmarie89
    jezmarie89 Posts: 120
    KEEP GOING. Your body is in a "wtf-mode" It gets easier.. i just mixed insanity routines with other routines like body rock tv and taebo in the week so i wouldnt get bored seeing the same vids. Even though i didnt follow the Insanity workout schedule improvement in my endurance and stamina were drastic
  • Oh man insanity is where it’s at I’m on my third cycle of it and man let me tell you every time it still hurts but it is possibly the best work out I’ve ever done I make all my guys do it for pt now. I can personally tell you it works I’ve dropped 50 lbs. doing it and it feels great just hang in there and keep at it you will see the results if you keep with it.